

如何将文件从浏览器上传到运行经典 ASP 的服务器并检测服务器端文件是否是有效图片?对于有效的图片,如何获取其尺寸?


已经有很多纯 ASP 上传脚本,但它们只获取文件并保存到服务器磁盘,没有任何图像检测。



Note:如果你想允许上传大于200kb的图片,请查看答案Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) 对于大文件抛出错误 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4209227/request-binaryreadrequest-totalbytes-throws-error-for-large-files。 (如果不这样做,可能会导致 BinaryRead 行出现“不允许操作”错误。)

Const MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE=1500000 'bytes
Const MSG_NO_DATA="nothing to upload!"
Const MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE="you exceeded the maximum upload size!"

Class ShadowUpload
    Private m_Request
    Private m_Files
    Private m_Error

    Public Property Get GetError
        GetError = m_Error
    End Property

    Public Property Get FileCount
        FileCount = m_Files.Count
    End Property

    Public Function File(index)
        Dim keys
        keys = m_Files.Keys
        Set File = m_Files(keys(index))
    End Function

    Public Default Property Get Item(strName)
        If m_Request.Exists(strName) Then
            Item = m_Request(strName)
            Item = ""
        End If
    End Property

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Dim iBytesCount, strBinData

        'first of all, get amount of uploaded bytes:
        iBytesCount = Request.TotalBytes

        WriteDebug("initializing upload, bytes: " & iBytesCount & "<br />")

        'abort if nothing there:
        If iBytesCount=0 Then
            m_Error = MSG_NO_DATA
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'abort if exceeded maximum upload size:
        If iBytesCount>MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE Then
            m_Error = MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE
            Exit Sub
        End If

        'read the binary data:
        strBinData = Request.BinaryRead(iBytesCount)

        'create private collections:
        Set m_Request = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set m_Files = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

        'populate the collection:
        Call BuildUpload(strBinData)
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Dim fileName
        If IsObject(m_Request) Then
            Set m_Request = Nothing
        End If
        If IsObject(m_Files) Then
            For Each fileName In m_Files.Keys
                Set m_Files(fileName)=Nothing
            Set m_Files = Nothing
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub BuildUpload(ByVal strBinData)
        Dim strBinQuote, strBinCRLF, iValuePos
        Dim iPosBegin, iPosEnd, strBoundaryData
        Dim strBoundaryEnd, iCurPosition, iBoundaryEndPos
        Dim strElementName, strFileName, objFileData
        Dim strFileType, strFileData, strElementValue

        strBinQuote = AsciiToBinary(chr(34))
        strBinCRLF = AsciiToBinary(chr(13))

        'find the boundaries
        iPosBegin = 1
        iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinCRLF)
        strBoundaryData = MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin)
        iCurPosition = InstrB(1, strBinData, strBoundaryData)
        strBoundaryEnd = strBoundaryData & AsciiToBinary("--")
        iBoundaryEndPos = InstrB(strBinData, strBoundaryEnd)

        'read binary data into private collection:
        Do until (iCurPosition>=iBoundaryEndPos) Or (iCurPosition=0)
            'skip non relevant data...
            iPosBegin = InstrB(iCurPosition, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("Content-Disposition"))
            iPosBegin = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("name="))
            iValuePos = iPosBegin

            'read the name of the form element, e.g. "file1", "text1"
            iPosBegin = iPosBegin+6
            iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinQuote)
            strElementName = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))

            'maybe file?
            iPosBegin = InstrB(iCurPosition, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("filename="))
            iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosEnd, strBinData, strBoundaryData)
            If (iPosBegin>0) And (iPosBegin<iPosEnd) Then
                'skip non relevant data..
                iPosBegin = iPosBegin+10

                'read file name:
                iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinQuote)
                strFileName = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))

                'verify that we got name:
                If Len(strFileName)>0 Then
                    'create file data:
                    Set objFileData = New FileData
                    objFileData.FileName = strFileName

                    'read file type:
                    iPosBegin = InstrB(iPosEnd, strBinData, AsciiToBinary("Content-Type:"))
                    iPosBegin = iPosBegin+14
                    iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBinCRLF)
                    strFileType = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))
                    objFileData.ContentType = strFileType

                    'read file contents:
                    iPosBegin = iPosEnd+4
                    iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBoundaryData)-2
                    strFileData = MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin)

                    'check that not empty:
                    If LenB(strFileData)>0 Then
                        objFileData.Contents = strFileData

