


    • 1,class Publiser (发布者)
    • 2, rospy.init_node (初始化节点)

1,class Publiser (发布者)


class Publisher(Topic):
    Class for registering as a publisher of a ROS topic.
    '''这里说的是Publisher类的作用,注册为ROS topic的发布者'''
    def __init__(self,name,data_class,subscriber_listener=None,
        @param name:resource name of topic,e.g.laser
        @type name:str
        @param data_class: message class for serialization
        @type data_class:L{message} class
        @param subscriber_listener:listener for 
        subscriber_listener events.may be None.
        @type subscriber_listener:L{SubscribeListemer}
        @param tcp_nodelay: If True,sets TCP_NODELAY on publisher‘s socket (disables Nagle algorithm).This result in lower latency publishing at the cost of efficiency.
        @type tcp_nodelay:boll
        @param latch: If True, the last message published is
        'latched', meaning that any future subscribers will be sent
        that message immediately upon connection。
        @type  latch: bool
        @param headers: If not None, a dictionary with additional header
        key-values being used for future connections.
        @type  headers: dict
         @param queue_size: The queue size used for asynchronously
        publishing messages from different threads.  A size of zero
        means an infinite queue, which can be dangerous.  When the
        keyword is not being used or when None is passed all
        publishing will happen synchronously and a warning message
        will be printed.
        @type  queue_size: int

2, rospy.init_node (初始化节点)

def init_node(name,argv=None,anonymous=False,log_level=None,
     Register client node with the master under the specified name.
    This MUST be called from the main Python thread unless
    disable_signals is set to True. Duplicate calls to init_node are
    only allowed if the arguments are identical as the side-effects of
    this method are not reversible.
    @param name: Node's name. This parameter must be a base name,
        meaning that it cannot contain namespaces (i.e. '/')
    @type  name: str
     @param argv: Command line arguments to this program, including
        remapping arguments (default: sys.argv). If you provide argv
        to init_node(), any previously created rospy data structure
        (Publisher, Subscriber, Service) will have invalid
        mappings. It is important that you call init_node() first if
        you wish to provide your own argv.
    @type  argv: [str]
    @param anonymous: if True, a name will be auto-generated for the
        node using name as the base.  This is useful when you wish to
        have multiple instances of the same node and don't care about
        their actual names (e.g. tools, guis). name will be used as
        the stem of the auto-generated name. NOTE: you cannot remap
        the name of an anonymous node.  
    @type anonymous: bool
	@param log_level: log level for sending message to /rosout and log
        file, which is INFO by default. For convenience, you may use
        rospy.DEBUG, rospy.INFO, rospy.ERROR, rospy.WARN, rospy.FATAL
    @type  log_level: int
    对于发送信息来说的日志等级,到/rosout and log file,默认等级是default.For convenience, you may use
        rospy.DEBUG, rospy.INFO, rospy.ERROR, rospy.WARN, rospy.FATAL。
     @param disable_signals: If True, rospy will not register its own
        signal handlers. You must set this flag if (a) you are unable
        to call init_node from the main thread and/or you are using
        rospy in an environment where you need to control your own
        signal handling (e.g. WX). If you set this to True, you should
        call rospy.signal_shutdown(reason) to initiate clean shutdown.

        NOTE: disable_signals is overridden to True if
        roslib.is_interactive() is True.
    @type  disable_signals: bool
     @param disable_rostime: for internal testing only: suppresses
        automatic subscription to rostime
    @type  disable_rostime: bool
      @param disable_rosout: for internal testing only: suppress
        auto-publication of rosout
    @type  disable_rostime: bool
     @param xmlrpc_port: If provided, it will use this port number for the client XMLRPC node.
    @type  xmlrpc_port: int
    如果提供的话,对client XMLPRC node来说,它将使用这个端口数字。
    @param tcpros_port: If provided, the TCPROS server will listen for
        connections on this port
    @type  tcpros_port: int

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