Python 中的 QuantLib cpibond 债券示例


我正在尝试让官方 C++ cpibond 示例在 Python 中运行。原始示例在这里:对于这里的scala:


运行时错误:第一次迭代:第一个活着的仪器失败,成熟度 2010年9月1日,参考日期2009年9月1日:第二站: 缺少 2009 年 9 月 1 日英国零售价格指数 (RPI) 修正值


import QuantLib as ql
calendar = ql.UnitedKingdom()
dayCounter = ql.ActualActual();
convention = ql.ModifiedFollowing

today = ql.Date(20, 11, 2009)
evaluationDate = calendar.adjust(today)
yTS = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(ql.FlatForward(evaluationDate, 0.05, dayCounter))

from_date = ql.Date(20, ql.July, 2007);
to_date   = ql.Date(20, ql.November, 2009);
tenor = ql.Period(1, ql.Months)
rpiSchedule = ql.Schedule(from_date, to_date, tenor, calendar, 
                               convention, convention,
                               ql.DateGeneration.Backward, False)
cpiTS = ql.RelinkableZeroInflationTermStructureHandle()
inflationIndex = ql.UKRPI(False, cpiTS)
fixData = [206.1, 207.3, 208.0, 208.9, 209.7, 210.9,
                    209.8, 211.4, 212.1, 214.0, 215.1, 216.8,
                    216.5, 217.2, 218.4, 217.7, 216,
                    212.9, 210.1, 211.4, 211.3, 211.5,
                    212.8, 213.4, 213.4, 213.4, 214.4,213.4, 214.4]
dte_fixings=[dtes for dtes in rpiSchedule]
print len(dte_fixings)
print len(fixData)
#must be the same length
inflationIndex.addFixings(dte_fixings, fixData) 
observationLag = ql.Period(2, ql.Months)
zciisData =[( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2010), 3.0495 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2011), 2.93 ),
              ( ql.Date(26, ql.November, 2012), 2.9795 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2013), 3.029 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2014), 3.1425 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2015), 3.211 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2016), 3.2675 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2017), 3.3625 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2018), 3.405 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2019), 3.48 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2021), 3.576 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2024), 3.649 ),
              ( ql.Date(26, ql.November, 2029), 3.751 ),
              ( ql.Date(27, ql.November, 2034), 3.77225),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2039), 3.77 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2049), 3.734 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2059), 3.714 )]

lRates=[rtes/100.0 for rtes in zip(*zciisData)[1]]
baseZeroRate = lRates[0]

zeroSwapHelpers = [ql.ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper(a[1]/100,observationLag,
    a[0], calendar, convention, dayCounter, inflationIndex) for a in zciisData]

  evaluationDate, calendar, dayCounter, observationLag, 
  inflationIndex.frequency(), inflationIndex.interpolated(), 
  yTS, zeroSwapHelpers, 1.0e-12, ql.Linear()))

notional = 1000000

fixedRates = [0.1]    

fixedDayCounter = ql.Actual365Fixed()
fixedPaymentConvention = ql.ModifiedFollowing
fixedPaymentCalendar = ql.UnitedKingdom()
contractObservationLag = ql.Period(3, ql.Months)
observationInterpolation = ql.CPI.Flat
settlementDays = 3
growthOnly = True

baseCPI = 206.1
startDate = ql.Date(2, 10, 2007)
endDate = ql.Date(2, 10, 2052)

fixedSchedule = ql.Schedule(startDate, endDate, 
                  ql.Period(6, ql.Months), fixedPaymentCalendar,
                  ql.DateGeneration.Backward, False)

bond = ql.CPIBond(settlementDays, notional, growthOnly,
                       baseCPI, contractObservationLag,
                       inflationIndex, observationInterpolation,
                       fixedSchedule, fixedRates, fixedDayCounter, 

print bond.NPV() 
print bond.cleanPrice()



import QuantLib as ql
import datetime as dt
calendar = ql.UnitedKingdom()
dayCounter = ql.ActualActual();
convention = ql.ModifiedFollowing
lag = 3

today = ql.Date(5,3,2008)
evaluationDate = calendar.adjust(today)
issue_date = calendar.advance(evaluationDate,-1, ql.Years)
maturity_date = ql.Date(2,9,2052)
fixing_date = calendar.advance(evaluationDate,-lag, ql.Months)

yTS = ql.YieldTermStructureHandle(ql.FlatForward(evaluationDate, 0.05, dayCounter))

tenor = ql.Period(1, ql.Months)

from_date = ql.Date(20, ql.July, 2007);
to_date   = ql.Date(20, ql.November, 2009);
rpiSchedule = ql.Schedule(from_date, to_date, tenor, calendar, 
                               convention, convention,
                               ql.DateGeneration.Backward, False)

