使用 objectGUID 进行查询 - Spring LDAP 模板


我正在尝试获取、存储并依次使用 objectGUID 来查询 Active Directory。 为了获取用户属性我正在使用以下

public static class MyDnKeyValueAttMapper implements AttributesMapper<Object> {
        public List<LdapKeyValueList> mapFromAttributes(Attributes attributes)
                throws NamingException, javax.naming.NamingException {
            List<LdapKeyValueList> attributeKeyValMap = new ArrayList<LdapKeyValueList>();
            NamingEnumeration<String> namingEnumeration = attributes.getIDs();

            while (namingEnumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
                String attributeName = (String) namingEnumeration.nextElement();
                String AttributeValue = attributes.get(attributeName).get().toString();
                attributeKeyValMap.add(new LdapKeyValueList(attributeName, AttributeValue));
            return attributeKeyValMap;

objectGuid 似乎总是以字符串格式返回。 我也尝试过——

UUID guid = (UUID) attributes.get("objectGUID").get();

这会引发“无法将字符串转换为 uuid”错误

似乎在我可以做任何事情之前,ldaptemplate 搜索总是以字符串格式返回属性。

我如何获取“objectGUID”的格式,以便我可以存储它并在 ldapTemplate 搜索查询中使用。


对于 Spring,将“java.naming.ldap.attributes.binary”属性注入 ldapTemplate

public LdapTemplate ldapTemplate() {
  return new LdapTemplate(contextSource());

public ContextSource contextSource() {
  final LdapContextSource contextSource = new LdapContextSource();

  // Important!!! Tell ldapTemplate to retrieve AD field
  // "objectGUID" as binary. Otherwise it will be
  // retrieved as a String, thus, modifying the byte[] array
  final Map<String, Object> envProps = new HashMap<>();

  return contextSource;


// Will not complain about the String to byte[] conversion and
// Has to be 16 in length. If not, you did something 
// wrong. For example ldapTemplate still retrieves objectGUID
// as String, modifying the value
byte[] guidBytes = (byte[]) attributes.get("objectGUID").get();
if (guidBytes.length == 16) {
  // Convert encoded AD objectGUID to UUID
  // objectGUID is not storing bits sequentially, so do the dance
  UUID uuid = UUID.fromString(
    guidBytes[3] & 255, 
    guidBytes[2] & 255, 
    guidBytes[1] & 255, 
    guidBytes[0] & 255, 
    guidBytes[5] & 255, 
    guidBytes[4] & 255, 
    guidBytes[7] & 255, 
    guidBytes[6] & 255, 
    guidBytes[8] & 255, 
    guidBytes[9] & 255, 
    guidBytes[10] & 255, 
    guidBytes[11] & 255, 
    guidBytes[12] & 255, 
    guidBytes[13] & 255, 
    guidBytes[14] & 255, 
    guidBytes[15] & 255));

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