                        'append to files collection if not empty:
                        Set m_Files(strFileName) = objFileData
                        Set objFileData = Nothing
                    End If
                End If
                strElementValue = strFileName
                'ordinary form value, just read:
                iPosBegin = InstrB(iValuePos, strBinData, strBinCRLF)
                iPosBegin = iPosBegin+4
                iPosEnd = InstrB(iPosBegin, strBinData, strBoundaryData)-2
                strElementValue = BinaryToAscii(MidB(strBinData, iPosBegin, iPosEnd-iPosBegin))
            End If

            'append to request collection
            m_Request(strElementName) = strElementValue

            'skip to next element:
            iCurPosition = InstrB(iCurPosition+LenB(strBoundaryData), strBinData, strBoundaryData)
    End Sub

    Private Function WriteDebug(msg)
        If SU_DEBUG_MODE Then
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function AsciiToBinary(strAscii)
        Dim i, char, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to Len(strAscii)
            char = Mid(strAscii, i, 1)
            result = result & chrB(AscB(char))
        AsciiToBinary = result
    End Function

    Private Function BinaryToAscii(strBinary)
        Dim i, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to LenB(strBinary)
            result = result & chr(AscB(MidB(strBinary, i, 1))) 
        BinaryToAscii = result
    End Function
End Class

Class FileData
    Private m_fileName
    Private m_contentType
    Private m_BinaryContents
    Private m_AsciiContents
    Private m_imageWidth
    Private m_imageHeight
    Private m_checkImage

    Public Property Get FileName
        FileName = m_fileName
    End Property

    Public Property Get ContentType
        ContentType = m_contentType
    End Property

    Public Property Get ImageWidth
        If m_checkImage=False Then Call CheckImageDimensions
        ImageWidth = m_imageWidth
    End Property

    Public Property Get ImageHeight
        If m_checkImage=False Then Call CheckImageDimensions
        ImageHeight = m_imageHeight
    End Property

    Public Property Let FileName(strName)
        Dim arrTemp
        arrTemp = Split(strName, "\")
        m_fileName = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
    End Property

    Public Property Let CheckImage(blnCheck)
        m_checkImage = blnCheck
    End Property

    Public Property Let ContentType(strType)
        m_contentType = strType
    End Property

    Public Property Let Contents(strData)
        m_BinaryContents = strData
        m_AsciiContents = RSBinaryToString(m_BinaryContents)
    End Property

    Public Property Get Size
        Size = LenB(m_BinaryContents)
    End Property

    Private Sub CheckImageDimensions
        Dim width, height, colors
        Dim strType

        '''If gfxSpex(BinaryToAscii(m_BinaryContents), width, height, colors, strType) = true then
        If gfxSpex(m_AsciiContents, width, height, colors, strType) = true then
            m_imageWidth = width
            m_imageHeight = height
        End If
        m_checkImage = True
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        m_imageWidth = -1
        m_imageHeight = -1
        m_checkImage = False
    End Sub

    Public Sub SaveToDisk(strFolderPath, ByRef strNewFileName)
        Dim strPath, objFSO, objFile
        Dim i, time1, time2
        Dim objStream, strExtension

        strPath = strFolderPath&"\"
        If Len(strNewFileName)=0 Then
            strPath = strPath & m_fileName
            strExtension = GetExtension(strNewFileName)
            If Len(strExtension)=0 Then
                strNewFileName = strNewFileName & "." & GetExtension(m_fileName)
            End If
            strPath = strPath & strNewFileName
        End If

        WriteDebug("save file started...<br />")

        time1 = CDbl(Timer)

        Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(strPath)


        '''For i=1 to LenB(m_BinaryContents)
        '''    objFile.Write chr(AscB(MidB(m_BinaryContents, i, 1)))

        time2 = CDbl(Timer)
        WriteDebug("saving file took " & (time2-time1) & " seconds.<br />")

        Set objFile=Nothing
        Set objFSO=Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Function GetExtension(strPath)
        Dim arrTemp
        arrTemp = Split(strPath, ".")
        GetExtension = ""
        If UBound(arrTemp)>0 Then
            GetExtension = arrTemp(UBound(arrTemp))
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function RSBinaryToString(xBinary)
        'Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
        'RSBinaryToString converts binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY Or MultiByte string)
        'to a string (BSTR) using ADO recordset

        Dim Binary
        'MultiByte data must be converted To VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY first.
        If vartype(xBinary)=8 Then Binary = MultiByteToBinary(xBinary) Else Binary = xBinary

        Dim RS, LBinary
        Const adLongVarChar = 201
        Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        LBinary = LenB(Binary)

