瑞典 BankID 使用 hmac 生成 Python 动画 QR 代码


我正在开发一个 Django 项目,它将使用 BankID 进行授权和数字签名。我在用pybankid https://github.com/hbldh/pybankid,关于这个项目,我除了好话之外没有什么可说的。我的问题在于尝试使用bankIDs 文档提供的代码。

二维码文档 https://www.bankid.com/utvecklare/guider/teknisk-integrationsguide/qrkoder

import hashlib
import hmac
import time
qr_start_token = rp_response["qrStartToken"]
# "67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8"
qr_start_secret = rp_response["qrStartSecret"]
# "d28db9a7-4cde-429e-a983-359be676944c"
order_time = time.time()
# (The time in seconds when the response from the BankID service was delivered)
qr_time = str(int(time.time() - order_time))
# ("0" or another string with a higher number depending on order_time and current time)
qr_auth_code = hmac.new(qr_start_secret, qr_time, hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
# "dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8" (qr_time="0")
# "949d559bf23403952a94d103e67743126381eda00f0b3cbddbf7c96b1adcbce2" (qr_time="1")
# "a9e5ec59cb4eee4ef4117150abc58fad7a85439a6a96ccbecc3668b41795b3f3" (qr_time="2")
# (64 chars hex)
qr_data = str.join(".", "bankid", qr_start_token, qr_time, qr_auth_code)
# "bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.0.dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8" (qr_time="0")
# "bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.1.949d559bf23403952a94d103e67743126381eda00f0b3cbddbf7c96b1adcbce2" (qr_time="1")
# "bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.2.a9e5ec59cb4eee4ef4117150abc58fad7a85439a6a96ccbecc3668b41795b3f3" (qr_time="2")

我得到 TypeError: key: Expected bytes or bytearray, but getting 'str',当我尝试将 qr_start_secret 转换为字节时,我得到 Unicode-objects must be generated before hashing。我不知所措。有人有什么想法吗?


if request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']:
 ua_string = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
 user_agent = parse(ua_string)
 if user_agent.is_pc:
                        order_time = time.time()
                        while status == "pending":

  qr_start_token = auth["qrStartToken"]

  qr_start_secret = auth["qrStartSecret"]

  qr_time = str(int(time.time() - order_time))

  qr_auth_code = hmac.new(qr_start_secret.encode(), qr_time.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()

  qr_data = ".".join(["bankid", qr_start_token, qr_time, qr_auth_code])

  print(f'qr_data: {qr_data}')



  qr = segno.make(qr_data)
  qr.save('media/img/temp/' + personal_number + '.svg')

  if status == "complete":
   print("Logged on")
   dj_login(request, user)
   return render(request, 'home/auth-login-Success.html')



  1. 看起来像qr_start_token and qr_start_secret是字符串。
  2. str.join接收 4 个参数时会引发错误


import hashlib
import hmac
import time
qr_start_token = "67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8"
qr_start_secret = "d28db9a7-4cde-429e-a983-359be676944c"
order_time = time.time()
# (The time in seconds when the response from the BankID service was delivered)
qr_time = str(int(time.time() - order_time))
# ("0" or another string with a higher number depending on order_time and current time)
print(f'qr_time: {qr_time}')
qr_auth_code = hmac.new(qr_start_secret.encode(), qr_time.encode(), hashlib.sha256).hexdigest()
# "dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8" (qr_time="0")
# "949d559bf23403952a94d103e67743126381eda00f0b3cbddbf7c96b1adcbce2" (qr_time="1")
# "a9e5ec59cb4eee4ef4117150abc58fad7a85439a6a96ccbecc3668b41795b3f3" (qr_time="2")
# (64 chars hex)

print(f'qr_auth_code: {qr_auth_code}')
print(qr_auth_code == "dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8")
qr_data = str.join(".", ["bankid", qr_start_token, qr_time, qr_auth_code])
# or better
# qr_data = ".".join(["bankid", qr_start_token, qr_time, qr_auth_code])

# "bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.0.dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8" (qr_time="0")
# "bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.1.949d559bf23403952a94d103e67743126381eda00f0b3cbddbf7c96b1adcbce2" (qr_time="1")
# "bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.2.a9e5ec59cb4eee4ef4117150abc58fad7a85439a6a96ccbecc3668b41795b3f3" (qr_time="2")

print(f'qr_data: {qr_data}')


qr_time: 0
qr_auth_code: dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8
qr_data: bankid.67df3917-fa0d-44e5-b327-edcc928297f8.0.dc69358e712458a66a7525beef148ae8526b1c71610eff2c16cdffb4cdac9bf8

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