


import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as opt
import math

# Periodic indexation
def pl(list, i):
    return list[i % len(list)]

# Main function (index j)
def RT(list, j, L):
    return sum((math.e**(-sum((k-abs(i))*pl(list, j+i)/v for i in range(-k, k+1)))-math.e**(-sum((k+1-abs(i))*pl(list, j+i)/v for i in range(-k, k+1))))/(sum(pl(list, j+i) for i in range(-k, k+1))+ 1e-10) for k in range(L+1))

# Vector function
def fp(list):
    return [RT(list, j, math.floor(len(list)/st)) for j in range(len(list))]

for 1<=j<=len(list), where L = np.floor(len(list)/st) and v = 7。我们一般采取st = 2。给定数据ltest,我想找到非负周期数组的最佳近似list以便|ltest - fp(list)|被最小化(或ltest ≃ fp(list)。数学表达式为RT可以写成

where {x} = list。对于一般list,梯度下降是相对有效的。然而,我一直在努力寻找提供中元素的最佳近似值list严格非负。有任何想法吗?

Here is 我的尝试. Take ltest to be 这个数据 https://pastebin.com/k9iD0AZq, 例如。第一个猜测可以给予 https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4629728/closed-form-or-upper-bound-for-lim-n-to-infty-sum-k-0n-frace-k2x-e by

# Initial guess
x0 = [(math.pi/(4*v))*i**(-2) for i in ltest]

然后我将使用 L-BFGS-B 方法,可从scipy, 如下

# Function to compute the difference between ltest and the list generated by RT
def fun(params, *args):
    list = params
    ltest0 = args[0]
    mse = np.sum((np.array([RT(list, j, math.floor(len(list)/st)) for j in range(len(list))]) - ltest0) ** 2)
    return mse

# Create non-negative bounds
bounds = opt.Bounds(0, np.inf)  # All parameters should be between 0 and infinity

# Call the constrained optimization algorithm
res = opt.minimize(fun, x0, args=(ltest,), method='L-BFGS-B', bounds=bounds)

# The optimized list is stored in res.x
opt_list = res.x


除非它运行得更快,否则运行优化将是一件很痛苦的事情。从上到下它还没有被矢量化,但这需要发生。 “简单”通行证是:

from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import Bounds, minimize

v = 7
st = 2
exp_v = np.exp(-1/v)

def periodic(values: Sequence[float], i: int | Sequence[int]) -> float | Sequence[float]:
    """Periodic indexation"""
    return values[i % len(values)]

def rt_inner(values: np.ndarray, j: int, k: int) -> float:
    i = np.arange(-k, k + 1)
    per = periodic(values, j + i)

    quotient = (
            (k - np.abs(i)).dot(per)
        ) - exp_v**(
            (k - np.abs(i) + 1).dot(per)
        per.sum() + 1e-10
    return quotient

def repeat_time(values: np.ndarray, j: int, L: int) -> float:
    """Main function (index j)"""

    return sum(
        rt_inner(values, j, k) for k in range(L + 1)

def function_points(values):
    """Vector function"""
    return [
        repeat_time(values, j, len(values) // st)
        for j in range(len(values))

def fun(values: np.ndarray, ltest0: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """compute the difference between ltest and the list generated by repeat_time"""
    inner = function_points(values) - ltest0
    mse = inner.dot(inner)
    return mse

def regression_test() -> None:
    x0 = np.pi/4/v / ltest**2
    assert np.allclose(x0[:10], [2.210536497254391e-05, 2.206056701657588e-05, 2.201689200243481e-05, 2.1974207592018127e-05, 2.1932628431138212e-05,
                                 2.18921456967544e-05, 2.185275082723814e-05, 2.181437468386809e-05, 2.177707036172205e-05, 2.1740769518783152e-05])

    assert np.isclose(
        repeat_time(np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 9), 0, 9 // st),
    assert np.isclose(
        repeat_time(np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 9), 1, 9 // st),

    assert np.allclose(
        [0.048562605686658246, 0.2561333409217431, 0.22284510468654223, 0.1801348324371491, 0.15240596740034554,
         0.13317771870433162, 0.11878913224487342, 0.10747112835180678, 0.0982518235968824, 0.09054651477020922,
         0.08397926925966721, 0.07829570944628872, 0.07331651598542453, 0.06891093040237876, 0.06498083918680733,
         0.06145079756314917, 0.05826155047254675, 0.05536569520658036, 0.05272480791861977, 0.050932251718794584]

    assert np.isclose(
        fun(x0, ltest),

def optimize():
    x0 = np.pi/4/v / ltest**2
    res = minimize(fun=fun, x0=x0, args=(ltest,), bounds=Bounds(0, np.inf))

