如何使用 spring-security-oauth2 和 WebClient 自定义 OAuth2 令牌请求的授权标头?


我正在尝试通过 WebClient 调用升级到 spring security 5.5.1。 我发现oauth2clientId and secret现在 URL 已编码为AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient,但我的令牌提供者不支持这一点(例如,如果秘密包含+字符仅当它作为+ not as %2B)。 我知道这被视为spring-security 方面的错误修复 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/9610),但我无法让令牌提供者轻松改变其行为。


[文档](https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html5/#customizing-the-access-token-request https://docs.spring.io/spring-security/site/docs/current/reference/html5/#customizing-the-access-token-request)关于如何自定义访问令牌请求的内容在您使用 WebClient 配置时似乎并不适用(这是我的情况)。

为了删除 clientid/secret 编码,我必须扩展并复制大部分现有代码AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient定制WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient因为其中大部分具有私有/默认可见性。 我在一个增强问题 https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-security/issues/10042在春季安全项目中。

是否有更简单的方法来自定义令牌请求的授权标头,以跳过 url 编码?

一些围绕定制的 API 肯定还有改进的空间,并且肯定来自社区的这些类型的问题/请求/问题将继续帮助突出这些领域。

关于AbstractWebClientReactiveOAuth2AccessTokenResponseClient特别是,目前无法覆盖内部方法来填充基本身份验证凭据Authorization标头。但是,您可以自定义WebClient用于进行 API 调用。如果在您的用例中可以接受(暂时,在解决行为更改和/或添加自定义选项时),您应该能够在WebClient.


public class WebClientConfiguration {

    public WebClient webClient(ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager) {
        // @formatter:off
        ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction exchangeFilterFunction =
                new ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction(authorizedClientManager);

        return WebClient.builder()
        // @formatter:on

    public ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager(
            ReactiveClientRegistrationRepository clientRegistrationRepository,
            ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientRepository authorizedClientRepository) {
        // @formatter:off
        WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient accessTokenResponseClient =
                new WebClientReactiveClientCredentialsTokenResponseClient();

        ReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientProvider authorizedClientProvider =
                        .clientCredentials(consumer ->

        DefaultReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager authorizedClientManager =
                new DefaultReactiveOAuth2AuthorizedClientManager(
                        clientRegistrationRepository, authorizedClientRepository);
        // @formatter:on

        return authorizedClientManager;

    protected WebClient createAccessTokenResponseWebClient() {
        // @formatter:off
        return WebClient.builder()
                .filter((clientRequest, exchangeFunction) -> {
                    HttpHeaders headers = clientRequest.headers();
                    String authorizationHeader = headers.getFirst("Authorization");
                    Assert.notNull(authorizationHeader, "Authorization header cannot be null");
                    Assert.isTrue(authorizationHeader.startsWith("Basic "),
                            "Authorization header should start with Basic");
                    String encodedCredentials = authorizationHeader.substring("Basic ".length());
                    byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedCredentials);
                    String credentialsString = new String(decodedBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                    Assert.isTrue(credentialsString.contains(":"), "Decoded credentials should contain a \":\"");
                    String[] credentials = credentialsString.split(":");
                    String clientId = URLDecoder.decode(credentials[0], StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
                    String clientSecret = URLDecoder.decode(credentials[1], StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

                    ClientRequest newClientRequest = ClientRequest.from(clientRequest)
                            .headers(httpHeaders -> httpHeaders.setBasicAuth(clientId, clientSecret))
                    return exchangeFunction.exchange(newClientRequest);
        // @formatter:on



public class WebClientConfigurationTests {

    private WebClientConfiguration webClientConfiguration;

    private ExchangeFunction exchangeFunction;

    private ArgumentCaptor<ClientRequest> clientRequestCaptor;

    public void setUp() {
        webClientConfiguration = new WebClientConfiguration();

    public void exchangeWhenBasicAuthThenDecoded() {
        WebClient webClient = webClientConfiguration.createAccessTokenResponseWebClient()

                .headers(httpHeaders -> httpHeaders.setBasicAuth("aladdin", URLEncoder.encode("open sesame", StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))


        ClientRequest clientRequest = clientRequestCaptor.getValue();
        String authorizationHeader = clientRequest.headers().getFirst("Authorization");
        String encodedCredentials = authorizationHeader.substring("Basic ".length());
        byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(encodedCredentials);
        String credentialsString = new String(decodedBytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        String[] credentials = credentialsString.split(":");

        assertThat(credentials[1]).isEqualTo("open sesame");


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