如何在 Jboss 7.1 中配置简单身份验证




我现在正在尝试在其上添加简单的身份验证。因此,当用户尝试浏览 jsp 时,比如说,http://localhost/myContextPath/hello.jsp,它需要先登录。


        <web-resource-name>All Access</web-resource-name>



standalone.xml([jboss_home]\standalone\configuration 文件夹)

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:security:1.1">
            <security-domain name="other" cache-type="default">
                    <login-module code="UsersRoles" flag="required">
                        <module-option name="usersProperties" value="users.properties"/>
                        <module-option name="rolesProperties" value="roles.properties"/>
            <security-domain name="form-auth">
                    <login-module code="UsersRoles" flag="required">
                        <module-option name="usersProperties" value="users.properties"/>
                        <module-option name="rolesProperties" value="roles.properties"/>





完成所有这些修改后,我尝试浏览我的 hello jsp。我像往常一样工作。没有认证,也不例外。

我不确定我是否朝着正确的方向前进,或者安全约束是完全不同的事情。 请帮忙,谢谢!!!

只需按照此步骤设置 7.1 的 BASIC 身份验证article http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-security/securing-as-7-applications-using-the-applicationrealm.




        <web-resource-name>All Access</web-resource-name>








从内部%JBOSS_HOME%/bin. Use add-user.bat(或)add-user.sh tools.


What type of user do you wish to add?
 a) Management User (mgmt-users.properties)
 b) Application User (application-users.properties)
(a): b

Enter the details of the new user to add.
Using realm 'ApplicationRealm' as discovered from the existing property files.
Username : johngalt
Password :
Re-enter Password :
What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none)[  ]: user
About to add user 'johngalt' for realm 'ApplicationRealm'
Is this correct yes/no? yes
Added user 'johngalt' to file 'C:\dev\jboss-eap-6.2\standalone\configuration\application-users.properties'
Added user 'johngalt' to file 'C:\dev\jboss-eap-6.2\domain\configuration\application-users.properties'
Added user 'johngalt' with groups user to file 'C:\dev\jboss-eap-6.2\standalone\configuration\application-roles.properties'
Added user 'johngalt' with groups user to file 'C:\dev\jboss-eap-6.2\domain\configuration\application-roles.properties'
Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?
e.g. for a slave host controller connecting to the master or for a Remoting connection for server to server EJB calls.
yes/no? no
Press any key to continue . . .




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