使用 System.Text.Json 自定义可选属性的 JSON 序列化器


我正在尝试实现一个处理两者的 JSON 序列化机制null和缺失的 JSON 值,以便能够在需要时执行部分更新(这样当值缺失时它不会触及数据库中的字段,但当值显式设置为时它会清除它)null).

我创建了一个从 Roslyn 复制的自定义结构Optional<T> https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/blob/master/src/Compilers/Core/Portable/Optional.cs type:

public readonly struct Optional<T>
    public Optional(T value)
        this.HasValue = true;
        this.Value = value;

    public bool HasValue { get; }
    public T Value { get; }
    public static implicit operator Optional<T>(T value) => new Optional<T>(value);
    public override string ToString() => this.HasValue ? (this.Value?.ToString() ?? "null") : "unspecified";

现在我希望能够对 JSON 进行序列化/反序列化,以便在通过以下方式往返时保留 JSON 中任何缺失的字段:Optional<T> object:

public class CustomType
    public Optional<int?> Foo { get; set; }

    public Optional<int?> Bar { get; set; }

    public Optional<int?> Baz { get; set; }


var options = new JsonSerializerOptions();
options.Converters.Add(new OptionalConverter());

string json = @"{""foo"":0,""bar"":null}";
CustomType parsed = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<CustomType>(json, options);
string roundtrippedJson = JsonSerializer.Serialize(parsed, options);

// json and roundtrippedJson should be equivalent
Console.WriteLine("json:             " + json);
Console.WriteLine("roundtrippedJson: " + roundtrippedJson);

我开始实施基于JsonConverterFactory,但如果可选的,我似乎找不到在序列化期间省略该属性的正确方法HasValue is false:

public class OptionalConverter : JsonConverterFactory
    public override bool CanConvert(Type typeToConvert)
        if (!typeToConvert.IsGenericType) { return false; }
        if (typeToConvert.GetGenericTypeDefinition() != typeof(Optional<>)) { return false; }
        return true;

    public override JsonConverter CreateConverter(Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        Type valueType = typeToConvert.GetGenericArguments()[0];

        return (JsonConverter)Activator.CreateInstance(
            type: typeof(OptionalConverterInner<>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { valueType }),
            bindingAttr: BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
            binder: null,
            args: null,
            culture: null

    private class OptionalConverterInner<T> : JsonConverter<Optional<T>>
        public override Optional<T> Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            T value = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<T>(ref reader, options);
            return new Optional<T>(value);

        public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Optional<T> value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
            // Does not work (produces invalid JSON).
            // Problem: the object's key has already been written in the JSON writer at this point.
            if (value.HasValue)
                JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, value.Value, options);


json:             {"foo":0,"bar":null}
roundtrippedJson: {"foo":0,"bar":null,"baz":}


一个习俗JsonConverter<T>无法阻止转换器应用的值的序列化,请参阅[System.Text.Json] 转换器级条件序列化 #36275 https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/36275确认。

在.Net 5中有一个选项可以忽略默认值,它应该满足您的需要,请参阅如何使用 System.Text.Json 忽略属性 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json-ignore-properties?pivots=dotnet-5-0#ignore-individual-properties。该版本介绍了JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/master/src/libraries/System.Text.Json/src/System/Text/Json/Serialization/JsonIgnoreCondition.cs:

public enum JsonIgnoreCondition
    // Property is never ignored during serialization or deserialization.
    Never = 0,
    // Property is always ignored during serialization and deserialization.
    Always = 1,
    // If the value is the default, the property is ignored during serialization.
    // This is applied to both reference and value-type properties and fields.
    WhenWritingDefault = 2,
    // If the value is null, the property is ignored during serialization.
    // This is applied only to reference-type properties and fields.
    WhenWritingNull = 3,

您将能够通过以下方式将条件应用于特定属性[JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault)] https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.text.json.serialization.jsonignoreattribute.condition?view=net-5.0或通过设置全局JsonSerializerOptions.DefaultIgnoreCondition https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.text.json.jsonserializeroptions.defaultignorecondition?view=net-5.0.

因此,在 .Net 5 中,您的类将如下所示:

public class CustomType
    [JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault)]
    public Optional<int?> Foo { get; set; }

    [JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault)]
    public Optional<int?> Bar { get; set; }

    [JsonIgnore(Condition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault)]
    public Optional<int?> Baz { get; set; }

And the HasValue检查应该从OptionalConverterInner<T>.Write():

public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, Optional<T> value, JsonSerializerOptions options) =>
    JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, value.Value, options);

演示小提琴 #1here https://dotnetfiddle.net/tY8Hfx.

在.Net 3中,因为没有条件序列化机制System.Text.Json,有条件地省略没有值的可选属性的唯一选择是编写custom JsonConverter<T> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json-converters-how-to 对于包含可选属性的所有类。这并不容易,因为JsonSerializer 不提供对其内部合同信息的任何访问 https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/34456因此,我们需要为每种类型手工制作一个转换器,或者通过反射编写我们自己的通用代码。


public interface IHasValue
    bool HasValue { get; }
    object GetValue();

public readonly struct Optional<T> : IHasValue
    public Optional(T value)
        this.HasValue = true;
        this.Value = value;

    public bool HasValue { get; }
    public T Value { get; }
    public object GetValue() => Value;
    public static implicit operator Optional<T>(T value) => new Optional<T>(value);
    public override string ToString() => this.HasValue ? (this.Value?.ToString() ?? "null") : "unspecified";

