

好的,我有这个字段:code varchar(255)。它包含我们导出例程中使用的一些值,例如



WHERE is_numeric(table.code)


你能提出任何可以在 mysql 5.1 和 oracle 10g 下工作的东西吗?

下面是 SQL Server、MySQL 和 Oracle 的三个单独的实现。没有人使用(或可以)相同的方法,因此似乎没有跨 DBMS 的方法来做到这一点。 对于MySQL和Oracle,仅显示简单整数测试;对于 SQL Server,显示了完整的数值测试。

对于 SQL Server:请注意,isnumeric('.') 返回 1.. 但它实际上无法转换为浮点数。某些文本(例如“1e6”)无法直接转换为数字,但可以先传递浮点数,然后传递数字。

;with tmp(x) as (
    select 'db01' union all select '1' union all select '1e2' union all
    select '1234' union all select '' union all select null union all
    select '1.2e4' union all select '1.e10' union all select '0' union all
    select '1.2e+4' union all select '1.e-10' union all select '1e--5' union all
    select '.' union all select '.123' union all select '1.1.23' union all
    select '-.123' union all select '-1.123' union all select '--1' union all
    select '---1.1' union all select '+1.123' union all select '++3' union all
    select '-+1.123' union all select '1 1' union all select '1e1.3' union all
    select '1.234' union all select 'e4' union all select '+.123' union all
    select '1-' union all select '-3e-4' union all select '+3e-4'  union all
    select '+3e+4' union all select '-3.2e+4' union all select '1e1e1' union all
    select '-1e-1-1')

select x, isnumeric(x),
    case when x not like '%[^0-9]%' and x >'' then convert(int, x) end as SimpleInt,
    when x is null or x = '' then null -- blanks
    when x like '%[^0-9e.+-]%' then null -- non valid char found
    when x like 'e%' or x like '%e%[e.]%' then null -- e cannot be first, and cannot be followed by e/.
    when x like '%e%_%[+-]%' then null -- nothing must come between e and +/-
    when x='.' or x like '%.%.%' then null -- no more than one decimal, and not the decimal alone
    when x like '%[^e][+-]%' then null -- no more than one of either +/-, and it must be at the start
    when x like '%[+-]%[+-]%' and not x like '%[+-]%e[+-]%' then null
    else convert(float,x)
from tmp order by 2, 3


create table tmp(x varchar(100));
insert into tmp
    select 'db01' union all select '1' union all select '1e2' union all
    select '1234' union all select '' union all select null union all
    select '1.2e4' union all select '1.e10' union all select '0' union all
    select '1.2e+4' union all select '1.e-10' union all select '1e--5' union all
    select '.' union all select '.123' union all select '1.1.23' union all
    select '-.123' union all select '-1.123' union all select '--1' union all
    select '---1.1' union all select '+1.123' union all select '++3' union all
    select '-+1.123' union all select '1 1' union all select '1e1.3' union all
    select '1.234' union all select 'e4' union all select '+.123' union all
    select '1-' union all select '-3e-4' union all select '+3e-4'  union all
    select '+3e+4' union all select '-3.2e+4' union all select '1e1e1' union all
    select '-1e-1-1';

select x,
    case when x not regexp('[^0-9]') then x*1 end as SimpleInt
from tmp order by 2


case when REGEXP_LIKE(col, '[^0-9]') then col*1 end

跨数据库管理系统检查字符串是否为数字的方法 的相关文章


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