

我正在寻找一个命令行程序来向 PE 文件的导入表添加条目。 我的目标是将一个新的导入函数从外部 DLL 添加到我的 EXE,然后使用 ollydbg 使用代码洞穴插入新代码。新代码将使用新导入的函数。

实际上我已经实现了我的目标,但是要向我使用的导入表添加一个新条目Stud_PE http://www.cgsoftlabs.ro/studpe.html,这是一个 GUI 应用程序,我想自动化这部分过程。

我会考虑以编程方式解决方案,但我担心 PE 结构太复杂,无法在我的时间范围内学习和探索。此外,如果已经存在一个实现,那么不使用它将是一种耻辱。 :-)


m-PEFile对于 c++:

还请查看pefile对于蟒蛇:http://code.google.com/p/pefile/ http://code.google.com/p/pefile/

And PE/COFF 4J对于java:http://pecoff4j.sourceforge.net/ http://pecoff4j.sourceforge.net/

在我看来,PE/COFF 4J 的功能有限,但也许您会发现它很有帮助。

Code: PEFile.h

********************************   Team AT4RE   ********************************
*******************  PLEASE DON'T CHANGE/REMOVE THIS HEADER  *******************
**                                                                            **
**  Title:      PEFile class.                                                 **
**  Desc:       A handy class to manipulate pe files.                         **
**  Author:     MohammadHi [ in4matics at hotmail dot com ]                   **
**  WwW:        AT4RE      [ http://www.at4re.com ]                           **
**  Date:       2008-01-28                                                    **
**                                                                            **

[  PE File Format   ]
|    DOS Header     |
|     DOS Stub      |
|     PE Header     |
|   Section Table   |
|      Padding      |
|     Section 1     |
|     Section 2     |
|        ...        |
|     Section n     |

#pragma once
#pragma pack(1)
#include <windows.h>
#define MAX_SECTION_COUNT       64
#define SECTION_IMPORT          "@.import"
#define SECTION_RESERV          "@.reserv"
struct PE_DOS_HEADER {
    WORD   Signature;
    WORD   LastPageBytes;
    WORD   NumberOfPages;
    WORD   Relocations;
    WORD   HeaderSize;
    WORD   MinMemory;
    WORD   MaxMemory;
    WORD   InitialSS;
    WORD   InitialSP;
    WORD   Checksum;
    WORD   InitialIP;
    WORD   InitialCS;
    WORD   RelocTableOffset;
    WORD   Overlay;
    WORD   Reserved1[4];
    WORD   OemId;
    WORD   OemInfo;
    WORD   Reserved2[10];
    LONG   PEHeaderOffset;
struct PE_DOS_STUB {
    char*   RawData;
    DWORD   Size;
    DWORD   Offset;
    char*   RawData;
    DWORD   Size;
    char*               FunctionName;
    int                 FunctionId;
struct PE_IMPORT_DLL {
    char*               DllName;
    PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION* Functions;
    PE_IMPORT_DLL*  Next;
class PEFile {
    PE_DOS_HEADER       dosHeader;
    PE_DOS_STUB         dosStub;
    PE_NT_HEADERS       peHeaders;
    PE_SECTION_DATA     reservedData;
    PE_IMPORT_DLL       importTable;
    PE_IMPORT_DLL       newImports;

    PEFile(char* filePath);
    bool                loadFromFile(char* filePath);
    bool                loadFromMemory(char* memoryAddress);
    bool                saveToFile(char* filePath);
    int                 addSection(char* name, DWORD size, bool isExecutable);
    void                addImport(char* dllName, char** functions, int functionCount);
    void                commit();

    char*               peMemory;

    void                init();
    bool                readFileData(char* filePath);
    bool                checkValidity();
    bool                readHeaders();
    bool                readBody();
    bool                readImportTable();
    bool                writePadding(HANDLE fileHandle, long paddingSize);
    void                unloadFile();

    void                buildImportTable();
    char*               buildNewImports(DWORD baseRVA);
    DWORD               calcNewImportsSize(DWORD &sizeDlls, DWORD &sizeFunctions, DWORD &sizeStrings);

    DWORD               alignNumber(DWORD number, DWORD alignment);
    DWORD               rvaToOffset(DWORD rva);
    DWORD               offsetToRVA(DWORD offset);

    void                fixReservedData();
    void                fixHeaders();
    void                fixSectionTable();


