从 Xcode 6 安装失败:“存在内部 API 错误”


我尝试在 ipad (ios 7.1.2) 上运行一个在我的手机 (ios 8.4.1) 上运行良好的应用程序。 Xcode 提示“存在内部 API 错误”,仅此而已。



Aug 29 17:39:23 Esters-iPad lockdownd[52] <Notice>: 00201000 set_response_error: handle_get_value GetProhibited
Aug 29 17:39:23 Esters-iPad lockdownd[52] <Notice>: 01a88000 set_response_error: handle_get_value GetProhibited
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad mobile_installation_proxy[2054] <Warning>: LaunchServices: installing app for existing placeholder LSApplicationProxy: aka-strax
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad mobile_installation_proxy[2054] <Warning>: LaunchServices: Not creating progress for LSApplicationProxy: aka-strax since it is not a placeholder.
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad installd[1988] <Notice>: 0x2c7000 handle_install_for_ls: Install of "/var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/Åka Strax.app" requested by mobile_installation_proxy
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad installd[1988] <Error>: 0x2c7000 init_pack_state: Can't stat /var/mobile/Media/PublicStaging/AÃäka Strax.app: No such file or directory
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad installd[1988] <Error>: 0x2c7000 MobileInstallationInstall_Server: Could not initialize package state
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad installd[1988] <Error>: 0x2c7000 handle_install_for_ls: API failed
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad mobile_installation_proxy[2054] <Error>: 0x305000 MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices: failed with -1
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad mobile_installation_proxy[2054] <Warning>: ERROR: MobileInstallationInstallForLaunchServices returned nil
Aug 29 17:39:24 Esters-iPad mobile_installation_proxy[2054] <Error>: 0x305000 handle_install: Installation failed: Error Domain=LaunchServicesError Code=0 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (LaunchServicesError error 0.)" UserInfo=0x16d28710 {Error=APIInternalError}

这是 OSX 系统日志:

