使用 unrar 库 - 将文件提取到文件流缓冲区中


我需要的是能够将 .rar 文件中的文件提取到流中。我正在创建一个测试用例来了解如何使用解压源文件 http://www.rarlab.com/rar/unrarsrc-3.9.9.tar.gz。我已经搜索和修补了一段时间,但我不知道如何使用该库。考虑到 .rar 档案的常见程度,我很惊讶我什至找不到它的文档或教程。


  • 不工作的文件有fileInfo.Method = 48。它们似乎是压缩率为 100% 的文件 - 即没有压缩

  • 工作文件有fileInfo.Method = 49, 50, 51, 52, or 53,分别对应压缩速度:最快、快速、正常、良好、最佳


以下是我迄今为止拥有的测试用例源和示例 rar 存档 http://www.mediafire.com/?yyimyi0mm52当用这个程序提取时,它既有工作文件也有非工作文件。

/* put in the same directory as the unrar source files
 * compiling with:
 *   make clean
 *   make lib
 *   g++ rartest.cpp -o rartest libunrar.so -lboost_filesystem

#include  <cstring>
#include  <iostream>
#include  <fstream>

#include  <boost/filesystem.hpp>

#define _UNIX
#define  RARDLL
#include  "dll.hpp"

using namespace std;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

//char fileName[100] = "testout0.jpg\0";
//// doens't work
//int PASCAL ProcessDataProc(unsigned char* buffer, int buffLen) {
//  cout  << "writing..." << endl;
//  ofstream outFile(fileName);
//  cout << buffLen << endl;
//  cout << outFile.write((const char*)buffer, buffLen) << endl;
//  cout  << "done writing..." << endl;
//  fileName[7]++;

int CALLBACK CallbackProc(unsigned int msg, long myBuffer, long rarBuffer, long bufferLen) {
  switch(msg) {
      memcpy((char*)myBuffer, (char*)rarBuffer, bufferLen);
  return 1;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2)
    return 0;
  ifstream archiveStream(argv[1]);
  if (!archiveStream.is_open())
    cout << "fstream couldn't open file\n";

  // declare and set parameters
  HANDLE rarFile;
  RARHeaderDataEx fileInfo;
  RAROpenArchiveDataEx archiveInfo;
  memset(&archiveInfo, 0, sizeof(archiveInfo));
  archiveInfo.CmtBuf = NULL;
  //archiveInfo.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST;
  archiveInfo.OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT;
  archiveInfo.ArcName = argv[1];

  // Open file
  rarFile = RAROpenArchiveEx(&archiveInfo);
  if (archiveInfo.OpenResult != 0) {
    cout  << "unrar couldn't open" << endl;
  fileInfo.CmtBuf = NULL;

  cout  << archiveInfo.Flags << endl;

  // loop through archive
  int numFiles = 0;
  int fileSize;
  int RHCode;
  int PFCode;
  while(true) {
    RHCode = RARReadHeaderEx(rarFile, &fileInfo);
    if (RHCode != 0) break;

    fs::path path(fileInfo.FileName);
    fileSize = fileInfo.UnpSize;

    cout << fileInfo.Method << " " << fileInfo.FileName << " (" << fileInfo.UnpSize << ")" << endl;

    char fileBuffer[fileInfo.UnpSize];

    // not sure what this does
    //RARSetProcessDataProc(rarFile, ProcessDataProc);

    // works for some files, but not for others
    RARSetCallback(rarFile, CallbackProc, (long) &fileBuffer);
    PFCode = RARProcessFile(rarFile, RAR_TEST, NULL, NULL);

    // properly extracts to a directory... but I need a stream
    // and I don't want to write to disk, read it, and delete from disk
    //PFCode = RARProcessFile(rarFile, RAR_EXTRACT, ".", fileInfo.FileName);

    // just skips
    //PFCode = RARProcessFile(rarFile, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL);

    if (PFCode != 0) {
      cout  << "error processing this file\n" << endl;
    ofstream outFile(path.filename().c_str());
    outFile.write(fileBuffer, fileSize);
    cout  << "error traversing through archive: " << RHCode << endl;

  cout  << "num files: " << numFiles << endl;



我发现一个文件似乎(声称是?),但根据文件,我没有做错任何事情。我想我可能会被迫诉诸 CRC 检查缓冲区并在失败时实施解决方法。

解决方案来源(感谢 Denis Krjuchkov!):

/* put in the same directory as the unrar source files
 * compiling with:
 *   make clean
 *   make lib
 *   g++ rartest.cpp -o rartest libunrar.so -lboost_filesystem

#include  <cstring>
#include  <iostream>
#include  <fstream>

#include  <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include    <boost/crc.hpp>