Code: PEFile.cpp

********************************   Team AT4RE   ********************************
*******************  PLEASE DON'T CHANGE/REMOVE THIS HEADER  *******************
**                                                                            **
**  Title:      PEFile class.                                                 **
**  Desc:       A handy class to manipulate pe files.                         **
**  Author:     MohammadHi [ in4matics at hotmail dot com ]                   **
**  WwW:        AT4RE      [ http://www.at4re.com ]                           **
**  Date:       2008-01-28                                                    **
**                                                                            **

#include "PEFile.h"
#include <math.h>
#define DEBUG_ENABLED true;
    #define echo(x)         MessageBox(0, x, "DEBUG", MB_ICONERROR);
    #define echo2(x, y)     { char v[256]; strcpy_s(v, 256, x); strcat_s(v, 256, y); echo(v); }
    #define echo3(x, y, z)  { char w[256]; strcpy_s(w, 256, x); strcat_s(w, 256, y); echo2(w, z); }
    #define echo(x) ;
    #define echo2(x, y) ;
    #define echo3(x, y, z) ;
PEFile::PEFile() {
PEFile::PEFile(char* filePath) {
PEFile::~PEFile() {
void PEFile::init() {
    peMemory = NULL;
    ZeroMemory(&newImports, sizeof(PE_IMPORT_DLL));
bool PEFile::readFileData(char* filePath) {
    // open the file for read
    if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        echo3("Couldn't open file : [", filePath, "]");
        return false;

    // get the file size
    DWORD fileSize = GetFileSize(fileHandle, 0);
    if (fileSize == 0) {
        echo3("File size is ZeR0! : [", filePath, "]");
        return false;

    // allocate memory to read the pe file (note that we used VirtualAlloc not GlobalAlloc!)
    peMemory = (char*)VirtualAlloc(NULL, fileSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
    if (peMemory == NULL) {
        echo("Couldn't allocate memory!");
        return false;

    DWORD bytesRead;
    // read whole file data
    if (!ReadFile(fileHandle, peMemory, fileSize, &bytesRead, NULL) || bytesRead != fileSize) {
        echo3("Couldn't read file! : [", filePath, "]");
        return false;

    // close the file

    return true;
bool PEFile::checkValidity() {
    // 'dosHeader.Signature' must be "MZ" && 'peHeaders.Signature' must be "PE\0\0"
    if (dosHeader.Signature != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE || peHeaders.Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) {
        echo("Invalid PE file!");
        return false;

    if (peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections > MAX_SECTION_COUNT) {
        echo("Number of sections > MAX_SECTION_COUNT !");
        return false;

    return true;
bool PEFile::readHeaders() {
    // read dos/pe headers
    CopyMemory(&dosHeader, peMemory, sizeof(PE_DOS_HEADER));
    dosStub.RawData = peMemory + sizeof(PE_DOS_HEADER);
    dosStub.Size = dosHeader.PEHeaderOffset - sizeof(PE_DOS_HEADER);
    CopyMemory(&peHeaders, peMemory + dosHeader.PEHeaderOffset, sizeof(PE_NT_HEADERS));

    // check validity of the file to ensure that we loaded a "PE File" not another thing!
    if (!checkValidity()) {
        return false;

    // read section table
    ZeroMemory(sectionTable, sizeof(sectionTable));
    CopyMemory(sectionTable, peMemory + dosHeader.PEHeaderOffset + sizeof(PE_NT_HEADERS), 
        peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections * sizeof(PE_SECTION_HEADER));

    return true;
bool PEFile::readBody() {
    // read reserved data
    DWORD reservedDataOffset = dosHeader.PEHeaderOffset + sizeof(PE_NT_HEADERS) + 
        peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections * sizeof(PE_SECTION_HEADER);

    reservedData.Offset = reservedDataOffset;
    reservedData.RawData = peMemory + reservedDataOffset;
    /*reservedData.Size = peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders - reservedDataOffset;*/
    if (sectionTable[0].PointerToRawData > 0) {
        reservedData.Size = sectionTable[0].PointerToRawData - reservedDataOffset;
    } else {
        reservedData.Size = sectionTable[0].VirtualAddress - reservedDataOffset;

