“此应用程序只能在应用程序容器的上下文中运行。” - Visual Studio 2015 开发新手



我开发了一个应用程序,现在尝试使用 Visual Studio 2015 的安装向导扩展来安装。一切都在构建或(没有错误),但是当我打开应用程序时,它突出显示它只能在应用程序容器的上下文中打开。这意味着什么?任何建议将不胜感激!

该应用程序正在使用 SQlite 数据库。这可能与依赖关系有关吗?如果是这样,我该如何解决这个问题?


# Culture = "en-US"
ConvertFrom-StringData @'
    PromptYesString = &Yes
    PromptNoString = &No
    BundleFound = Found bundle: {0}
    PackageFound = Found package: {0}
    CertificateFound = Found certificate: {0}
    DependenciesFound = Found dependency package(s):
    GettingDeveloperLicense = Acquiring developer license...
    InstallingCertificate = Installing certificate...
    InstallingPackage = \nInstalling app...
    AcquireLicenseSuccessful = A developer license was successfully acquired.
    InstallCertificateSuccessful = The certificate was successfully installed.
    Success = \nSuccess: Your app was successfully installed.
    WarningInstallCert = \nYou are about to install a digital certificate to your computer's Trusted People certificate store. Doing so carries serious security risk and should only be done if you trust the originator of this digital certificate.\n\nWhen you are done using this app, you should manually remove the associated digital certificate. Instructions for doing so can be found here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243053\n\nAre you sure you wish to continue?\n\n
    ElevateActions = \nBefore installing this app, you need to do the following:
    ElevateActionDevLicense = \t- Acquire a developer license
    ElevateActionCertificate = \t- Install the signing certificate
    ElevateActionsContinue = Administrator credentials are required to continue.  Please accept the UAC prompt and provide your administrator password if asked.
    ErrorForceElevate = You must provide administrator credentials to proceed.  Please run this script without the -Force parameter or from an elevated PowerShell window.
    ErrorForceDeveloperLicense = Acquiring a developer license requires user interaction.  Please rerun the script without the -Force parameter.
    ErrorLaunchAdminFailed = Error: Could not start a new process as administrator.
    ErrorNoScriptPath = Error: You must launch this script from a file.
    ErrorNoPackageFound = Error: No package or bundle found in the script directory.  Please make sure the package or bundle you want to install is placed in the same directory as this script.
    ErrorManyPackagesFound = Error: More than one package or bundle found in the script directory.  Please make sure only the package or bundle you want to install is placed in the same directory as this script.
    ErrorPackageUnsigned = Error: The package or bundle is not digitally signed or its signature is corrupted.
    ErrorNoCertificateFound = Error: No certificate found in the script directory.  Please make sure the certificate used to sign the package or bundle you are installing is placed in the same directory as this script.
    ErrorManyCertificatesFound = Error: More than one certificate found in the script directory.  Please make sure only the certificate used to sign the package or bundle you are installing is placed in the same directory as this script.
    ErrorBadCertificate = Error: The file "{0}" is not a valid digital certificate.  CertUtil returned with error code {1}.
    ErrorExpiredCertificate = Error: The developer certificate "{0}" has expired. One possible cause is the system clock isn't set to the correct date and time. If the system settings are correct, contact the app owner to re-create a package or bundle with a valid certificate.
    ErrorCertificateMismatch = Error: The certificate does not match the one used to sign the package or bundle.
    ErrorCertIsCA = Error: The certificate can't be a certificate authority.
    ErrorBannedKeyUsage = Error: The certificate can't have the following key usage: {0}.  Key usage must be unspecified or equal to "DigitalSignature".
    ErrorBannedEKU = Error: The certificate can't have the following extended key usage: {0}.  Only the Code Signing and Lifetime Signing EKUs are allowed.
    ErrorNoBasicConstraints = Error: The certificate is missing the basic constraints extension.
    ErrorNoCodeSigningEku = Error: The certificate is missing the extended key usage for Code Signing.
    ErrorInstallCertificateCancelled = Error: Installation of the certificate was cancelled.
    ErrorCertUtilInstallFailed = Error: Could not install the certificate.  CertUtil returned with error code {0}.
    ErrorGetDeveloperLicenseFailed = Error: Could not acquire a developer license. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=252740.
    ErrorInstallCertificateFailed = Error: Could not install the certificate. Status: {0}. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=252740.
    ErrorAddPackageFailed = Error: Could not install the app.
    ErrorAddPackageFailedWithCert = Error: Could not install the app.  To ensure security, please consider uninstalling the signing certificate until you can install the app.  Instructions for doing so can be found here:\nhttp://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=243053

另一个更新:在 PowerShell 中以管理员身份运行侧面加载安装脚本,现在收到以下错误:

无法注册包。 (HRESULT 异常:0x80073CF6)谷歌搜索了一下,但针对 Windows 10 开发人员的结果并不多。

如果这是商店/UWP 应用程序,则只能通过 appx 包安装。通常这应该通过商店进行。
无法使用 MSI 安装现代/商店/UWP 应用程序。


在 VS 中,转到:项目 > 商店 > 创建应用程序包... > 并选择否为商店构建包

设置 > 更新和安全 > 对于开发人员 > 选择:旁加载应用程序

然后只需运行使用该包创建的 PowerShell 脚本即可安装它。

您关于商店提交需要 7 天的评论听起来不正确。通常,提交将在一小时内完成,只有在特殊情况下才需要一天以上的时间。


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