批处理文件中的退出代码不会传播到父 powershell 脚本




@echo off

cmd /c dir aaa
GOTO end
echo - Script failed



C:\temp> cmd
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.16299.967]
(c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 4A5E-F223

 Directory of C:\temp

File Not Found
- Script failed

C:\temp>echo %errorlevel%


现在我从 Powershell 运行它:

C:\temp> $PSVersionTable

Name                           Value
----                           -----
PSVersion                      5.1.16299.967
PSEdition                      Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions           {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion                   10.0.16299.967
CLRVersion                     4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion              3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion      2.3

C:\temp> cmd /c C:\temp\1.cmd
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 4A5E-F223

 Directory of C:\temp

File Not Found
- Script failed


Note: This answer was substantially rewritten after new information came to light.

来补充jazzdelightsme 的有效解决方案 https://stackoverflow.com/a/55289640/45375和一些一般指导和背景信息:

  • When calling a batch file from outside cmd.exe, such as from PowerShell, invoke it as cmd /c 'file.cmd ... & exit' or - if string interpolation is needed - as
    cmd /c "file.cmd ... & exit", which then requires escaping embedded " as `"[1]. This ensures that it behaves as it would when called from inside cmd.exe with respect to its exit code (error level), i.e. ensures that the batch file's exit code reliably becomes cmd.exe's process exit code.

    • 这个帖子 https://stackoverflow.com/q/66975883/45375详细解释了这个问题和这个晦涩难懂的解决方法。
    • Note: The simpler workaround based on call - cmd /c call file.cmd ... - works in principle, but has an unwanted side effect when (of necessity double-quoted[2]) arguments with ^ characters are passed: Due to use of call, ^ characters ("carets", strictly speaking circumflex accents, U+005E http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/5e) are invariably doubled, so that say, argument "a ^ 2", is seen by the batch file as "a ^^ 2"; it is unclear what the purpose of this behavior is, but it has seemingly always existed - see this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/66250528/45375 for details on cmd.exe's parser.
  • Without the & exit解决方法,只有确保以下情况,您才会获得所需的行为all代码路径以下列方式之一退出 - 缺少代码路径是一个很容易犯的错误:

    • exit with no参数,它正确地中继最近执行的命令的退出代码。

      • Caveat: exit without /b立即退出cmd.exe实例作为一个整体,因此它不适合在可以交互运行或必须可从其调用的批处理文件中使用other批处理文件并将控制权返回给这些批处理文件。
    • exit /b <code> or exit <code>, where <code>表示所需的退出代码,即指定一个explicit退出代码,如 jazzdelightsme 的解决方案中所示。

      • Caveat:退出批处理文件exit /b 没有明确的<code>争论 does not传递最近执行的命令的退出代码,而不带cmd /c <batch-file> ... `& exit解决方法 - 请参阅这个答案 https://stackoverflow.com/a/66250528/45375.


奇怪的是,与outside调用批处理文件without & exit (or call),诸如此类的陈述if, goto, echo, and endlocal, 乃至REM(但是,奇怪的是,不是::) 重置退出代码cmd.exe稍后报告给0- 虽然inside that cmd.exe会议%ERRORLEVEL%按通常的方式设置,这意味着此类语句对当前没有影响%ERRORLEVEL% value.


  • 当您的批处理文件运行时inside cmd.exe,设置命令后面的具体语句%ERRORLEVEL% to 1 (cmd /c dir aaa),即if, goto, echo and endlocal声明,preserve这个值,以及%ERRORLEVEL%最终获得价值1退出批处理文件后。

    • 奇怪的是,错误级别仅设置after涉及批处理文件调用的语句,因此类似file.cmd || exit does not工作,因为||操作员无法识别file.cmd调用失败。这就是解决方法使用的原因&而不是||.
  • 当您的批处理文件运行时outside cmd.exe, and isn't调用与cmd /c "<batch-file> ... & exit" (or cmd /c call <batch-file> ...), 后面的语句相同%ERRORLEVEL%-setting 命令突然重置退出代码cmd.exe其本身随后向0,而不是保留批处理文件执行后%ERRORLEVEL% value.

[1] Situationally, you can get away with cmd /c <batch-file> ... `& exit, i.e. without enclosing the arguments to /c in a single, overall string, but that breaks if the batch-file path needs double-quoting and at least one double-quoted pass-through argument is also present.

[2] ^ chars. in unquoted arguments, as usual, are interpreted as cmd.exe's escape character and therefore removed.


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