Emacs 强制组织模式捕获缓冲区在新窗口中打开



(setq special-display-regexps

但它不起作用 - 我立即看到一个新窗口,然后 org-mode 进行两个垂直分割(我使用 3 个垂直分割),并将捕获缓冲区放入右侧分割中。当我完成任一C-c C-c or C-c C-k,恢复原来的分割设置。

我也喜欢使用许多并排分割(通常是 4 个——我分布在多个显示器上),所以org-capture将 4 个普通窗户变成 2 个非常宽的窗户的行为每次都让我头疼——这往往会让我脱离我的流程。

+---+---+---+---+     +-------+-------+
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | --> |   1   |capture| = head explosion
+---+---+---+---+     +-------+-------+




(defun org-capture-place-template ()
  "Insert the template at the target location, and display the buffer."
  (org-capture-put :return-to-wconf (current-window-configuration))
  ;; (delete-other-windows)                ; this is the culprit!
   (org-capture-get-indirect-buffer (org-capture-get :buffer) "CAPTURE"))
  (goto-char (org-capture-get :pos))
  (org-set-local 'org-capture-target-marker
  (org-set-local 'outline-level 'org-outline-level)
  (let* ((template (org-capture-get :template))
     (type (org-capture-get :type)))
    (case type
      ((nil entry) (org-capture-place-entry))
      (table-line (org-capture-place-table-line))
      (plain (org-capture-place-plain-text))
      (item (org-capture-place-item))
      (checkitem (org-capture-place-item))))
  (org-capture-mode 1)
  (org-set-local 'org-capture-current-plist org-capture-plist))



(defun org-capture-place-template (&optional inhibit-wconf-store)
  "Insert the template at the target location, and display the buffer.
When `inhibit-wconf-store', don't store the window configuration, as it
may have been stored before."
  (unless inhibit-wconf-store
    (org-capture-put :return-to-wconf (current-window-configuration)))
   (org-capture-get-indirect-buffer (org-capture-get :buffer) "CAPTURE"))
  (goto-char (org-capture-get :pos))
  (org-set-local 'org-capture-target-marker
  (org-set-local 'outline-level 'org-outline-level)
  (let* ((template (org-capture-get :template))
     (type (org-capture-get :type)))
    (case type
      ((nil entry) (org-capture-place-entry))
      (table-line (org-capture-place-table-line))
      (plain (org-capture-place-plain-text))
      (item (org-capture-place-item))
      (checkitem (org-capture-place-item))))
  (org-capture-mode 1)
  (org-set-local 'org-capture-current-plist org-capture-plist))

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