    # The optimized list is stored in res.x
    opt_list = res.x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # optimize()


from typing import Sequence, Any

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import Bounds, minimize

v = 7
st = 2
exp_v = np.exp(-1/v)
L_structures = {}

def make_L_structures(L: int) -> None:
    k = np.arange(L+1)[:, np.newaxis]
    irhs = k - np.arange(L+1)[np.newaxis, :]
    ilhs = k - np.arange(1, L+1)[np.newaxis, :]
    L_structures['ki_tri'] = np.hstack((np.tril(ilhs, k=-1), np.tril(irhs)))
    L_structures['ki_trip1'] = np.hstack((np.tril(ilhs+1, k=-1), np.tril(irhs+1)))

def rt_inner(values: np.ndarray, j: int, L: int) -> float:
    index_into = np.tile(values, 2)
    val_tri_rhs = np.tril(
        np.broadcast_to(index_into[np.newaxis, j:L+j+1], (L+1, L+1))
    val_tri_lhs = np.tril(
        np.broadcast_to(index_into[np.newaxis, -values.size+j-1: -values.size+j-1-L:-1], (L+1, L)),
    val_tri = np.hstack((val_tri_lhs, val_tri_rhs))

    product = (
            (L_structures['ki_tri'] * val_tri).sum(axis=1)
        ) - exp_v**(
            (L_structures['ki_trip1'] * val_tri).sum(axis=1)
        val_tri.sum(axis=1) + 1e-10
    return product

def repeat_time(values: np.ndarray, j: int, L: int) -> float:
    """Main function (index j)"""

    return rt_inner(values, j, L).sum()

def function_points(values):
    """Vector function"""
    return [
        repeat_time(values, j, len(values) // st)
        for j in range(len(values))

def fun(values: np.ndarray, ltest0: np.ndarray) -> float:
    """compute the difference between ltest and the list generated by repeat_time"""
    inner = function_points(values) - ltest0
    mse = inner.dot(inner)
    return mse

def regression_test() -> None:

    x0 = np.pi/4/v / ltest**2
    assert np.allclose(x0[:10], [2.210536497254391e-05, 2.206056701657588e-05, 2.201689200243481e-05, 2.1974207592018127e-05, 2.1932628431138212e-05,
                                 2.18921456967544e-05, 2.185275082723814e-05, 2.181437468386809e-05, 2.177707036172205e-05, 2.1740769518783152e-05])

    assert np.isclose(
        repeat_time(np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 9), 0, 9 // st),
    assert np.isclose(
        repeat_time(np.linspace(0.5, 1.5, 9), 1, 9 // st),

    assert np.allclose(
        [0.048562605686658246, 0.2561333409217431, 0.22284510468654223, 0.1801348324371491, 0.15240596740034554,
         0.13317771870433162, 0.11878913224487342, 0.10747112835180678, 0.0982518235968824, 0.09054651477020922,
         0.08397926925966721, 0.07829570944628872, 0.07331651598542453, 0.06891093040237876, 0.06498083918680733,
         0.06145079756314917, 0.05826155047254675, 0.05536569520658036, 0.05272480791861977, 0.050932251718794584]

    assert np.isclose(
        fun(x0, ltest),

def optimize():
    x0 = np.pi/4/v / ltest**2
    res = minimize(fun=fun, x0=x0, args=(ltest,), bounds=Bounds(0, np.inf))

    # The optimized list is stored in res.x
    opt_list = res.x

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # optimize()

