


export class CObject extends BaseObject {
    constructor() {
    static url(path: string): string { return ""; }
    static wssUrl(): string { return ""; }
    static callMethod(method, path: string, params: any, noConvertData?: boolean): Promise<any> { return null; }
    static post(path: string, params: any, noConvertData?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return CObject.callMethod('post', path, params, noConvertData);

    static put(path: string, params: any, noConvertData?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return CObject.callMethod('put', path, params, noConvertData);

    static patch(path: string, params: any, noConvertData?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return CObject.callMethod('patch', path, params, noConvertData);

    static get(path: string, params: any, noConvertData?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return CObject.callMethod('get', path, params, noConvertData);

    static delete(path: string, params: any, noConvertData?: boolean): Promise<any> {
        return CObject.callMethod('delete', path, params, noConvertData);

包括 BaseObject 在内的整个类层次结构只是简单的 Typescript 类。但是,当我从CObject然后尝试实例化它,我收到这个可怕的错误(现在已经 4 天了!)。有趣的是我可以实例化CObject就其本身而言,没有任何问题。这只是派生类带来的问题,甚至是像这样的空类:

export class TestClass extends CObject {
    constructor() {

需要注意的一点是,此代码在我的服务器(Node.js)和客户端之间共享。该代码在服务器端运行得非常好。没有任何问题。 我尝试查看 babel 生成的代码,它只是简单的 ES6 类。所有其他 TS 生成的类都可以正常工作,并且以下所有内容CObject当它调用时失败CObject构造函数。

我的 .babelrc 如下:

    "presets": [
    "plugins": [
                { "src": "./build/Server", "expose": "Server" },
                { "src": "./build/Shared", "expose": "Shared" },
                { "src": "./build/Client", "expose": "Client" }
    "compact": "false"

对于客户端编译,我在 tsconfig.json 中的 Awesome-typescript-loader 配置如下:

编辑:我正在查看错误的 ATL 配置。完整配置如下:

"awesomeTypescriptLoaderOptions": {
    "babelrc": true,
    "useBabel": true,
    "useWebpackText": true,
    "useTranspileModule": true,
    "doTypeCheck": true,
    "forkChecker": true,
    "presets": ["env", { "targets": "last 2 versions, ie 11", "modules": false }, { "exclude": ["transform-es2015-classes"] } ],
    "babelOptions": {
        "sourceMaps": true
    "useCache": true


var path = require('path');
var webpack = require('webpack');
const TsconfigPathsPlugin = require('tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin');

let outputDir = path.join(__dirname, "..", "dist", "Client");
console.log(`Output: ${outputDir}`);

module.exports = {
    entry: "./src/Client/Browser/Src/Main.tsx",
    output: {
        filename: "client.js",
        path: outputDir
    target: 'web',

    // Enable sourcemaps for debugging webpack's output.
    devtool: "source-map",

    resolve: {
        // Add '.ts' and '.tsx' as resolvable extensions.
        extensions: [".ts", ".tsx", ".js", ".json"],
        plugins: [new TsconfigPathsPlugin({ configFile: "./tsconfig.json" })],
        modules: [

    module: {
        rules: [
            // All files with a '.ts' or '.tsx' extension will be handled by 'awesome-typescript-loader'.
            { test: /\.tsx?$/, loader: "awesome-typescript-loader" },

            // All output '.js' files will have any sourcemaps re-processed by 'source-map-loader'.
            { enforce: "pre", test: /\.js$/, loader: "source-map-loader" }



ConfigSection.ts?26cc:18 Uncaught TypeError: Class constructor CObject cannot be invoked without 'new'
    at new ConfigSection (ConfigSection.ts?26cc:18)
    at Object../src/Shared/Model/Config/ShAlpha.ts (ShAlpha.ts:338)
    at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap:19)

好的,感谢 Oscar Paz,我已经解决了这个问题。原来罪魁祸首是我的 ATL 配置:

"awesomeTypescriptLoaderOptions": {
    "babelrc": true,
    "useBabel": true,
    "useWebpackText": true,
    "useTranspileModule": true,
    "doTypeCheck": true,
    "forkChecker": true,
    "presets": ["env", { "targets": "last 2 versions, ie 11", "modules": false }, { "exclude": ["transform-es2015-classes"] } ],
    "babelOptions": {
        "sourceMaps": true
    "useCache": true


    "presets": ["env", { "targets": "last 2 versions, ie 11", "modules": false }, { "exclude": ["transform-es2015-classes"] } ],


    "babelrc": true,

期望使用 .babelrc,这正是 Node.js 代码所使用的。这导致了派生类的多个定义(ES6 和 ES5)CObject待生成。所以CObject已正确生成:

let CObject = exports.CObject = class CObject extends _BaseObject.BaseObject {} ...


let ConfigSection = ConfigSection_1 = class ConfigSection extends Shared_Core_CObject__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__["CObject"] {} ...


var ConfigSection = ConfigSection_1 = function (_CObject) {
    (0, _inherits3.default)(ConfigSection, _CObject); ...

这就是导致错误的原因。我不知道为什么 ATL 不忽略这些选项,也不知道为什么这些选项会导致这种代码生成。也许,有更深入了解的人可以提供一些线索。


如果没有“new”,则无法调用类构造函数 的相关文章
