





namespace Application\VehiculeBundle\Form;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolverInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Application\VehiculeBundle\Entity\Category;

class BonCommandeType extends AbstractType
     * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder
     * @param array $options
       public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        // Name of the user
        $builder->add('observation', 'text');

    /* Add additional fields... */

    $builder->add('save', 'submit');

    // Add listeners
    $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SET_DATA, array($this, 'onPreSetData'));
    $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::PRE_SUBMIT, array($this, 'onPreSubmit'));

protected function addElements(FormInterface $form, Category $categorie = null) {
    // Remove the submit button, we will place this at the end of the form later
    $submit = $form->get('save');

    // Add the province element
    $form->add('categorie', 'entity', array(
        'data' => $categorie,
        'empty_value' => '-- Choose --',
        'class' => 'ApplicationVehiculeBundle:Category',
        'property' => 'intitule',
        'mapped' => false)

    // Cities are empty, unless we actually supplied a province
    $vehicules = array();
    if ($categorie) {
        // Fetch the cities from specified province
        $repo = $this->em->getRepository('ApplicationVehiculeBundle:Vehicule');
        $cities = $repo->findByCategory($categorie);

    // Add the city element
    $form->add('vehicule', 'entity', array(
        'empty_value' => '-- Select a categorie first --',
        'class' => 'ApplicationVehiculeBundle:Vehicule',
        'choices' => $vehicules,

    // Add submit button again, this time, it's back at the end of the form

function onPreSubmit(FormEvent $event) {
    $form = $event->getForm();
    $data = $event->getData();

    // Note that the data is not yet hydrated into the entity.
    $categorie = $this->em->getRepository('ApplicationVehiculeBundle:Category')->find($data['categorie']);
    $this->addElements($form, $categorie);

function onPreSetData(FormEvent $event) {
    $account = $event->getData();
    $form = $event->getForm();

    // We might have an empty account (when we insert a new account, for instance)
    $categorie = $account->getVehicule() ? $account->getVehicule()->getCategorie() : null;
    $this->addElements($form, $categorie);


$categorie = $this->em->getRepository('ApplicationVehiculeBundle:Category')->find($data['categorie']);



class BonCommandeType extends AbstractType
    private $em;

    public function __construct(EntityManagerInterface $em)
        $this->em = $em;



$this->createForm(TYPE, DATA, ['em' => $em]);

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