        If LBinary>0 Then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarChar, LBinary
            RS("mBinary").AppendChunk Binary 
            RSBinaryToString = RS("mBinary")
            RSBinaryToString = ""
        End If
    End Function

    Function MultiByteToBinary(MultiByte)
        '© 2000 Antonin Foller, http://www.motobit.com
        ' MultiByteToBinary converts multibyte string To real binary data (VT_UI1 | VT_ARRAY)
        ' Using recordset
        Dim RS, LMultiByte, Binary
        Const adLongVarBinary = 205
        Set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        LMultiByte = LenB(MultiByte)
        If LMultiByte>0 Then
            RS.Fields.Append "mBinary", adLongVarBinary, LMultiByte
            RS("mBinary").AppendChunk MultiByte & ChrB(0)
            Binary = RS("mBinary").GetChunk(LMultiByte)
        End If
        MultiByteToBinary = Binary
    End Function

    Private Function WriteDebug(msg)
        If SU_DEBUG_MODE Then
        End If
    End Function

    Private Function BinaryToAscii(strBinary)
        Dim i, result
        result = ""
        For i=1 to LenB(strBinary)
            result = result & chr(AscB(MidB(strBinary, i, 1))) 
        BinaryToAscii = result
    End Function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This routine will attempt to identify any filespec passed  :::
    ':::  as a graphic file (regardless of the extension). This will :::
    ':::  work with BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG files.                     :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::          Based on ideas presented by David Crowell          :::
    ':::                   (credit where due)                        :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah     Copyright *c* MM,  Mike Shaffer     blah blah :::
    '::: bh blah      ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE      blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah  Permission is granted to use this code blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah   in your projects, as long as this     blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah      copyright notice is included       blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::
    '::: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah :::

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This function gets a specified number of bytes from any    :::
    ':::  file, starting at the offset (base 1)                      :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
    ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
    ':::       offset      => Offset at which to start reading       :::
    ':::       bytes       => How many bytes to read                 :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    Private Function GetBytes(flnm, offset, bytes)
        Dim startPos
        If offset=0 Then
            startPos = 1
            startPos = offset
        End If
        if bytes = -1 then        ' Get All!
            GetBytes = flnm
            GetBytes = Mid(flnm, startPos, bytes)
        end if
'        Dim objFSO
'        Dim objFTemp
'        Dim objTextStream
'        Dim lngSize
'        Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'        ' First, we get the filesize
'        Set objFTemp = objFSO.GetFile(flnm)
'        lngSize = objFTemp.Size
'        set objFTemp = nothing
'        fsoForReading = 1
'        Set objTextStream = objFSO.OpenTextFile(flnm, fsoForReading)
'        if offset > 0 then
'            strBuff = objTextStream.Read(offset - 1)
'        end if
'        if bytes = -1 then        ' Get All!
'            GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(lngSize)  'ReadAll
'        else
'            GetBytes = objTextStream.Read(bytes)
'        end if
'        objTextStream.Close
'        set objTextStream = nothing
'        set objFSO = nothing
    End Function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Functions to convert two bytes to a numeric value (long)   :::
    ':::  (both little-endian and big-endian)                        :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    Private Function lngConvert(strTemp)
        lngConvert = clng(asc(left(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(right(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
    end function

    Private Function lngConvert2(strTemp)
        lngConvert2 = clng(asc(right(strTemp, 1)) + ((asc(left(strTemp, 1)) * 256)))
    end function

    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  This function does most of the real work. It will attempt  :::
    ':::  to read any file, regardless of the extension, and will    :::
    ':::  identify if it is a graphical image.                       :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    ':::  Passed:                                                    :::
    ':::       flnm        => Filespec of file to read               :::
    ':::       width       => width of image                         :::
    ':::       height      => height of image                        :::
    ':::       depth       => color depth (in number of colors)      :::
    ':::       strImageType=> type of image (e.g. GIF, BMP, etc.)    :::
    ':::                                                             :::
    function gfxSpex(flnm, width, height, depth, strImageType)
        dim strPNG 
        dim strGIF
        dim strBMP
        dim strType
        dim strBuff
        dim lngSize
        dim flgFound
        dim strTarget
        dim lngPos
        dim ExitLoop
        dim lngMarkerSize

        strType = ""
        strImageType = "(unknown)"

        gfxSpex = False

        strPNG = chr(137) & chr(80) & chr(78)
        strGIF = "GIF"
        strBMP = chr(66) & chr(77)

        strType = GetBytes(flnm, 0, 3)

