捕获 iOS 模拟器视频以进行应用程序预览


好的,我们现在可以在 App Store 上提交您的应用程序的视频预览。根据 Apple 的说法,我们应该使用 iOS 8 设备来实现这一点,并且OSX 10.10.问题是您必须拥有所有不同的设备(4 英寸、4.7 英寸、5.5 英寸和 iPad)。


我正在考虑捕捉模拟器的视频。问题是设备屏幕比我的大FullHD以 100% 分辨率显示时进行监控。有什么解决方案可以直接从模拟器中以全分辨率捕获视频吗?

编辑: 既然很多人都在回答我的问题,我就不问了,我说: - 记录一种设备的大小并缩放它不是我所要求的; - 如何录音any应用程序预览不是我要的; - 我要问的不是你如何进行预览;

What I am要求是如果屏幕不适合,您能以 100% 分辨率从模拟器录制视频吗?

对于 Xcode 8.2 或更高版本

您可以使用模拟器拍摄视频和屏幕截图xcrun simctl,一个用于控制模拟器的命令行实用程序

  1. 在模拟器上运行您的应用程序

  2. 打开终端

  3. 运行命令

    • 截屏

      xcrun simctl io booted screenshot <filename>.<file extension>


      xcrun simctl io booted screenshot myScreenshot.png

    • 拍摄视频

      xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo <filename>.<file extension>


      xcrun simctl io booted recordVideo appVideo.mov

  4. Press ctrl + C to stop recording the video.


Xcode 11.2 及更高版本提供了额外的选项。

来自 Xcode 11.2 Beta 发行说明

simctl 视频录制现在可生成更小的视频文件,支持 HEIC 压缩,并利用硬件编码支持,其中 可用的。此外,还可以在 iOS 13、tvOS 上录制视频 13、watchOS 6 设备已恢复。


xcrun simctl io --help
Set up a device IO operation.
Usage: simctl io <device> <operation> <arguments>


    recordVideo [--codec=<codec>] [--display=<display>] [--mask=<policy>] [--force] <file or url>
        Records the display to a QuickTime movie at the specified file or url.
        --codec      Specifies the codec type: "h264" or "hevc". Default is "hevc".

        --display    iOS: supports "internal" or "external". Default is "internal".
                     tvOS: supports only "external"
                     watchOS: supports only "internal"

        --mask       For non-rectangular displays, handle the mask by policy:
                     ignored: The mask is ignored and the unmasked framebuffer is saved.
                     alpha: Not supported, but retained for compatibility; the mask is rendered black.
                     black: The mask is rendered black.

        --force      Force the output file to be written to, even if the file already exists.

    screenshot [--type=<type>] [--display=<display>] [--mask=<policy>] <file or url>
        Saves a screenshot as a PNG to the specified file or url(use "-" for stdout).
        --type       Can be "png", "tiff", "bmp", "gif", "jpeg". Default is png.

        --display    iOS: supports "internal" or "external". Default is "internal".
                     tvOS: supports only "external"
                     watchOS: supports only "internal"

                     You may also specify a port by UUID
        --mask       For non-rectangular displays, handle the mask by policy:
                     ignored: The mask is ignored and the unmasked framebuffer is saved.
                     alpha: The mask is used as premultiplied alpha.
                     black: The mask is rendered black.


xcrun simctl io booted screenshot --type=jpeg --mask=black screenshot.jpeg


捕获 iOS 模拟器视频以进行应用程序预览 的相关文章