#define _UNIX
#define  RARDLL
#include  "dll.hpp"

using namespace std;
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

//char fileName[100] = "testout0.jpg\0";
//// doens't work
//int PASCAL ProcessDataProc(unsigned char* buffer, int buffLen) {
//  cout  << "writing..." << endl;
//  ofstream outFile(fileName);
//  cout << buffLen << endl;
//  cout << outFile.write((const char*)buffer, buffLen) << endl;
//  cout  << "done writing..." << endl;
//  fileName[7]++;

int CALLBACK CallbackProc(unsigned int msg, long myBufferPtr, long rarBuffer, long bytesProcessed) {
  switch(msg) {
      return -1;
      memcpy(*(char**)myBufferPtr, (char*)rarBuffer, bytesProcessed);
      *(char**)myBufferPtr += bytesProcessed;
      return 1;
      return -1;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  if (argc != 2)
    return 0;
  ifstream archiveStream(argv[1]);
  if (!archiveStream.is_open())
    cout << "fstream couldn't open file\n";

  // declare and set parameters
  RARHANDLE rarFile;  // I renamed this macro in dll.hpp for my own purposes
  RARHANDLE rarFile2;
  RARHeaderDataEx fileInfo;
  RAROpenArchiveDataEx archiveInfo;
  memset(&archiveInfo, 0, sizeof(archiveInfo));
  archiveInfo.CmtBuf = NULL;
  //archiveInfo.OpenMode = RAR_OM_LIST;
  archiveInfo.OpenMode = RAR_OM_EXTRACT;
  archiveInfo.ArcName = argv[1];

  // Open file
  rarFile = RAROpenArchiveEx(&archiveInfo);
  rarFile2 = RAROpenArchiveEx(&archiveInfo);
  if (archiveInfo.OpenResult != 0) {
    cout  << "unrar couldn't open" << endl;
  fileInfo.CmtBuf = NULL;

//  cout  << archiveInfo.Flags << endl;

  // loop through archive
  int numFiles = 0;
  int fileSize;
  int RHCode;
  int PFCode;
  int crcVal;
  bool workaroundUsed = false;
    char currDir[2] = ".";
    char tmpFile[11] = "buffer.tmp";
  while(true) {
    RHCode = RARReadHeaderEx(rarFile, &fileInfo);
    if (RHCode != 0) break;
    RARReadHeaderEx(rarFile2, &fileInfo);

    fs::path path(fileInfo.FileName);
    fileSize = fileInfo.UnpSize;
    crcVal = fileInfo.FileCRC;

    cout << dec << fileInfo.Method << " " << fileInfo.FileName << " (" << fileInfo.UnpSize << ")" << endl;
    cout << " " << hex << uppercase << crcVal << endl;

    char fileBuffer[fileSize];
    char* bufferPtr = fileBuffer;

    // not sure what this does
    //RARSetProcessDataProc(rarFile, ProcessDataProc);

    // works for some files, but not for others
    RARSetCallback(rarFile, CallbackProc, (long) &bufferPtr);
    PFCode = RARProcessFile(rarFile, RAR_TEST, NULL, NULL);

    // properly extracts to a directory... but I need a stream
    // and I don't want to write to disk, read it, and delete from disk
//    PFCode = RARProcessFile(rarFile, RAR_EXTRACT, currDir, fileInfo.FileName);

    // just skips
    //PFCode = RARProcessFile(rarFile, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL);

    if (PFCode != 0) {
      cout  << "error processing this file\n" << endl;

    // crc check
    boost::crc_32_type crc32result;
    crc32result.process_bytes(&fileBuffer, fileSize);
    cout << " " << hex << uppercase << crc32result.checksum() << endl;

    // old workaround - crc check always succeeds now!
    if (crcVal == crc32result.checksum()) {
      RARProcessFile(rarFile2, RAR_SKIP, NULL, NULL);
    else {
      workaroundUsed = true;
      RARProcessFile(rarFile2, RAR_EXTRACT, currDir, tmpFile);
      ifstream inFile(tmpFile);
      inFile.read(fileBuffer, fileSize);

    ofstream outFile(path.filename().c_str());
    outFile.write(fileBuffer, fileSize);
  if (workaroundUsed) remove(tmpFile);
    cout  << "error traversing through archive: " << RHCode << endl;

  cout  << dec << "num files: " << numFiles << endl;


我不熟悉 unrar,在快速阅读文档后,我认为您假设每个文件只调用 CallbackProc 一次。不过,我认为 unrar 可能会多次调用它。它解压一些数据然后调用CallbackProc,然后解压下一个数据块并再次调用CallbackProc,迭代该过程,直到处理完所有数据。 您应该记住实际写入缓冲区的字节数,并在相应的偏移量处追加新数据。


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