

在下面的代码示例中,您将看到垂直流动的之间有空白spans是。每个之间有空白line box.

我想首先声明这与之间的差距无关inline-block框,甚至是结果半领先 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#leading,在计算最小行高时添加到内联水平框的顶部和底部。

来自CSS2.1规范 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#inline-box-height:

内联框的高度包含所有字形及其 每边都是半行距,因此正好是“行高”。




  • background-color(如下例所示)覆盖了整行框
  • 尽管如此,每个行框之间仍然有空白
  • 我并不是在寻求消除差距的解决方案。如果我想这样做,我只需设置display: inline-block on the span

为什么会存在差距,有依据CSS2.1规范 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#leading。规范的哪一部分解释了间距?


// From CSS spec:
// The height of the inline box encloses all glyphs and their half-leading on each side and is thus exactly 'line-height'. Boxes of child elements do not influence this height.
span {
  background-color: red;
  line-height: 1;
<span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>

背景属性仅适用于内容区而不是线盒。在大多数情况下,内容区域是由height。正如我们可以读到的在规范中 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/box.html#content-height:

盒子内容区域的尺寸 - 内容宽度和 内容高度——取决于几个因素:元素是否 生成该框已设置“宽度”或“高度”属性, 无论 该框包含文本或其他框,该框是否是表格等。

And here https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#the-height-property:


该属性不适用于非替换的内联元素。请参阅 部分关于计算非替换内联的高度和边距 所使用规则的元素 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#inline-non-replaced.


“高度”属性不适用。内容区域的高度应该基于字体,但本规范没有明确规定 如何。例如,UA 可以使用 em-box 或字体的最大上升部分和下降部分。

Here is an illustration to better show youref https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5804256/image-inside-div-has-extra-space-below-the-image:

The content area is defined by the browser and in some case it can be the em1 that you see in above figure but not necessarely.



如果检查我们检查文档 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/line-height我们可以看到默认值设置为normal and:


取决于用户代理。桌面浏览器(包括 Firefox) 使用大约 1.2 的默认值,具体取决于元素的 字体系列。




In some cases, we will have the line box a bit bigger than the content area which explain the gap.1

现在为什么要设置line-height to 1没有解决问题吗?




body {

span {
  background-color: red;
  line-height: 1;
  animation:change linear infinite 2s alternate;

@keyframes change {
  to {line-height:3}
<span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>

将 line-height 设置为 body 就足够了,因为 span 将继承它:

body {
 line-height:1; /*line-height is equal to content area*/

span {
  background-color: red;
<span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>

1 Worth to note that in some cases and for some particular font, you may not see any gap and you won't even need to set line-height to 1 because the content area may be bigger enough to cover the line box since the calculation of both value are independent.


span {
  background-color: red;
div {
<div><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>
<div style="font-family:cursive"><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>

<div style="font-family:monospace"><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>

<div style="font-family:sans-serif"><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span><br/><span>Some span. As seen, background covers font plus half leading on top/bottom. There is still a gap, which is due to something else.</span>



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