    // read sections
    for (int i = 0; i < peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        sections[i].Offset = sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData;
        sections[i].RawData = peMemory + sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData;
        sections[i].Size = sectionTable[i].SizeOfRawData;

    return true;
bool PEFile::readImportTable() {
    DWORD tableRVA = peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress;
    DWORD tableOffset = rvaToOffset(tableRVA);
    if (tableOffset == 0) {
        return false;

    ZeroMemory(&importTable, sizeof(PE_IMPORT_DLL));

    IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR* importDesc = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR*)(peMemory + tableOffset);
    IMAGE_THUNK_DATA* importThunk;
    PE_IMPORT_DLL* importDll = &this->importTable;
    PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION* importFunction;

    while (true) {
        importDll->DllName = (char*)(peMemory + rvaToOffset(importDesc->Name));
        if (importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk > 0) {
            importThunk = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA*)(peMemory + rvaToOffset(importDesc->OriginalFirstThunk));
        } else {
            importThunk = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA*)(peMemory + rvaToOffset(importDesc->FirstThunk));

        importDll->Functions = new PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION();
        ZeroMemory(importDll->Functions, sizeof(PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION));
        importFunction = importDll->Functions;
        while (true) {
            if ((importThunk->u1.Ordinal & IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32) == IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32) {
                importFunction->FunctionId = IMAGE_ORDINAL32(importThunk->u1.Ordinal);
            } else {
                DWORD nameOffset = rvaToOffset(importThunk->u1.AddressOfData);
                importFunction->FunctionName = (char*)(peMemory + nameOffset + 2);

            importThunk = (IMAGE_THUNK_DATA*)((char*)importThunk + sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA));
            if (importThunk->u1.AddressOfData == 0) {
            importFunction->Next = new PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION();
            ZeroMemory(importFunction->Next, sizeof(PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION));
            importFunction = importFunction->Next;

        importDesc = (IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR*)((char*)importDesc + sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR));
        if (importDesc->Name == 0) {
        importDll->Next = new PE_IMPORT_DLL();
        ZeroMemory(importDll->Next, sizeof(PE_IMPORT_DLL));
        importDll = importDll->Next;

    return true;
bool PEFile::loadFromFile(char* filePath) {

    return readFileData(filePath) &&
           readHeaders() &&
           readBody() &&
bool PEFile::loadFromMemory(char* memoryAddress) {

    peMemory = memoryAddress;

    return readHeaders()/* &&
           readBody() &&
bool PEFile::saveToFile(char* filePath) {

    // create the output file
    if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        echo("Couldn't create file");
        return false;

    DWORD bytesWritten;

    WriteFile(fileHandle, &dosHeader, sizeof(PE_DOS_HEADER), &bytesWritten, NULL);
    WriteFile(fileHandle, dosStub.RawData, dosStub.Size, &bytesWritten, NULL);
    writePadding(fileHandle, dosHeader.PEHeaderOffset - sizeof(PE_DOS_HEADER) - dosStub.Size);
    WriteFile(fileHandle, &peHeaders, sizeof(PE_NT_HEADERS), &bytesWritten, NULL);
    WriteFile(fileHandle, &sectionTable, peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections * sizeof(PE_SECTION_HEADER), &bytesWritten, NULL);
    WriteFile(fileHandle, reservedData.RawData, reservedData.Size, &bytesWritten, NULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        writePadding(fileHandle, sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData - GetFileSize(fileHandle, NULL));
        WriteFile(fileHandle, sections[i].RawData, sections[i].Size, &bytesWritten, NULL);


    return true;
bool PEFile::writePadding(HANDLE fileHandle, long paddingSize) {
    if (paddingSize <= 0)
        return false;

    DWORD bytesWritten;
    char* padding = new char[paddingSize];
    memset(padding, 0, paddingSize);
    WriteFile(fileHandle, padding, paddingSize, &bytesWritten, NULL);
    delete padding;

    return (bytesWritten == paddingSize);
void PEFile::unloadFile() {
    if (peMemory != NULL) {
        VirtualFree(peMemory, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        peMemory = NULL;
void PEFile::buildImportTable() {
    DWORD sizeDlls = 0;
    DWORD sizeFunctions = 0;
    DWORD sizeStrings = 0;
    DWORD newImportsSize = calcNewImportsSize(sizeDlls, sizeFunctions, sizeStrings);

