



这是一个例子来说明(来自 LinqPad,.Dump()是打印到结果窗口):

void Main()
    typeof(A).GetInterfaces().Dump(); //typeof(IT), typeof(IT<Int32>) 
    typeof(B).GetInterfaces().Dump(); //typeof(IT<Int32>) 
    typeof(C).GetInterfaces().Dump(); //typeof(IT), typeof(IT<Int32>) 

class C : A {}

class A : IT {}

class B : IT<int> {}

public interface IT : IT <int> {}

public interface IT<T> {}


    typeof(A).GetInterfaces().Dump();  //typeof(IT)
    typeof(B).GetInterfaces().Dump();  //typeof(IT<Int32>) 
    typeof(C).GetInterfaces().Dump();  //

我找到了这个帖子Type.GetInterfaces() 仅适用于声明的接口 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9793242/type-getinterfaces-for-declared-interfaces-only有答案

Type type = typeof(E);
var interfaces = type.GetInterfaces()
    .Where(i => type.GetInterfaceMap(i).TargetMethods.Any(m => m.DeclaringType == type))




public static class InterfaceDumperExtension

    public static Type[] DumpInterface(this Type @type)
        //From your question, I think that you only want to handle
        //class case so I am throwing here but you can handle accordingly
        if (@type.IsClass == false)
            throw new NotSupportedException($"{@type} must be a class but it is not!");

        //All of the interfaces implemented by the class
        var allInterfaces = new HashSet<Type>(@type.GetInterfaces());

        //Type one step down the hierarchy
        var baseType = @type.BaseType;

        //If it is not null, it might implement some other interfaces
        if (baseType != null)
            //So let us remove all the interfaces implemented by the base class

        //NOTE: allInterfaces now only includes interfaces implemented by the most derived class and
        //interfaces implemented by those(interfaces of the most derived class)

        //We want to remove interfaces that are implemented by other interfaces
        //public interface A : B{}
        //public interface B {}
        //public class Top : A{}→ We only want to dump interface A so interface B must be removed

        var toRemove = new HashSet<Type>();
        //Considering class A given above allInterfaces contain A and B now
        foreach (var implementedByMostDerivedClass in allInterfaces)
            //For interface A this will only contain single element, namely B
            //For interface B this will an empty array
            foreach (var implementedByOtherInterfaces in implementedByMostDerivedClass.GetInterfaces())

        //Finally remove the interfaces that do not belong to the most derived class.

        return allInterfaces.ToArray();


public interface Interface1 { }
public interface Interface2 { }
public interface Interface3 { }
public interface DerivedInterface1 : Interface1 { }
public interface DerivedInterface2 : Interface2 { }
public class Test : DerivedInterface1, DerivedInterface2, Interface3 { }

var result = typeof(Test).DumpInterface();
//Contains only DerivedInterface1, DerivedInterface2, Interface3 

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