# this is the going to be holder the inflation curve.
cpiTS = ql.RelinkableZeroInflationTermStructureHandle()
inflationIndex = ql.UKRPI(False, cpiTS)
fixData = [206.1, 207.3, 208.0, 208.9, 209.7, 210.9,
            209.8, 211.4, 212.1, 214.0, 215.1, 216.8,
            216.5, 217.2, 218.4, 217.7, 216,
            212.9, 210.1, 211.4, 211.3, 211.5,
            212.8, 213.4, 213.4, 213.4, 214.4]
dte_fixings=[dtes for dtes in rpiSchedule]
print len(fixData)
print len(dte_fixings[:len(fixData)])
#must be the same length
#inflationIndex.addFixings(dte_fixings[:len(fixData)], fixData) 
#Current CPI level
#last observed rate
fixing_rate = 214.4

inflationIndex.addFixing(fixing_date, fixing_rate)

observationLag = ql.Period(lag, ql.Months)
zciisData =[( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2010), 3.0495 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2011), 2.93 ),
              ( ql.Date(26, ql.November, 2012), 2.9795 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2013), 3.029 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2014), 3.1425 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2015), 3.211 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2016), 3.2675 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2017), 3.3625 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2018), 3.405 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2019), 3.48 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2021), 3.576 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2024), 3.649 ),
              ( ql.Date(26, ql.November, 2029), 3.751 ),
              ( ql.Date(27, ql.November, 2034), 3.77225),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2039), 3.77 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2049), 3.734 ),
              ( ql.Date(25, ql.November, 2059), 3.714 )]

#lRates=[rtes/100.0 for rtes in zip(*zciisData)[1]]
#baseZeroRate = lRates[0]

zeroSwapHelpers = [ql.ZeroCouponInflationSwapHelper(rate/100,observationLag,
    date, calendar, convention, dayCounter, inflationIndex) for date,rate in zciisData]

# the derived inflation curve
                              evaluationDate, calendar, dayCounter, observationLag, 
                              inflationIndex.frequency(), inflationIndex.interpolated(), 
                              yTS, zeroSwapHelpers, 1.0e-12, ql.Linear())


notional = 1000000

fixedRates = [0.1]    

fixedDayCounter = ql.Actual365Fixed()
fixedPaymentConvention = ql.ModifiedFollowing
fixedPaymentCalendar = ql.UnitedKingdom()
contractObservationLag = ql.Period(3, ql.Months)
observationInterpolation = ql.CPI.Flat
settlementDays = 3
growthOnly = False

baseCPI = 206.1

fixedSchedule = ql.Schedule(issue_date,

bond = ql.CPIBond(settlementDays,

#bond2= ql.QuantLib.C

print bond.NPV() 
print bond.cleanPrice()
compounding = ql.Compounded
yield_rate = bond.bondYield(fixedDayCounter,compounding,ql.Semiannual)
y_curve = ql.InterestRate(yield_rate,fixedDayCounter,compounding,ql.Semiannual)
##Collate results
print "Clean Price:", bond.cleanPrice()
print "Dirty Price:", bond.dirtyPrice()
print "Notional:", bond.notional()
print "Yield:", yield_rate
print "Accrued Amount:", bond.accruedAmount()
print "Settlement Value:", bond.settlementValue()

#suspect there's more to this for TIPS
print "Duration:", ql.BondFunctions.duration(bond,y_curve)
print "Convexity:", ql.BondFunctions.convexity(bond,y_curve)
print "Bps:", ql.BondFunctions.bps(bond,y_curve)
print "Basis Point Value:", ql.BondFunctions.basisPointValue(bond,y_curve)
print "Yield Value Basis Point:", ql.BondFunctions.yieldValueBasisPoint(bond,y_curve)

print "NPV:", bond.NPV()

# get the cash flows:
#cf_list=[(cf.amount(), for cf in bond.cashflows()]

def to_datetime(d):
    return dt.datetime(d.year(),d.month(), d.dayOfMonth())

for cf in bond.cashflows():
    print to_datetime(,amt,rte,zc

问题似乎在于,flationIndex 对象需要一个日期而不是多个索引点。我的假设是它会得出最新的有效点。

定价器的工作方式是通过通货膨胀率曲线期限结构 zciisData 增加实际息票。因此,结果成为名义未来现金流量。为了定价,债券定价者只需按名义期限结构对这些进行贴现即可。我添加了一些额外的代码来打印确定的现金流量和“增长因子”,然后打印贴现率。


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