    // we'll move the old dll list to the new import table, so we'll calc its size
    DWORD oldImportDllsSize = 0;
    PE_IMPORT_DLL* importDll = &this->importTable;
    while (importDll != NULL) {
        oldImportDllsSize += sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);
        importDll = importDll->Next;

    // add a new section to handle the new import table
    int index = addSection(SECTION_IMPORT, oldImportDllsSize + newImportsSize, false);

    // copy old import dll list
    DWORD oldImportTableRVA = peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress;
    DWORD oldImportTableOffset = rvaToOffset(oldImportTableRVA);
    CopyMemory(sections[index].RawData, peMemory + oldImportTableOffset, oldImportDllsSize);

    // copy new imports
    char* newImportsData = buildNewImports(sectionTable[index].VirtualAddress + oldImportDllsSize);
    CopyMemory(sections[index].RawData + oldImportDllsSize, newImportsData, newImportsSize);

    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].VirtualAddress = sectionTable[index].VirtualAddress;
    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IMPORT].Size = sectionTable[index].SizeOfRawData;
    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].VirtualAddress = 0;
    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT].Size = 0;
char* PEFile::buildNewImports(DWORD baseRVA) {

    IMAGE_THUNK_DATA importThunk;
    PE_IMPORT_DLL* importDll;
    PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION* importFunction;

    DWORD sizeDlls = 0;
    DWORD sizeFunctions = 0;
    DWORD sizeStrings = 0;
    DWORD newImportsSize = calcNewImportsSize(sizeDlls, sizeFunctions, sizeStrings);
    DWORD offsetDlls = 0;
    DWORD offsetFunctions = sizeDlls;
    DWORD offsetStrings = sizeDlls + 2 * sizeFunctions;

    char* buffer = new char[newImportsSize];
    ZeroMemory(buffer, newImportsSize);

    importDll = &newImports;
    while (importDll != NULL) {
        ZeroMemory(&importDesc, sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR));
        importDesc.OriginalFirstThunk = baseRVA + offsetFunctions;
        importDesc.FirstThunk = baseRVA + offsetFunctions + sizeFunctions;
        importDesc.Name = baseRVA + offsetStrings;
        CopyMemory(buffer + offsetStrings, importDll->DllName, strlen(importDll->DllName));     
        offsetStrings += alignNumber((DWORD)strlen(importDll->DllName) + 1, 2);

        CopyMemory(buffer + offsetDlls, &importDesc, sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR));
        offsetDlls += sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);

        importFunction = importDll->Functions;
        while (importFunction != NULL) {
            ZeroMemory(&importThunk, sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA));
            if (importFunction->FunctionId != 0) {
                importThunk.u1.Ordinal = importFunction->FunctionId | IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG32;
            } else {
                importThunk.u1.AddressOfData = baseRVA + offsetStrings;
                CopyMemory(buffer + offsetStrings + 2, importFunction->FunctionName, strlen(importFunction->FunctionName));     
                offsetStrings += 2 + alignNumber((DWORD)strlen(importFunction->FunctionName) + 1, 2);

            CopyMemory(buffer + offsetFunctions, &importThunk, sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA));
            CopyMemory(buffer + offsetFunctions + sizeFunctions, &importThunk, sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA));
            offsetFunctions += sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA);

            importFunction = importFunction->Next;
        offsetFunctions += sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA);

        importDll = importDll->Next;

    return buffer;
DWORD PEFile::calcNewImportsSize(DWORD &sizeDlls, DWORD &sizeFunctions, DWORD &sizeStrings) {
    PE_IMPORT_DLL* importDll = &this->newImports;
    PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION* importFunction;

    // calc added imports size
    while (importDll != NULL) {
        sizeDlls += sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR);
        sizeStrings += alignNumber((DWORD)strlen(importDll->DllName) + 1, 2);
        importFunction = importDll->Functions;
        while (importFunction != NULL) {
            sizeFunctions += sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA);
            if (importFunction->FunctionId == 0) {
                sizeStrings += 2 + alignNumber((DWORD)strlen(importFunction->FunctionName) + 1, 2);
            importFunction = importFunction->Next;
        sizeFunctions += sizeof(IMAGE_THUNK_DATA); // for the terminator thunk data
        importDll = importDll->Next;
    sizeDlls += sizeof(IMAGE_IMPORT_DESCRIPTOR); // for the terminator import descriptor

    return sizeDlls + 2 * sizeFunctions + sizeStrings;
int PEFile::addSection(char* name, DWORD size, bool isExecutable) {
    if (peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections == MAX_SECTION_COUNT) {
        return -1;

