CoreData 中的异步读取 - 使用 newBackgroundContext + FetchRequest 与 newBackgroundContext + NSAsynchronousFetchRequest 的区别?


似乎有两种方法可以在 CoreData 中执行异步读取,而不会阻塞主线程 UI。

新的BackgroundContext + NSFetchRequest

来源 :

// Create a new background managed object context
let context = persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext()

// If needed, ensure the background context stays
// up to date with changes from the parent
context.automaticallyMergesChangesFromParent = true

// Perform operations on the background context
// asynchronously
context.perform {
    do {
        // Create a fetch request
        let fetchRequest: NSFetchRequest<CustomEntity>

        fetchRequest = CustomEntity.fetchRequest()
        fetchRequest.fetchLimit = 1

        let objects = try context.fetch(fetchRequest)

        // Handle fetched objects
    catch let error {
        // Handle error

新的BackgroundContext + NSAsynchronousFetchRequest


let privateManagedObjectContext = persistentContainer.newBackgroundContext()

// Creates a fetch request to get all the dogs saved
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "Dog")

// Creates `asynchronousFetchRequest` with the fetch request and the completion closure
let asynchronousFetchRequest = NSAsynchronousFetchRequest(fetchRequest: fetchRequest) { asynchronousFetchResult in

    // Retrieves an array of dogs from the fetch result `finalResult`
    guard let result = asynchronousFetchResult.finalResult as? [Dog] else { return }

    // Dispatches to use the data in the main queue
    DispatchQueue.main.async {
        // Do something

do {
    // Executes `asynchronousFetchRequest`
    try privateManagedObjectContext.execute(asynchronousFetchRequest)
} catch let error {
    print("NSAsynchronousFetchRequest error: \(error)")

但是,请注意,如果我要启用标志,上面的代码将不幸地导致致命错误 1。到目前为止,我还没有一个好的解决方案。更详细的内容请参考为什么我在这个最简单的 NSAsynchronousFetchRequest 用例中获得 Multithreading_Violation_AllThatIsLeftToUsIsHonor?

我可以知道,它们之间有什么区别newBackgroundContext + NSFetchRequest vs newBackgroundContext + NSAsynchronousFetchRequest?


1. 关于__Multithreading_Violation_AllThatIsLeftToUsIsHonor__例外:

CoreData 异步获取导致并发调试器错误

一致认为这是 CoreData 中的一个错误。
有一个错误报告:截至撰写本文时,该网站已经 8 年后仍然开放。


该 API 于 2014 年推出,并在 WWDC 视频中进行了讨论225_sd_whats_new_in_core_data

我使用以下命令查看了几个随机实现NSAsynchronousFetchRequest在 GitHub 上,我找到了主要上下文和背景上下文的示例。

一件事你must do然而,当使用后台上下文时,将提取执行包装在perform block (文档

privateManagedObjectContext.perform {
    do {
        try privateManagedObjectContext.execute(asynchronousFetchRequest)
    } catch let error {
        print("error trying to fetch saving objects:", error.localizedDescription)


DispatchQueue.main.async {
    // here the objects in result (belongs to private context) are
    // accessed on the main queue – the whole point is to *not* do that!
    // one might get away with it because it is only read access to id
    // but good luck debugging this...
    let dogs: [Dog] = result.lazy
        .flatMap { $0.objectID }
        .flatMap { mainManagedObjectContext.object(with: $0) as? Dog }
    // ...


So: mainContext + NSAsynchronousFetchRequest

3. 我应该如何选择?



  • 文档很少
  • 它维护得不好(永远存在错误)
  • 它没有很好地适应(例如流行且优秀的 Core Data 包装器核心商店不使用它)

最后一个想法 - 在进行异步获取之前,请确保您确实需要它。首先优化查询、数据模型或批处理设置的性能可能会更好。


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