可以做更多的事情来对其进行矢量化,例如 2.5 维数据(矩形、压缩三角形) - 尽管它需要更多工作,因为分箱速度很慢:

from time import monotonic

import cProfile
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize

class Problem:
    __slots__ = (
        'ltest', 'exp_v', 'v', 'L',
        'value_idx', 'yj', 'ki',

    def __init__(
        ltest: np.ndarray,
        v: int = 7,
        st: int = 2,
    ) -> None:
        self.ltest = ltest
        self.exp_v = np.exp(-1/v)
        self.v = v
        self.L = L = ltest.size // st

        # Right and left triangular indices for expanding (-k, k) sum
        yr, xr = np.tril_indices(n=L + 1, m=L + 1)
        yl, xl = np.tril_indices(n=L + 1, m=L + 1, k=-1)
        y = np.concatenate((yl, yr))
        j = np.arange(ltest.size)[:, np.newaxis]
        self.yj = (y[np.newaxis, :] + j*(L+1)).ravel()

        # Right and left value array indices
        vr = xr
        vl = -1 - xl
        # j-offset periodic indexing
        value_idx = (np.concatenate((vl, vr)) + j) % ltest.size
        # bincount does not natively work with n-dimensional data. One dimension needs to be collapsed.
        self.value_idx = value_idx.ravel()

        # Right and left k-abs(i) terms
        kir = yr - xr
        kil = kir[:-L - 1]
        ki = np.concatenate((kil, kir))
        self.ki = np.broadcast_to(ki, value_idx.shape).ravel()

    def function_points(self, values: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        values_used = values[self.value_idx]
        sumsv = np.bincount(self.yj, weights=values_used)
        p0, p1 = self.exp_v ** np.vstack((
            np.bincount(self.yj, weights=self.ki * values_used),
            np.bincount(self.yj, weights=(self.ki+1) * values_used),

        product = (
            (p0 - p1)/(sumsv + 1e-10)
        ).reshape((values.size, -1))
        return product.sum(axis=1)

    def mse(self, values: np.ndarray) -> float:
        """compute the difference between ltest and the list generated by function_points"""
        inner = self.function_points(values) - self.ltest
        return inner.dot(inner)

    def x0(self) -> np.ndarray:
        return np.pi/4/self.v / self.ltest**2

    def optimize(self, **kwargs: Any) -> scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult:
        return scipy.optimize.minimize(
            bounds=scipy.optimize.Bounds(0, np.inf),

def regression_test() -> None:

    p = Problem(np.arange(20))
    assert np.allclose(
        [0.048562605686658246, 0.2561333409217431, 0.22284510468654223, 0.1801348324371491, 0.15240596740034554,
         0.13317771870433162, 0.11878913224487342, 0.10747112835180678, 0.0982518235968824, 0.09054651477020922,
         0.08397926925966721, 0.07829570944628872, 0.07331651598542453, 0.06891093040237876, 0.06498083918680733,
         0.06145079756314917, 0.05826155047254675, 0.05536569520658036, 0.05272480791861977, 0.050932251718794584]

    p = Problem(ltest)
    x0 = np.pi/4/p.v / ltest**2
    assert np.allclose(x0[:10], [2.210536497254391e-05, 2.206056701657588e-05, 2.201689200243481e-05, 2.1974207592018127e-05, 2.1932628431138212e-05,
                                 2.18921456967544e-05, 2.185275082723814e-05, 2.181437468386809e-05, 2.177707036172205e-05, 2.1740769518783152e-05])

    t0 = monotonic()
    assert np.isclose(140202.5913000041, p.mse(x0))
    t1 = monotonic()
    print(t1 - t0)  # 6+ seconds

def profile() -> None:
    37 function calls (35 primitive calls) in 8.537 seconds
    Ordered by: cumulative time

    ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
         1    0.056    0.056    8.537    8.537 76637914.py:198(mse)
         1    2.674    2.674    8.481    8.481 76637914.py:185(function_points)
       6/4    5.806    0.968    5.806    1.452 {built-in method numpy.core._multiarray_umath.implement_array_function}
         3    0.000    0.000    5.804    1.935 <__array_function__ internals>:177(bincount)
    p = Problem(ltest)
    with cProfile.Profile() as pr:

def optimize() -> None:
    prob = Problem(ltest)
    result = prob.optimize(disp=True)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # regression_test()
    # profile()

即使这样,每次迭代最多也只需要六秒(!)。认真解决这个问题需要降级到 C 语言和/或利用 GPU。


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