    PE_SECTION_DATA &newSection = sections[peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections];
    PE_SECTION_HEADER &newSectionHeader = sectionTable[peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections];
    PE_SECTION_HEADER &lastSectionHeader = sectionTable[peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1];

    DWORD sectionSize = alignNumber(size, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
    DWORD virtualSize = alignNumber(sectionSize, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);

    DWORD sectionOffset = alignNumber(lastSectionHeader.PointerToRawData + lastSectionHeader.SizeOfRawData, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
    DWORD virtualOffset = alignNumber(lastSectionHeader.VirtualAddress + lastSectionHeader.Misc.VirtualSize, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);

    ZeroMemory(&newSectionHeader, sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER));
    CopyMemory(newSectionHeader.Name, name, (strlen(name) > 8 ? 8 : strlen(name)));

    newSectionHeader.PointerToRawData = sectionOffset;
    newSectionHeader.VirtualAddress = virtualOffset;
    newSectionHeader.SizeOfRawData = sectionSize;
    newSectionHeader.Misc.VirtualSize = virtualSize;
    newSectionHeader.Characteristics = //0xC0000040; 

    if (isExecutable) {
        newSectionHeader.Characteristics |= IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE | IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE;

    newSection.RawData = (char*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sectionSize);
    newSection.Size = sectionSize;

    if (reservedData.Size > 0) {
        reservedData.Size -= sizeof(IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER);

    // return new section index
    return peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections - 1;
void PEFile::addImport(char* dllName, char** functions, int functionCount) {
    PE_IMPORT_DLL* importDll = &this->newImports;
    PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION* importFunction;

    if (newImports.DllName != NULL) {
        while (importDll->Next != NULL) {
            importDll = importDll->Next;
        importDll->Next = new PE_IMPORT_DLL();
        importDll = importDll->Next;
    importDll->DllName = dllName;
    importDll->Functions = new PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION();
    importDll->Next = NULL;

    importFunction = importDll->Functions;
    importFunction->FunctionName = functions[0];
    for (int i = 1; i < functionCount; i++) {
        importFunction->Next = new PE_IMPORT_FUNCTION();
        importFunction = importFunction->Next;
        importFunction->FunctionName = functions[i];
    importFunction->Next = NULL;
DWORD PEFile::alignNumber(DWORD number, DWORD alignment) {
    return (DWORD)(ceil(number / (alignment + 0.0)) * alignment);
DWORD PEFile::rvaToOffset(DWORD rva) {
    for (int i = 0; i < peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        if (rva >= sectionTable[i].VirtualAddress &&
            rva < sectionTable[i].VirtualAddress + sectionTable[i].Misc.VirtualSize) {
            return sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData + (rva - sectionTable[i].VirtualAddress);
    return 0;
DWORD PEFile::offsetToRVA(DWORD offset) {
    for (int i = 0; i < peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        if (offset >= sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData &&
            offset < sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData + sectionTable[i].SizeOfRawData) {
            return sectionTable[i].VirtualAddress + (offset - sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData);
    return 0;
void PEFile::commit() {
void PEFile::fixReservedData() {
    DWORD dirIndex = 0;
    for (dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < peHeaders.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes; dirIndex++) {
        if (peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress > 0 && 
            peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress >= reservedData.Offset &&
            peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress < reservedData.Size) {

    if (dirIndex == peHeaders.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes) {

    int sectionIndex = addSection(SECTION_RESERV, reservedData.Size, false);
    CopyMemory(sections[sectionIndex].RawData, reservedData.RawData, reservedData.Size);

    for (dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < peHeaders.OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes; dirIndex++) {
        if (peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress > 0 &&
            peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress >= reservedData.Offset &&
            peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress < reservedData.Size) {
            peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[dirIndex].VirtualAddress += 
                sectionTable[sectionIndex].VirtualAddress - reservedData.Offset;

    reservedData.Size = 0;
void PEFile::fixHeaders() {
    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders = alignNumber(dosHeader.PEHeaderOffset + peHeaders.FileHeader.SizeOfOptionalHeader +
        peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections * sizeof(PE_SECTION_HEADER), peHeaders.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);

