如何在运行时向 TypeDescriptor 添加属性级 Attribute?


我想向对象的属性添加一些自定义的以 PropertyGrid 为中心的属性,以提供更丰富的编辑、隐藏一些值并将它们分组到类别中,因为我正在使用的那个类不提供此类功能,我无能为力关于它。

实际上,它是为 MS 的应用程序设置生成代码的,因此您无法以任何方式在属性方面扩展它。请参阅我的另一个问题:Runtime AppSettings.settings 编辑器对话框 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12042056/runtime-appsettings-settings-editor-dialog/12042754




public class PropertyOverridingTypeDescriptor : CustomTypeDescriptor
        private readonly Dictionary<string, PropertyDescriptor> overridePds = new Dictionary<string, PropertyDescriptor>();

        public PropertyOverridingTypeDescriptor(ICustomTypeDescriptor parent)
            : base(parent)
        { }

        public void OverrideProperty(PropertyDescriptor pd)
            overridePds[pd.Name] = pd;

        public override object GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd)
            object o = base.GetPropertyOwner(pd);

            if (o == null)
                return this;

            return o;

        public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetPropertiesImpl(PropertyDescriptorCollection pdc)
            List<PropertyDescriptor> pdl = new List<PropertyDescriptor>(pdc.Count+1);

            foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in pdc)
                if (overridePds.ContainsKey(pd.Name))

            PropertyDescriptorCollection ret = new PropertyDescriptorCollection(pdl.ToArray());

            return ret;

        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()
            return GetPropertiesImpl(base.GetProperties());
        public override PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
            return GetPropertiesImpl(base.GetProperties(attributes));


  • 构造函数需要ICustomTypeDescriptor,不用担心,我们可以为任何类型或其实例获取一个TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(_settings).GetTypeDescriptor(_settings)其中 _settings 可以是Type or object那种类型的。
  • OverrideProperty正是我们所需要的,稍后会详细介绍。


public class TypeDescriptorOverridingProvider : TypeDescriptionProvider
        private readonly ICustomTypeDescriptor ctd;

        public TypeDescriptorOverridingProvider(ICustomTypeDescriptor ctd)
            this.ctd = ctd;

        public override ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor (Type objectType, object instance)
            return ctd;



// prepare our property overriding type descriptor
PropertyOverridingTypeDescriptor ctd = new PropertyOverridingTypeDescriptor(TypeDescriptor.GetProvider(_settings).GetTypeDescriptor(_settings));

// iterate through properies in the supplied object/type
foreach (PropertyDescriptor pd in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(_settings))
    // for every property that complies to our criteria
    if (pd.Name.EndsWith("ConnectionString"))
        // we first construct the custom PropertyDescriptor with the TypeDescriptor's
        // built-in capabilities
        PropertyDescriptor pd2 =
                _settings.GetType(), // or just _settings, if it's already a type
                pd, // base property descriptor to which we want to add attributes
                    // The PropertyDescriptor which we'll get will just wrap that
                    // base one returning attributes we need.
                new EditorAttribute( // the attribute in question
                    typeof (System.Web.UI.Design.ConnectionStringEditor),
                    typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor)
                // this method really can take as many attributes as you like,
                // not just one

        // and then we tell our new PropertyOverridingTypeDescriptor to override that property

// then we add new descriptor provider that will return our descriptor instead of default
TypeDescriptor.AddProvider(new TypeDescriptorOverridingProvider(ctd), _settings);




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