2015-08-29 17:39:22,511 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle (thread 0x127be6000): ENTRY, options: {
    PackageType = Developer;
    ShadowParentKey = "file:///var/folders/vh/z7jrdtc16mv_ml4rdf3c_yf40000gn/C/com.apple.DeveloperTools/6.4-6E35b/Xcode/";
2015-08-29 17:39:22,522 Xcode[432]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x127be6000): AMDeviceCopyValueWithError: 0xe8000016
2015-08-29 17:39:22,522 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle (thread 0x127be6000): device os is at least 7.0
2015-08-29 17:39:22,522 Xcode[432]: createShadowPath (thread 0x127be6000): ENTRY bundle: /Users/andreas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Aka_Strax-elchrqyqzidfakebtddarrtffemg/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AÃäka Strax.app
2015-08-29 17:39:22,523 Xcode[432]: create_shadow_dir_path (thread 0x127be6000): bundle: /Users/andreas/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Aka_Strax-elchrqyqzidfakebtddarrtffemg/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AÃäka Strax.app
2015-08-29 17:39:22,523 Xcode[432]: createShadowPath (thread 0x127be6000): returning: /var/folders/vh/z7jrdtc16mv_ml4rdf3c_yf40000gn/C/com.apple.DeveloperTools/6.4-6E35b/Xcode/93b97a6a8fc08d7d84994efa7c4f96fb/6f5103ee7f37d220cf45535ea8fb76a2de87a5e4/AÃäka Strax.app
2015-08-29 17:39:22,523 Xcode[432]: createSiblingInPath (thread 0x127be6000): returning: /var/folders/vh/z7jrdtc16mv_ml4rdf3c_yf40000gn/C/com.apple.DeveloperTools/6.4-6E35b/Xcode/93b97a6a8fc08d7d84994efa7c4f96fb/6f5103ee7f37d220cf45535ea8fb76a2de87a5e4/ManifestCache.plist
2015-08-29 17:39:22,569 Xcode[432]: _AMDeviceCopyInstalledAppInfo (thread 0x127be6000): no app info
2015-08-29 17:39:22,572 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle (thread 0x127be6000): unable to get installed app info, falling back to old skool install
2015-08-29 17:39:22,572 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle (thread 0x127be6000): Blasting the bundle over to the device in an old skool way
2015-08-29 17:39:22,572 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureTransferPath (thread 0x127be6000): disableDelta: TRUE, unzipOnFly: TRUE, StagingPath: PublicStaging
2015-08-29 17:39:22,572 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureTransferPath (thread 0x127be6000): Trying SZConduit for transfer
2015-08-29 17:39:22,613 Xcode[432]: copy_string_value_from_device (thread 0x127be6000): AMDeviceCopyValueWithError: 0xe8000016
2015-08-29 17:39:22,661 Xcode[432]: nuke_path (thread 0x127be6000): AFCRemovePath of 'PublicStaging/AÃäka Strax.app' returned 8
2015-08-29 17:39:22,662 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureTransferPath (thread 0x127be6000): AMDeviceSecureTransferPath:1864 starting delta_transfer_directory, ref_afc: 0x0
2015-08-29 17:39:24,064 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureTransferPath (thread 0x127be6000): AMDeviceSecureTransferPath:1867 finished delta_transfer_directory
2015-08-29 17:39:24,127 Xcode[432]: AMDErrorForMobileInstallationCallbackDict (thread 0x127be6000): GOT AN ERROR 0xe8000067
2015-08-29 17:39:24,127 Xcode[432]: perform_command (thread 0x127be6000): There was an error communicating with the service agent: 0xe8000067
2015-08-29 17:39:24,127 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication (thread 0x127be6000): Old style install failed for (PublicStaging/Åka Strax.app)
2015-08-29 17:39:24,128 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication (thread 0x127be6000): Could not install package on device: kAMDAPIInternalError
2015-08-29 17:39:24,128 Xcode[432]: _AMDeviceSecureInstallTheBundleAlready (thread 0x127be6000): AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication failed: 
2015-08-29 17:39:24,132 Xcode[432]: _AMDeviceTransferAndInstall (thread 0x127be6000): _AMDeviceSecureInstallTheBundleAlready failed: 0xe8000067
falling back to file delta
2015-08-29 17:39:24,134 Xcode[432]: writeDictToFile:1239 open failed for /var/folders/vh/z7jrdtc16mv_ml4rdf3c_yf40000gn/C/com.apple.DeveloperTools/6.4-6E35b/Xcode/93b97a6a8fc08d7d84994efa7c4f96fb/6f5103ee7f37d220cf45535ea8fb76a2de87a5e4/ManifestCache.plist : No such file or directory
2015-08-29 17:39:24,135 Xcode[432]: MDMCacheDirectoryManifest:1313 writeDictToFile failed to write to /var/folders/vh/z7jrdtc16mv_ml4rdf3c_yf40000gn/C/com.apple.DeveloperTools/6.4-6E35b/Xcode/93b97a6a8fc08d7d84994efa7c4f96fb/6f5103ee7f37d220cf45535ea8fb76a2de87a5e4/ManifestCache.plist : No such file or directory
2015-08-29 17:39:24,135 Xcode[432]: AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle (thread 0x127be6000): returning 0xe8000067
2015-08-29 17:42:46,372 Xcode[432]: <DYMobileDeviceTransport: 0x7fed3febc410>: read io failure: Broken pipe (32)
2015-08-29 17:42:46,373 Xcode[432]: CompanionProxy: _SocketReadCallback:128 (0x0x12786d000): Failed to receive response from AMDevice 0x7fed3feb40e0 {UDID = a84bc06ca4b54d9a575d111abe0a09d7a7b2377a, device ID = 8, FullServiceName = e0:66:78:c2:06:34@fe80::e266:78ff:fec2:634._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local.}: 0xe8000084
2015-08-29 17:42:46,374 Xcode[432]: CompanionProxy: _SocketReadCallback:200 (0x0x12786d000): Stopped listening for paired devices from AMDevice 0x7fed3feb40e0 {UDID = a84bc06ca4b54d9a575d111abe0a09d7a7b2377a, device ID = 8, FullServiceName = e0:66:78:c2:06:34@fe80::e266:78ff:fec2:634._apple-mobdev2._tcp.local.}: 0xe8000084

更新: 显然,这是与特殊字符有关的错误,但从我的角度来看,问题是:

  • 哪些项目属性用作文件名的基础?Product Name已经有人建议了——我不怀疑——但是有这方面的任何文档吗?我找不到该财产用途的任何官方描述。我什么didfind 将该属性描述为“面向用户”,这一定是不正确的。 iOS 7 中肯定没有面向用户的属性只允许 ASCII 吗?

我有同样的问题!您需要在 iOS 7 的构建设置下更改您的产品名称。iOS 7 设备不允许使用特殊字符 (Å卡斯特拉克斯)


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