


void execute(const char* program_call, const char* param )
    pid_t child = vfork();

    if(child == 0) // child process
        int child_pid = getpid();

        char *args[2]; // arguments for exec
        args[0] = (char*)program_call; // first argument is program_call
        args[1] = (char*)param;

        // close all opened file descriptors:
        const char* prefix = "/proc/";
        const char* suffix = "/fd/";
        char child_proc_dir[16]; 
        sprintf(child_proc_dir,"%s%d%s",prefix,child_pid, suffix);

        DIR *dir;
        struct dirent *ent;

        if ((dir = opendir (child_proc_dir)) != NULL) {
            // get files and directories within directory
            while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) {
                // convert file name to int
                char* end;
                int fd = strtol(ent->d_name, &end, 32);
                if (!*end) // valid file descriptor
                    close(fd); // close file descriptor
                    // or set the flag FD_CLOEXEC
                    //fcntl( fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );
            closedir (dir);
            cerr<< "can not open directory: " << child_proc_dir <<endl;
        // replace the child process with exec*-function
    else if (child == -1) // fork error
        if (errno == EAGAIN)
            cerr<<“To much processes"<<endl;
        else if (errno == ENOMEM)
            cerr<<“Not enough space available."<<endl;
    else // parent process
        usleep(50); // give some time 
        if ( errno == EACCES)
            cerr<<“Permission denied or process file not executable."<<endl;
        else if ( errno == ENOENT)
            cerr<<"\n Invalid path or file."<<endl;
        int child_status;
        if ( waitpid(child, &child_status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED) < 0) // waitpid failed
            cerr<<"Error - Execution failed"<<endl;
        else if ( WIFEXITED( child_status ) &&  WEXITSTATUS( child_status ) != 0)   
            cerr<<“Child process error - Execution failed"<<endl;


  1. 关闭文件描述符会导致一些问题,例如 Thunderbird 崩溃或 VLC 运行时没有声音。更准确地说:关闭stdout(1) and stderr(2)导致这些问题。据我了解,在 exec 之前关闭文件描述符只会防止它们被复制(不需要从子进程向父进程发送信息)。为什么这会影响子进程?更换close()通过设置标志FD_CLOEXEC并没有改变任何东西。还设置FD_CLOEXECfork 之前的 flag 并不能解决问题。有没有更好的方法来防止文件描述符的继承?

  2. waitpid的返回值往往是0,即使程序调用失败,我想是因为有两个(异步)进程。usleep(50)解决了这个问题以满足我的需求,但我希望有更好的解决方案来解决这个问题。


首先,在2014年,从来没有使用过vfork但简单地说fork(2) http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/fork.2.html。 (自从vfork(2) http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/vfork.2.html自 POSIX 2001 起已过时,并在 POSIX 2008 中删除)。


for (int fd=3; fd<256; fd++) (void) close(fd);

(hint: if a fd is invalid, close(fd) would fail and we ignore the failure; and you start from 3 to keep open 0==stdin, 1==stdout, 2==stderr; so in principle all the close above would fail).


当然,如果您知道除 stdin、stdout、stderr 之外的某些文件描述符是有效的并且子级需要program_call(这不太可能)您需要明确跳过它。



也许你想要守护进程(3) http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/daemon.3.html或(正如评论者vality https://stackoverflow.com/users/3323096/vality) posix_spawn http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/009695399/functions/posix_spawn.html.

如果您需要显式关闭STDIN_FILENO(即 0),或STDOUT_FILENO(即 1),或STDERR_FILENO(即2)你会更好open("/dev/null",... and dup2他们在打电话之后 - 打电话之前exec,因为大多数程序都期望它们存在。


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