在 Swift 中将函数作为参数传递


在 iOS 8 中,我的以下功能按我的预期工作:

func showConfirmBox(msg:String, title:String,
    caller:UIViewController) {
        let userPopUp = UIAlertController(title:title,
            message:msg, preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
        userPopUp.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:firstBtnStr, style:UIAlertActionStyle.Default,
            handler:{action in}))
        userPopUp.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:secondBtnStr, style:UIAlertActionStyle.Default,
            handler:{action in}))
        caller.presentViewController(userPopUp, animated: true, completion: nil)


func showConfirmBox(msg:String, title:String,
    firstBtnStr:String, firstSelector:Selector,
    secondBtnStr:String, secondSelector:Selector,
    caller:UIViewController) {
        let userPopUp = UIAlertController(title:title,
            message:msg, preferredStyle:UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert)
        userPopUp.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:firstBtnStr, style:UIAlertActionStyle.Default,
            handler:{action in caller.firstSelector()}))
        userPopUp.addAction(UIAlertAction(title:secondBtnStr, style:UIAlertActionStyle.Default,
            handler:{action in caller.secondSelector()}))
        caller.presentViewController(userPopUp, animated: true, completion: nil)


你的问题的一个字答案是Closures https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/Swift_Programming_Language/Closures.html

闭包的默认语法是() -> ()


func showConfirmBox(msg:String, title:String,
    firstBtnStr:String, firstSelector:(sampleParameter: String) -> returntype,
    secondBtnStr:String, secondSelector:() -> returntype,
    caller:UIViewController) {
    //Your Code

但使用它会产生可读性问题,所以我建议你使用 typeAlias

typealias MethodHandler1 = (sampleParameter : String)  -> Void
typealias MethodHandler2 = ()  -> Void

func showConfirmBox(msg:String, title:String,
                    firstBtnStr:String, firstSelector:MethodHandler1,
                    secondBtnStr:String, secondSelector:MethodHandler2) {

    // After any asynchronous call
    // Call any of your closures based on your logic like this


func anyMethod() {
   //Some other logic 

   showConfirmBox(msg: "msg", title: "title", firstBtnStr: "btnString", 
         firstSelector: { (firstSelectorString) in
              print(firstSelectorString) //this prints FirstButtonString
         secondBtnStr: "btnstring") { 
           //Invocation comes here after secondSelector is called


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