public class TypeWithOptionalsConverter<T> : JsonConverter<T> where T : class, new()
    class TypeWithOptionalsConverterContractFactory : JsonObjectContractFactory<T>
        protected override Expression CreateSetterCastExpression(Expression e, Type t)
            // (Optional<Nullable<T>>)(object)default(T) does not work, even though (Optional<Nullable<T>>)default(T) does work.
            // To avoid the problem we need to first cast to Nullable<T>, then to Optional<Nullable<T>>
            if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Optional<>))
                return Expression.Convert(Expression.Convert(e, t.GetGenericArguments()[0]), t);
            return base.CreateSetterCastExpression(e, t);
    static readonly TypeWithOptionalsConverterContractFactory contractFactory = new TypeWithOptionalsConverterContractFactory();
    public override T Read(ref Utf8JsonReader reader, Type typeToConvert, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        var properties = contractFactory.GetProperties(typeToConvert);

        if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Null)
            return null;
        if (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.StartObject)
            throw new JsonException();
        var value = new T();
        while (reader.Read())
            if (reader.TokenType == JsonTokenType.EndObject)
                return value;
            if (reader.TokenType != JsonTokenType.PropertyName)
                throw new JsonException();
            string propertyName = reader.GetString();
            if (!properties.TryGetValue(propertyName, out var property) || property.SetValue == null)
                var type = property.PropertyType.IsGenericType && property.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Optional<>) 
                    ? property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0] : property.PropertyType;
                var item = JsonSerializer.Deserialize(ref reader, type, options);
                property.SetValue(value, item);
        throw new JsonException();

    public override void Write(Utf8JsonWriter writer, T value, JsonSerializerOptions options)
        foreach (var property in contractFactory.GetProperties(value.GetType()))
            if (options.IgnoreReadOnlyProperties && property.Value.SetValue == null)
            var item = property.Value.GetValue(value);
            if (item is IHasValue hasValue)
                if (!hasValue.HasValue)
                JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, hasValue.GetValue(), options);
                if (options.IgnoreNullValues && item == null)
                JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, item, property.Value.PropertyType, options);

public class JsonPropertyContract<TBase>
    internal JsonPropertyContract(PropertyInfo property, Func<Expression, Type, Expression> setterCastExpression)
        this.GetValue = ExpressionExtensions.GetPropertyFunc<TBase>(property).Compile();
        if (property.GetSetMethod() != null)
            this.SetValue = ExpressionExtensions.SetPropertyFunc<TBase>(property, setterCastExpression).Compile();
        this.PropertyType = property.PropertyType;
    public Func<TBase, object> GetValue { get; }
    public Action<TBase, object> SetValue { get; }
    public Type PropertyType { get; }

public class JsonObjectContractFactory<TBase>
    protected virtual Expression CreateSetterCastExpression(Expression e, Type t) => Expression.Convert(e, t);
    ConcurrentDictionary<Type, ReadOnlyDictionary<string, JsonPropertyContract<TBase>>> Properties { get; } = 
        new ConcurrentDictionary<Type, ReadOnlyDictionary<string, JsonPropertyContract<TBase>>>();

    ReadOnlyDictionary<string, JsonPropertyContract<TBase>> CreateProperties(Type type)
        if (!typeof(TBase).IsAssignableFrom(type))
            throw new ArgumentException();
        var dictionary = type
            .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
            .Where(p => p.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0 && p.GetGetMethod() != null
                   && !Attribute.IsDefined(p, typeof(System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonIgnoreAttribute)))
            .ToDictionary(p => p.GetCustomAttribute<System.Text.Json.Serialization.JsonPropertyNameAttribute>()?.Name ?? p.Name,
                          p => new JsonPropertyContract<TBase>(p, (e, t) => CreateSetterCastExpression(e, t)), 
        return dictionary.ToReadOnly();

    public IReadOnlyDictionary<string, JsonPropertyContract<TBase>> GetProperties(Type type) => Properties.GetOrAdd(type, t => CreateProperties(t));

public static class DictionaryExtensions
    public static ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> ToReadOnly<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary) => 
        new ReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>(dictionary ?? throw new ArgumentNullException());

public static class ExpressionExtensions
    public static Expression<Func<T, object>> GetPropertyFunc<T>(PropertyInfo property)
        // (x) => (object)x.Property;
        var arg = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
        var getter = Expression.Property(arg, property);
        var cast = Expression.Convert(getter, typeof(object));
        return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, object>>(cast, arg);

    public static Expression<Action<T, object>> SetPropertyFunc<T>(PropertyInfo property, Func<Expression, Type, Expression> setterCastExpression)
        //(x, y) => x.Property = (TProperty)y       
        var arg1 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(T), "x");
        var arg2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "y");
        var cast = setterCastExpression(arg2, property.PropertyType);
        var setter = Expression.Call(arg1, property.GetSetMethod(), cast);
        return Expression.Lambda<Action<T, object>>(setter, arg1, arg2);


  • CustomType仍然如您的问题所示。

  • 没有尝试处理命名策略的存在JsonSerializerOptions.PropertyNamingPolicy https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.text.json.jsonserializeroptions.propertynamingpolicy?view=netcore-3.1#System_Text_Json_JsonSerializerOptions_PropertyNamingPolicy。你可以在TypeWithOptionalsConverter<T>如果需要的话。

  • 我添加了一个非通用接口IHasValue以便更轻松地访问盒装Optional<T>在序列化期间。

演示小提琴#2here https://dotnetfiddle.net/MslUoq.

或者,您可以坚持使用 Json.NET,它在属性和联系人级别支持此功能。看:

  • (可选)根据运行时值序列化属性 https://stackoverflow.com/q/12522000/3744182(本质上是你的问题的重复)。

  • 如何根据用户授权动态jsonignore? https://stackoverflow.com/q/16138840/3744182


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