在 Shiny 应用程序中过滤数据时,长度为 1 的字符向量除了第一个元素之外的所有元素都将被忽略错误





tweets <- data.frame(
  city = c("new york", "texas", "texas"),
  tweet = c("Test1", "Test", "tst")

  ui = dashboardPage(
      title = "Tweetminer",
      titleWidth = 350
      width = 350,
        menuItem("Menu Item")
          tabPanel("Set tweets2", 
                              brush = brushOpts(
                                id = "plot1_brush"
                   h4("Selected States"),
                   h4("Selected States' Tweets"),
  server = function(input, output) { 

    output$plot <- renderPlot({

      all_states <- map_data("state") 
      # Add more states to the lists if you want
      states_positive  <-c("new york")
      states_negative  <- c("texas")
      # Plot results
      ggplot(all_states, aes(x=long, y=lat, group = group)) +
        geom_polygon(fill="grey", colour = "white") +
        geom_polygon(fill="green", data = filter(all_states, region %in% states_positive)) +
        geom_polygon(fill="red", data = filter(all_states, region %in% states_negative))


    selected_points <- reactiveVal()

      all_states <- map_data("state")
      selected_points( brushedPoints(all_states, input$plot1_brush))

    observeEvent(selected_points(), {
        title = "Important message",
        tweets[(tweets$city %in% brushed_states()),],
        easyClose = TRUE

    output$brush_info <- renderPrint({
      all_states <- map_data("state")
      brushedPoints(all_states, input$plot1_brush)

    #get states from brushed coordinates
    brushed_states <- reactive({
      all_states <- map_data("state")
      brushed <- brushedPoints(all_states, input$plot1_brush)

    #this is to show the selected states
    output$select_states <- renderText({

    output$tweets <- renderPrint({
      tweets[(tweets$city %in% brushed_states()),]



tweets[(tweets$city %in% brushed_states()),]


texas Test


texas Test
texas tst


Warning in charToRaw(enc2utf8(text)) :
argument should be a character vector of length 1
all but the first element will be ignored


它不起作用的原因是modalDialog需要文本或 html,但您将其传递给data.frame,它不知道如何打印。所以你必须转换你的data.frame首先到可打印版本。这是一个示例实现:

    observeEvent(selected_points(), {
      my_tweets <- tweets[(tweets$city %in% brushed_states()),]
        title = "Important message",
        HTML(paste(apply(my_tweets,1,function(x) {paste(x,collapse=': ')}),collapse='<br>')),
        easyClose = TRUE



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