

我正在将 Rails 应用程序部署到 Linux 服务器,并且缺少一些 rake 任务,包括 rake gems:install 和 rake db

我正在运行来自 GEM 的 Rails 2.3.4。



它们在 rake -T 列表中缺失

rake apache2                   # Build Apache 2 module
rake clean                     # Remove compiled files
rake clobber                   # Remove all generated files
rake default                   # Build everything
rake doc                       # Generate all documentation
rake doxygen                   # Generate Doxygen C++ API documentation if ...
rake doxygen:clobber           # Remove generated Doxygen C++ API documenta...
rake doxygen:force             # Force generation of Doxygen C++ API docume...
rake fakeroot                  # Create a fakeroot, useful for building nat...
rake nginx                     # Build Nginx helper server
rake package                   # Build all the packages
rake package:clean             # Remove package products
rake package:debian            # Create a Debian package
rake package:force             # Force a rebuild of the package files
rake package:gem               # Build the gem file passenger-2.2.4.gem
rake rdoc                      # Build the rdoc HTML Files
rake rdoc:clobber              # Remove rdoc products
rake rdoc:force                # Force a rebuild of the RDOC files
rake sloccount                 # Run 'sloccount' to see how much code Passe...
rake test                      # Run all unit tests and integration tests
rake test:cxx                  # Run unit tests for the Apache 2 and Nginx ...
rake test:integration          # Run all integration tests
rake test:integration:apache2  # Run Apache 2 integration tests
rake test:integration:nginx    # Run Nginx integration tests
rake test:oxt                  # Run unit tests for the OXT library
rake test:rcov                 # Run coverage tests for the Ruby libraries
rake test:restart              # Run the 'restart' integration test infinit...
rake test:ruby                 # Run unit tests for the Ruby libraries

我的 rake 文件包含以下内容:

# Add your own tasks in files placed in lib/tasks ending in .rake,
# for example lib/tasks/capistrano.rake, and they will automatically be available to Rake.

require(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'config', 'boot'))

require 'rake'
require 'rake/testtask'
require 'rake/rdoctask'

require 'tasks/rails'

如何添加 gems 和 db rake 任务?为什么他们失踪了?

的输出是什么rake -T?这应该列出所有可用的任务。在 RoR 应用中,Rakefile定义您的任务。

您可以使用更新宝石gem update.


如何构建任务“gems:install” 的相关文章


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