如何为 json 请求对象指定可选元素


在 API 蓝图中,我希望为 POST 消息指定一个可选的 json 元素。 示例;

    ### Add a new User [POST]
    To add a User send a JSON .....

    + Request (application/json)

         "name": "A name",
         "age": 30

如何向 API 的读者表明年龄在 API 调用中是可选的,但仍显示它是一个整数?



### Source Fields

| field      | required | type | example                                | description |
| name       | * | string      | `average-lead-time-frontend`           | Unique name for machines, used as reference key and for url usage. |
| title      | * | string      | `Average Lead Time Frontend`           | Title for humans. |
| sourcetype | * | string      | `team-avgLeadTime`                     | Source type identificator. |
| groups     |   | list        | `["engagement-analytics", "builder"]`  | List of groups where entity is member. |
| options    |   | object      | `{ "team": 21926 }`                    | Addition options for sourcetype. |
| data       |   | list        | `[70.3, 31.8]`                         | Actual data held by Source. |

Generated table of fields: https://i.stack.imgur.com/cxocx.png https://i.stack.imgur.com/cxocx.png enter image description here


如何为 json 请求对象指定可选元素 的相关文章
