更改选定直方图 bin 条的颜色(给定其值)


类似于我之前问过的一个问题 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35780048/labelling-a-matplotlib-histogram-bin-with-an-arrow,我有一个像这样的 MWE:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np

pd.Series(np.random.normal(0, 100, 1000)).plot(kind='hist', bins=50, color='orange')

bar_value_to_colour = 102




import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

s = pd.Series(np.random.normal(0, 100, 10000))
p = s.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, color='orange')

bar_value_to_label = 100
min_distance = float("inf")  # initialize min_distance with infinity
index_of_bar_to_label = 0
for i, rectangle in enumerate(p.patches):  # iterate over every bar
    tmp = abs(  # tmp = distance from middle of the bar to bar_value_to_label
        (rectangle.get_x() +
            (rectangle.get_width() * (1 / 2))) - bar_value_to_label)
    if tmp < min_distance:  # we are searching for the bar with x cordinate
                            # closest to bar_value_to_label
        min_distance = tmp
        index_of_bar_to_label = i




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