    DWORD imageSize = peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
    for (int i = 0; i < peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        imageSize += alignNumber(sectionTable[i].Misc.VirtualSize, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = alignNumber(imageSize, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);

    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT].VirtualAddress = 0;
    peHeaders.OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_BOUND_IMPORT].Size = 0;
void PEFile::fixSectionTable() {
    DWORD offset = peHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders;
    for (int i = 0; i < peHeaders.FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
        sectionTable[i].Characteristics |= IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE;
        offset = alignNumber(offset, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
        sectionTable[i].PointerToRawData = offset;
        //sectionTable[i].SizeOfRawData = alignNumber(offset + sectionTable[i].Misc.VirtualSize, peHeaders.OptionalHeader.FileAlignment);
        offset += sectionTable[i].SizeOfRawData;
#include "PEFile.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    // Open the input file
    PEFile pe("1.exe");

    // Add "MessageBoxA" & "ShowWindow" functions to the import table
    char* functions[] = { "MessageBoxA", "ShowWindow" };
    pe.addImport("user32.dll", functions, 2);

    // Add a new section named ".at4re" with size "0x1000" byte
    pe.addSection(".at4re", 0x1000, false);

    // Save the modified file

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  • Git 扩展 - 无法在 Windows 上推送到网络驱动器中的 git bare 存储库

    我正在 Windows 上学习 git 我已经安装了 Git 扩展 版本 2 47 3 并使用了它 我在我的 C 单元中创建了一个裸存储库 作为中央存储库 并在硬盘中的其他任何位置创建了个人存储库 我对硬盘中的这两个存储库进行提交 推送和拉
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  • 游戏内的java.awt.Robot?

    我正在尝试使用下面的代码来模拟击键 当我打开记事本时 它工作正常 但当我打开我想使用它的游戏时 它没有执行任何操作 所以按键似乎不起作用 我尝试模拟鼠标移动和点击 这些动作确实有效 有谁知道如何解决这个问题 我发现这个问题 如何在游戏中使用
  • Windows 窗口对接

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  • 对于多重继承,使用隐式转换而不是 QueryInterface() 是否合法?

    假设我有一个类实现两个或多个 COM 接口 正如here https stackoverflow com questions 1742848 why exactly do i need an explicit upcast when imp
  • SetCurrentDirectoryW 中的错误 206

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  • 如何查看网络连接状态是否发生变化?

    我正在编写一个应用程序 用于检查计算机是否连接到某个特定网络 并为我们的用户带来一些魔力 该应用程序将在后台运行并执行检查是否用户请求 托盘中的菜单 我还希望应用程序能够自动检查用户是否从有线更改为无线 或者断开连接并连接到新网络 并执行魔
  • 在哪里可以找到 Windows 7 UX 指南中推荐的图标/动画?

    Windows 7 UX 指南有很好的插图和图标示例 但我在 SDK 中确实找不到它们 他们藏在某个地方 还是找不到 如果您谈论的是常见的 UI 图标 那么您应该以编程方式获取它们 例如 您可以使用 var errIcon HICON be
  • 常见的 Windows 编译器上有哪些 std::locale 名称可用?

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  • 编写一个加载 msvcr80.dll 并公开 free() 函数的 DLL

    我有一个依赖于 MSVCR80 的第三方 DLL 并分配我需要清理的资源 图书馆有not暴露一个free 执行此操作的函数 相反 我需要加载相同的运行时库并手动调用free功能 作为一种解决方法 我尝试编写一个 包装器 DLL 它加载正确的
  • 将所有文件与指定目录(和子目录)中的所有文件进行二进制比较

    我需要将目录及其子目录中包含的所有文件与同一目录及其子目录中包含的所有其他文件进行比较 并将匹配文件的路径记录到文本文件或 CSV 我意识到有一些软件工具可以做到这一点 但除非它可以在 Windows 中开箱即用 否则我将不被允许在我的网络
  • GUI 测试工具 PyUseCase 与 Dogtail 相比如何?

    GUI测试工具如何Py用例 http pypi python org pypi PyUseCase重命名为故事文本 http pypi python org pypi StoryText 相比于Dogtail http en wikiped
  • 将 OpenBLAS 链接到 MinGW

    我正在尝试链接OpenBLAS https www openblas net 图书馆与明GW w64 https mingw w64 org Windows 上的编译器 这是我的代码 include
