Python 3.3:使用时出现DeprecationWarning



from import assert_equals, assert_almost_equal

class TestPolycircles(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.latitude = 32.074322
        self.longitude = 34.792081
        self.radius_meters = 100
        self.number_of_vertices = 36
        self.vertices =,

    def test_number_of_vertices(self):
        """Asserts that the number of vertices in the approximation polygon
        matches the input."""
        assert_equals(len(self.vertices), self.number_of_vertices)


当我跑步时python test,我收到弃用警告:

Asserts that the number of vertices in the approximation polygon ...
DeprecationWarning: Please use assertEqual instead.
  assert_equals(len(self.vertices), self.number_of_vertices)


The assert_*函数只是自动创建的 PEP8aliases为了TestCase方法,所以assert_equals是相同的TestCase.assertEquals().

然而,后者只是曾经alias for TestCase.assertEqual() (note: 没有尾随s)。该警告旨在告诉您,而不是TestCase.assertEquals()你需要使用TestCase.assertEqual() as the 别名已被弃用

For nose.tools这转化为使用assert_equal(没有尾随s):

from import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal

def test_number_of_vertices(self):
    """Asserts that the number of vertices in the approximation polygon
    matches the input."""
    assert_equal(len(self.vertices), self.number_of_vertices)



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