


ms=.*`+`-     NB. list of gerunds
d =.3 4 5 6   NB. some data


ms/ d    NB. returns 9, ie, the result of 3 * 4 + 5 - 6

现在我们提出一个问题:如果我们改变动词的应用顺序,结果会如何变化?也就是说,我们考虑所有 6 种可能的顺序:

allms=. (A.~i.@!@#) ms




allms (4 : 'x/ y')"1 d

NB. returns 9 _21 _1 _23 _41 _31

但请注意,我被迫使用匿名,非默认的动词来完成这个任务。因为为了应用副词/,我必须有一个命名动词。当我真正想做的是治疗/就像排名 1 的动词并将其“映射”到我的列表中allms, 某物在精神上就像非法的表述一样:

/&d"1 allms  NB. This is invalid J


J 似乎抵制这种高阶的“将动词视为数据”的思维。所以我想知道解决这个问题的自然方法是什么。

具体来说,您将获得动名词列表ms和数据d,如上所定义。任务是创建一个返回结果列表的动词ms/ d,对于每个可能的排序ms(即,返回的动词9 _21 _1 _23 _41 _31在我们的例子中)。动词必须是a默会动词.



Without going into detail, allowing operators to be modified by other operators, like your proposed / modified with "1, would require a fundamental restructuring of J's grammar. And there would be major tradeoffs, in particular to simplicity and expressiveness (i.e. notational elegance)¹,².

因此,如果您想像这样将运算符分配给动名词,则必须为其编写实用程序,而迄今为止最直接的方法是使用显式代码。在此领域中需要考虑的一个预打包实用程序是doog脚本,可在 J Wiki 和 SVN 存储库中找到 http://code.jsoftware.com/wiki/User:Dan_Bron/Snippets/DOOG.


但是,那doog脚本,就像你的方法一样,基本上是明确的。 因此,如果你真的想心照不宣地达到这些目的:

   D       =.   foo`bar`baz 
   t       =.   D / (@:])  NB. Here's our "over" (/)

   over    =.  [^:(D -: ]) L: (L.D) & (5!:1<,'t')
   allOver =:  (]^:[~ 1:`'' , over f.)~

   3 4 5 6 allOver"1~ (A.~i.@!@#) *`+`-       NB. Note the "1
9 _21 _1 _23 _41 _31



那是,some_atomic_rep f^:[ data变成f^:some_atomic_rep data,对于合适的原子表示,它可以执行任何事情,同时使用动词可用的所有参数处理优点(特别是排名)。


The meat of it is we have the template D / (@:]) and we replace D with the gerund of your choice (the @:] is necessary because by the time the gerund gets executed, it'll have two inputs: your actual input, d, as well as itself, D)4.


要探访这些邪恶愚蠢行为的“Ultima Thule”,请查看以下发现:dont in J http://www.jsoftware.com/pipermail/programming/2013-January/031236.html,这就像do (".),除了......真的,你不应该。

¹ As a quick example: puzzle out what this would mean for precedence between wordclasses.

² Having said that, Jose "Pepe" Quintana, the leader of the underground J club F^4 (The Fully Fixable Functional Faction http://www.jsoftware.com/pipermail/programming/2009-December/017070.html), once found a backdoor that actually did allow operators to take other operators as inputs. See this message in the "J Myths Puzzles" thread from 2008 http://www.jsoftware.com/pipermail/programming/2008-February/009871.html (scroll past all the spoiler-hiding blank lines). Of course, once he mentioned it, Roger took notice, and immediately plugged the gap.

³ The way I once put it http://www.jsoftware.com/pipermail/programming/2006-December/004287.html was "Yes, dcog is ugly, but I like to think of it as Messiah Code: it's ugly so that other code doesn't have to be. A sponge for sin".

4 Take note, the template gerund foo`bar`baz can be anything you like, of any length, using any names. It doesn't matter. What does matter is that the names you use are either proverbs or undefined (which the interpreter treats like proverbs, by design). Using pronouns or pro-operators will break stuff. Alternatively, you could use another kind of noun, like simply __ or something (which I find mnemonic for fill in the ____).


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