

我是 Android 新手,正在开发一个关于绘制线条的示例项目。我想画一条连接两点的曲线或高架线(x1,y1 and x2,y2)。我试过canvas.drawArc()方法,但是RectF内的值drawArc方法只是圆的 x,y 中心点。它在我的两点之间给了我一个弧线。但我想要一条曲线完全连接我的两点。有人可以帮助我吗?提前致谢。

在 onDraw 方法中声明此方法:

private void drawOvalAndArrow(Canvas canvas){

    Paint circlePaint = new Paint();

    float centerWidth = canvas.getWidth()/2; //get center x of display
    float centerHeight = canvas.getHeight()/2; //get center y of display
    float circleRadius = 20; //set radius 
    float circleDistance = 200; //set distance between both circles

    //draw circles
    canvas.drawCircle(centerWidth, centerHeight, circleRadius, circlePaint);
    canvas.drawCircle(centerWidth+circleDistance, centerHeight, circleRadius, circlePaint);

    //to draw an arrow, just lines needed, so style is only STROKE

    //create a path to draw on
    Path arrowPath = new Path();

    //create an invisible oval. the oval is for "behind the scenes" ,to set the path´
    //area. Imagine this is an egg behind your circles. the circles are in the middle of this egg
    final RectF arrowOval = new RectF();
            centerWidth + circleDistance, 

    //add the oval to path

    //draw path on canvas
    canvas.drawPath(arrowPath, circlePaint);

    //draw arrowhead on path start
     arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth,centerHeight ); //move to the center of first circle
     arrowPath.lineTo(centerWidth-circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);//draw the first arrowhead line to the left
     arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth,centerHeight );//move back to the center
     arrowPath.lineTo(centerWidth+circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);//draw the next arrowhead line to the right

     //same as above on path end
     arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth+circleDistance,centerHeight );
     arrowPath.lineTo((centerWidth+circleDistance)-circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);
     arrowPath.moveTo(centerWidth+circleDistance,centerHeight );
     arrowPath.lineTo((centerWidth+circleDistance)+circleRadius, centerHeight-circleRadius);

     //draw the path



protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

    PointF mPoint1 = new PointF(w/1.2F, h/1.2F);
    PointF mPoint2 = new PointF(w/24, h/1.2F);
    Path myPath1 = new Path();
    Paint paint  = new Paint();

    myPath1 = drawCurve(canvas, paint, mPoint1, mPoint2);
    canvas.drawPath(myPath1, paint);


private Path drawCurve(Canvas canvas, Paint paint, PointF mPointa, PointF mPointb) {

    Path myPath = new Path();
    myPath.moveTo(63*w/64, h/10);
    myPath.quadTo(mPointa.x, mPointa.y, mPointb.x, mPointb.y);
    return myPath;  

关于在 android 中绘画的有用参考:

如何在Android中使用canvas绘制弧线? http://www.coderzheaven.com/2013/01/10/draw-arcs-android-canvas/

带有风景的基础绘画 https://guides.codepath.com/android/Basic-Painting-with-Views


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