如果订阅有效时间少于 3 个月,则暂时删除取消按钮


我需要一些帮助来暂时删除“我的帐户”内“我的订阅”页面中的取消按钮。我想隐藏取消按钮,直到至少 3 个月后自用户订阅以来(或 90 天)。订阅3个月后,取消按钮将再次出现。

使用:Woocommerce 与 Woo 订阅和 Woo 会员资格一起使用

我发现了另一个问题,该问题已得到解答,但无论我如何编辑它,我似乎都无法使代码正常工作(在 WooCommerce 中禁用单个订阅的取消订阅 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58486397/disable-cancel-subscription-for-single-subscription-in-woocommerce). 下面的第一段代码来自链接.

function sv_edit_my_memberships_actions( $actions ) {
    // Get the current active user
    $user_id = wp_get_current_user();

    if(!$user_id) // No valid user, abort
        return $actions;

    // Only query active subscriptions
    $memberships_info = wc_memberships_get_user_active_memberships($user_id, array( 
        'status' => array( 'active' ),

    // Loop through each active subscription
    foreach ($memberships_info as $membership) {
        $subscription_start_date = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($membership->get_start_date()));
        //$subscription_end_date = date("Y/m/d", strtotime($membership->get_end_date()));
        //$subscription_name = $membership->get_plan()->get_name();
        //$subscription_id = $membership->get_plan()->get_id();

        if($subscription_id == 'YOUR_ID') { // Active subscription
            // Compare the starting date of the subscription with the current date
            $datetime1 = date_create($subscription_start_date);
            $datetime2 = date_create(date(time()));

            $interval = date_diff($datetime1, $datetime2);

            if($interval->format('%m') <= 11) {
                // remove the "Cancel" action for members
                unset( $actions['cancel'] );
   return $actions;


function remove_cancel_button( $actions, $subscription ) {

        foreach ( $actions as $action_key => $action ) {
          switch ( $action_key ) {
            case 'cancel':          // Remove the cancel button
                unset( $actions[ $action_key ] );
                error_log( '-- $action = ' . print_r( $action, true ) );

        return $actions;
    add_filter( 'wcs_view_subscription_actions', 'remove_cancel_button', 100, 2);

我已阅读找到的相关开发人员文档here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/develop/并更改您的代码,以便它使用当前网站日期并将其与订阅日期进行比较。

如果差异小于 3 个月,取消按钮将保持隐藏状态,直到差异至少为 3 个月。

请注意,我使用了'last_payment'要比较的日期,其他可能使用的选项是'start', 'trial_end', 'next_payment', 'last_payment' or 'end'。 了解更多相关信息here https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/subscriptions/develop/functions/#section-3.

 * Remove cancel button ( When last payment was less then 3 months ago )
 * @param array $actions, action array.
 * @param int $subscription_id, the id of the current subscription.
 * @return array $actions, the altered action array.
function remove_cancel_button( $actions, $subscription_id ) {

  // Gets the subscription object on subscription id
  $subscription = new WC_Subscription( $subscription_id );

  // Get last payment date from subscription object, uses the sites timezone setting
  $last_payment_date = $subscription->get_date( 'last_payment', 'site' );
  $last_payment_date = new DateTime( $last_payment_date );

  // The current date/time, uses the sites timezone setting
  $today = new DateTime( current_time('mysql') );

  // Get the difference in date
  $interval = $today->diff( $last_payment_date );

  // Check if interval is less then 3 months
  if( $interval->m < 3 ){
    unset( $actions['cancel'] );

  // Return the actions
  return $actions;
add_filter( 'wcs_view_subscription_actions', 'remove_cancel_button', 100, 2);



如果订阅有效时间少于 3 个月,则暂时删除取消按钮 的相关文章
