解决合并冲突后 Git rebase 陷入困境



$ git rebase master
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: Better `SelectMotifsView.js`
Using index info to reconstruct a base tree...
M       browser/AddLinkView.js
M       browser/SelectMotifsView.js
M       browser/index.html
Falling back to patching base and 3-way merge...
Auto-merging browser/index.html
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in browser/index.html
Failed to merge in the changes.
Patch failed at 0001 Better `SelectMotifsView.js`
The copy of the patch that failed is found in:

When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort".


diff --cc browser/index.html
index ba9c4f3,4c2a1c2..0000000
--- a/browser/index.html
+++ b/browser/index.html
@@@ -40,6 -40,7 +40,10 @@@
                  <%= label %>
                  <select class="form-control" name="motif">
++<<<<<<< HEAD
+                     <% console.log(exclude); %>
++>>>>>>> Better `SelectMotifsView.js`
                      <% motifs.each(function(motif) { if (!exclude || exclude.indexOf(motif) < 0) { %>
                          <option value="<%= motif.get('id') %>"><%= motif.get('name') %></option>
                      <% } }); %>


++<<<<<<< HEAD
+                     <% console.log(exclude); %>
++>>>>>>> Better `SelectMotifsView.js` 

我保存文件,browser/index.html, then git add browser/index.html:

$ git add browser/index.html
$ git rebase --continue


Applying: Better `SelectMotifsView.js`
No changes - did you forget to use 'git add'?
If there is nothing left to stage, chances are that something else
already introduced the same changes; you might want to skip this patch.

When you have resolved this problem, run "git rebase --continue".
If you prefer to skip this patch, run "git rebase --skip" instead.
To check out the original branch and stop rebasing, run "git rebase --abort".

以前从未见过这个...git status显示没有剩余的未解析路径。该怎么办?我在其他相关问题上读到这可能是一个很好的用途--skip,但这似乎不是空提交。还是我错了?

看起来补丁是空的,所以你可以按照 git 的建议安全地跳过它:

$ git rebase --skip

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