查询参数和assert_generates/assert_routing - 我缺少什么?



在我的 paths.rb 中,我有以下内容:

resources :items


require 'ruby-debug'
require 'test_helper'

class ItemsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
  # Failure: test_assert_generates_using_params_and_extras(ItemsControllerTest) [test/functional/items_controller_test.rb:7]: The generated path <"/items/1/edit"> did not match <"/items/1/edit?q=abc">
  test "assert_generates using params and extras" do
    assert_generates '/items/1/edit?q=abc',
                     { :controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1', :q => 'abc' },
                     { :q => 'abc' }

  # Failure: test_assert_generates_using_only_params(ItemsControllerTest) [test/functional/items_controller_test.rb:15]: found extras <{:q=>"abc"}>, not <{}>
  test "assert_generates using only params" do
    assert_generates '/items/1/edit?q=abc',
                     { :controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1', :q => 'abc' }

  # Failure: test_assert_generates_using_using_only_extras(ItemsControllerTest) [test/functional/items_controller_test.rb:21]: found extras <{}>, not <{:q=>"abc"}>
  test "assert_generates using using only extras" do
    assert_generates '/items/1/edit?q=abc',
                     { :controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1' },
                     { :q => 'abc' }

  # Failure: test_assert_routing_using_params_and_extras(ItemsControllerTest) [test/functional/items_controller_test.rb:29]: The generated path <"/items/1/edit"> did not match <"/items/1/edit?q=abc">
  test "assert_routing using params and extras" do
    assert_routing '/items/1/edit?q=abc',
                     { :controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1', :q => 'abc' },
                     { :q => 'abc' }

  # Failure: test_assert_routing_using_only_params(ItemsControllerTest) [test/functional/items_controller_test.rb:37]: found extras <{:q=>"abc"}>, not <{}>
  test "assert_routing using only params" do
    assert_routing '/items/1/edit?q=abc',
                     { :controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1', :q => 'abc' }

  # Failure: test_assert_routing_using_using_only_extras(ItemsControllerTest) [test/functional/items_controller_test.rb:43]: found extras <{}>, not <{:q=>"abc"}>  
  test "assert_routing using using only extras" do
    assert_routing '/items/1/edit?q=abc',
                     { :controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1' },
                     { :q => 'abc' }

我本希望 *_using_params_and_extras 测试能够通过 - 我错过了什么?

也许你已经明白了这一点。我今天遇到了同样的问题,直到我发现这个问题,注意到额外选项的存在,最后再次阅读了assert_routing的文档。您必须从 url 中删除 q=abc 并将其放入 extras 哈希和 options 哈希中。


  {:controller => 'items', :action => 'edit', :id => '1', :q => 'abc'},
  {:q => 'abc'}

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