        if strType = strGIF then                ' is GIF
            strImageType = "GIF"
            Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 7, 2))
            Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 9, 2))
            Depth = 2 ^ ((asc(GetBytes(flnm, 11, 1)) and 7) + 1)
            gfxSpex = True
        elseif left(strType, 2) = strBMP then        ' is BMP
            strImageType = "BMP"
            Width = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
            Height = lngConvert(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
            Depth = 2 ^ (asc(GetBytes(flnm, 29, 1)))
            gfxSpex = True
        elseif strType = strPNG then            ' Is PNG
            strImageType = "PNG"
            Width = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 19, 2))
            Height = lngConvert2(GetBytes(flnm, 23, 2))
            Depth = getBytes(flnm, 25, 2)
            select case asc(right(Depth,1))
                case 0
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 2
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 3)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 3
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)))  '8
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 4
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 2)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case 6
                    Depth = 2 ^ (asc(left(Depth, 1)) * 4)
                    gfxSpex = True
                case else
                    Depth = -1
            end select
            strBuff = GetBytes(flnm, 0, -1)        ' Get all bytes from file
            lngSize = len(strBuff)
            flgFound = 0

            strTarget = chr(255) & chr(216) & chr(255)
            flgFound = instr(strBuff, strTarget)

            if flgFound = 0 then
                exit function
            end if

            strImageType = "JPG"
            lngPos = flgFound + 2
            ExitLoop = false

            do while ExitLoop = False and lngPos < lngSize
                do while asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) = 255 and lngPos < lngSize
                    lngPos = lngPos + 1

                if asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) < 192 or asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos, 1)) > 195 then
                    lngMarkerSize = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 1, 2))
                    lngPos = lngPos + lngMarkerSize  + 1
                    ExitLoop = True
                end if

            if ExitLoop = False then
                Width = -1
                Height = -1
                Depth = -1
                Height = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 4, 2))
                Width = lngConvert2(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 6, 2))
                Depth = 2 ^ (asc(mid(strBuff, lngPos + 8, 1)) * 8)
                gfxSpex = True
            end if
        end if
    End Function
End Class


  • MAX_UPLOAD_SIZE - 所有上传文件的最大大小(以字节为单位)。当超过该大小时,上传过程将中止,并将全局错误设置为常量MSG_EXCEEDED_MAX_SIZE

  • MSG_NO_DATA - 当用户没有选择任何要上传的文件时,全局错误将设置为该常量。

  • SU_DEBUG_MODE - 当设置为True该脚本将通过以下方式输出各种消息Response.Write(),对于调试问题很有用。


<!-- #include file="ShadowUpload.asp" -->
Dim objUpload
If Request("action")="1" Then
    Set objUpload=New ShadowUpload
    If objUpload.GetError<>"" Then
        Response.Write("sorry, could not upload: "&objUpload.GetError)
        Response.Write("found "&objUpload.FileCount&" files...<br />")
        For x=0 To objUpload.FileCount-1
            Response.Write("file name: "&objUpload.File(x).FileName&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file type: "&objUpload.File(x).ContentType&"<br />")
            Response.Write("file size: "&objUpload.File(x).Size&"<br />")
            Response.Write("image width: "&objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth&"<br />")
            Response.Write("image height: "&objUpload.File(x).ImageHeight&"<br />")
            If (objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth>200) Or (objUpload.File(x).ImageHeight>200) Then
                Response.Write("image to big, not saving!")
                Call objUpload.File(x).SaveToDisk(Server.MapPath("Uploads"), "")
                Response.Write("file saved successfully!")
            End If
            Response.Write("<hr />")
        Response.Write("thank you, "&objUpload("name"))
    End If
End If
<form action="<%=Request.ServerVariables( "Script_Name" )%>?action=1" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST">
File1: <input type="file" name="file1" /><br />
File2: <input type="file" name="file2" /><br />
File3: <input type="file" name="file3" /><br />
Name: <input type="text" name="name" /><br />
<button type="submit">Upload</button>


If objUpload.File(x).ImageWidth<0 Then
    Response.Write("Not a valid image!")
    'proceed to save the file...
End If

免责声明:本文最初发布here http://forums.aspfree.com/code-bank-54/pure-asp-upload-script-additional-features-94647.html七年前,正如代码本身所记,包含不是我编写的部分。

在 Android 设备上使用 Chrome 浏览器的客户注意事项:

  1. 由于某种原因,标准<button>提交类型的元素在 Android 版 Chrome 中似乎无法正常工作。如果您收到客户对此的投诉,请尝试更改表单中的这一行:

    <button type="submit">Upload</button>


    <input type="submit" value="Upload" />
  2. 由于 Android 版 Chrome 应用程序中可能存在错误,当使用手机的相机应用程序拍摄新图像然后尝试提交该图像时,可能会失败。在这种情况下,只需建议客户使用不同的浏览器。


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    我有一个 Java 动态 Web 项目 并且正在使用 TomCat v7 0 我是 Web 项目的新手 不太明白如何在我的 jsp 页面之一中上传文件 由于我的项目只是本地的 所以我认为我可以使用多部分形式 其中人们可以选择文件 并且这部分
  • 如何在 Angular4 中上传相同的文件

    我能够成功上传文件 但现在的问题是它不允许我两次上传同一文件 这是我的代码
  • 带预览和进度栏的 Twitter Bootstrap 图像上传

    我如何使用 Twitter Bootstrap 上传带有预览和进度条的单个图像 目前 在保存图像之前 我看不到上传图像的任何预览或进度条 Jasny 的 Bootstrap 分支让您能够接近这一点 看文档 http jasny github
  • 不用AJAX,前台同步拖放文件上传?

  • 如何使用 C# 上传文件并将其保存到 Stream 以便进一步预览?

    有没有办法上传文件 将其保存到流中 该流我会将其临时保存在会话中 最后 我将尝试预览此会话中的此上传文件 例如 pdf 文件 Thanks EDITED 这就是我想做的 HttpPostedFileBase hpf Request File
  • 如何从经典 ASP 读取 SQL Always-加密列

    我维护一个经典的 ASP 应用程序 是的 我知道 我们正在开发它 并且需要访问 SQL 2017 中的 Always Encrypted 列 我已经导入了证书并在 SSMS 和 PowerShell 中进行了测试 这很有效 我在 ASP 中
  • 文件上传处理程序

    这是文件上传处理程序的代码 这在我的服务器上工作正常 但上传文件后仅显示文件上传成功但我还想显示上传的文件的名称 import java io File import java io IOException import java util
  • 如何从此 ADODB.Recordset 获取插入 ID?

    我试图避免在我的网络应用程序中使用直接的 SQL 查询 我环顾四周 得出的结论是 ADORecordset这将是这项工作的最佳或至少是最安全的工具 我需要将记录插入数据库表中 不幸的是 我不知道如何获取刚刚插入的记录的标识值 这是我现在所拥


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    我刚刚遇到了一个未知的 C 概念 谁能告诉我内部设置属性的目的是什么 它有什么用 我知道内部关键字用于在程序集中工作 如果您有一个带有内部 set 访问器 和公共 get 访问器 的属性 则意味着程序集中的代码可以读取 获取 和写入 设置
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    我有一个简单的代码 可以从中心水平和垂直扩展 div 但它只扩展到左侧或底部 我希望它从中心扩展到两侧 左 50px 右 50px 或 顶部 50px 底部 50px 总计等于100px 这里是代码
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    如何打开 UTF 8 格式的文件并写入 UTF 16 格式的另一个文件 我需要一个例子 因为我对 和 a 等某些字符有疑问 当写 m dic 时 我发现文件中写着 m dic 您可以按如下方式创建阅读器 InputStream is new
  • Android - ViewRootImpl$CalledFromWrongThreadException

    我正在使用this http savagelook com blog android display images from the internet in android 显示来自互联网的图像 但它会抛出如下错误 04 12 13 45
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    我正在使用 Kafka Streams v0 10 0 1 编写一个应用程序 并希望通过查找数据来丰富我正在处理的记录 该数据 带时间戳的文件 每天 或每天 2 3 次 写入 HDFS 目录 我怎样才能将其加载到Kafka Streams应
  • FROM 子句中的 PostgreSQL json_array_elements - 为什么这不是笛卡尔连接?

    如果我有这样的表达 SELECT t json column gt gt x nested gt gt y FROM my table t json array elements t gt nested nested 为什么我不需要加入 更
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  • 使用||在开关的情况下?

    因此 对于 Java 基础知识的大学实验室来说 我遇到了麻烦 我必须设置一个开关 并在该开关内放置一个盒子 有3个选项供用户输入 每个选项都可以用字母来回答 问题是这个字母允许是大写或小写 问题是我似乎不知道如何设置它 所以一个案例将允许其
  • Greasemonkey 脚本中的 XPath 未在 XHTML 页面上选择正确的节点

    我正在为 Greasemonkey 编写脚本微博网 我无法在 XHTML 页面上使用 XPath 选择元素 此代码无法获取我想要的元素 function resolver prefix return prefix x http www w3
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  • Oracle SQL 案例中的数字无效

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