使用 openXML 与 c# 和 ASP.net 在 powerpoint 中创建动态表


我已经使用了这些链接并获得了一个工作代码,我可以在其中使用模板报告(包含占位符)并使用从数据库获取的数据生成新的 PPTX 报告。我还有 4 个占位符,需要在其中填充 4 个不同的数据表。目前,我正在使用该模板创建新幻灯片并替换文本的占位符,但对于我无法弄清楚的表格。我可以使用下面的代码生成表格,但不能在占位符的位置生成表格。表格始终出现在屏幕中央。

使用的链接:https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/brian_jones/2008/11/18/creating-a-presentation-report-based-on-data/ https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/brian_jones/2008/11/18/creating-a-presentation-report-based-on-data/

https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/How-to-add-a-table-with-03578dde https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/office/How-to-add-a-table-with-03578dde


 using (PresentationDocument presentationDocument = PresentationDocument.Open(slideName, true))
                //Get the first slide from presentation
                SlidePart intitalSlide = presentationDocument.PresentationPart.SlideParts.First();
                AddNewSlide(presentationDocument, intitalSlide, 1045);

 private void AddNewSlide(PresentationDocument presentationDocument, SlidePart _slideTemplate, int projectID)
        PresentationPart parent = presentationDocument.PresentationPart;

        System.Data.DataTable dt = GetValueForPPTReport(projectID);

        var newSlidePart = parent.AddNewPart<SlidePart>("newSlide1");

        //copy the contents of the template slide to the new slide and attach the appropriate layout
        newSlidePart.AddPart(_slideTemplate.SlideLayoutPart, _slideTemplate.GetIdOfPart(_slideTemplate.SlideLayoutPart));

        //Alter the placeholder text in new slide
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtProjectIDName", dt.Rows[0]["projName"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtProjType", dt.Rows[0]["proj_type"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtProbSt", dt.Rows[0]["proj_problem_state"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtGoal", dt.Rows[0]["proj_goal_obj"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtInScope", dt.Rows[0]["proj_in_scope"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtOutOfScope", dt.Rows[0]["proj_out_scope"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtCustomer", dt.Rows[0]["proj_who_customer"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtCTQ", dt.Rows[0]["proj_critical_to_qlty"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtDefect", dt.Rows[0]["proj_what_defect"].ToString());
        SetPlaceholder(newSlidePart, "txtDate", System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm"));

        //Add Tables here
        System.Data.DataTable dtXb = GetValueForPPTReportBenefit(1045);
        string placeholder = "tblXBenefit";
        List<D.Text> textListExif1 = newSlidePart.Slide.Descendants<D.Text>().Where(t => t.Text.Equals(placeholder)).ToList();
        if (textListExif1.Count == 1)


        List<OpenXmlElement> elements = new List<OpenXmlElement>();
        elements.Add(new P.NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties
            (new P.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = 1, Name = "xyz" }, new P.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(), new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties()));

        // Declare and instantiate the graphic Frame of the new slide 
        P.GraphicFrame graphicFrame = newSlidePart.Slide.CommonSlideData.ShapeTree.AppendChild(new P.GraphicFrame());

        // Specify the required Frame properties of the graphicFrame 
        ApplicationNonVisualDrawingPropertiesExtension applicationNonVisualDrawingPropertiesExtension = new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingPropertiesExtension() { Uri = "{D42A27DB-BD31-4B8C-83A1-F6EECF244321}" };
        P14.ModificationId modificationId1 = new P14.ModificationId() { Val = 3229994563U };
        modificationId1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("p14", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/powerpoint/2010/main");
        graphicFrame.NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties = new P.NonVisualGraphicFrameProperties
        (new D.NonVisualDrawingProperties() { Id = 5, Name = "table 1" },
        new D.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(new D.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoGrouping = true }),
        new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingProperties(new ApplicationNonVisualDrawingPropertiesExtensionList(applicationNonVisualDrawingPropertiesExtension)));

        graphicFrame.Transform = new Transform(new D.Offset() { X = 1650609L, Y = 4343400L }, new D.Extents() { Cx = 6096000L, Cy = 741680L });

        // Specify the Griaphic of the graphic Frame 
        graphicFrame.Graphic = new D.Graphic(new D.GraphicData(GenerateTable()) { Uri = "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/table" });

        //save the changes to the slide

        //need to assign an id to the new slide and add it to the slideIdList
        //first figure out the largest existing id
        DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.SlideIdList slideIdList = parent.Presentation.SlideIdList;
        uint maxSlideId = 1;

        foreach (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.SlideId slideId in slideIdList.ChildElements)
            if (slideId.Id > maxSlideId) maxSlideId = slideId.Id;

        //assign an id and add the new slide at the end of the list
        DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.SlideId newSlideId = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Presentation.SlideId { Id = ++maxSlideId, RelationshipId = parent.GetIdOfPart(newSlidePart) };

        //Delete first template slide 
        SlideId tempSlideId = slideIdList.ChildElements[0] as SlideId;
    private void SetPlaceholder(SlidePart slidePart, string placeholder, string value)
        List<D.Text> textListExif1 = slidePart.Slide.Descendants<D.Text>().Where(t => t.Text.Equals(placeholder)).ToList();
        foreach (D.Text text in textListExif1)
            text.Text = value;

    #region tables

    /// <summary> 
    /// Generate Table as below order: 
    /// a:tbl(Table) ->a:tr(TableRow)->a:tc(TableCell) 
    /// We can return TableCell object with CreateTextCell method 
    /// and Append the TableCell object to TableRow  
    /// </summary> 
    /// <returns>Table Object</returns> 
    private static D.Table GenerateTable()
        string[,] tableSources = new string[,] { { "name", "age" }, { "Tom", "25" } };

        // Declare and instantiate table  
        D.Table table = new D.Table();

        // Specify the required table properties for the table 
        D.TableProperties tableProperties = new D.TableProperties() { FirstRow = true, BandRow = true };
        D.TableStyleId tableStyleId = new D.TableStyleId();
        tableStyleId.Text = "{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}";


        // Declare and instantiate tablegrid and colums 
        D.TableGrid tableGrid1 = new D.TableGrid();
        D.GridColumn gridColumn1 = new D.GridColumn() { Width = 3048000L };
        D.GridColumn gridColumn2 = new D.GridColumn() { Width = 3048000L };

        for (int row = 0; row < tableSources.GetLength(0); row++)
            // Instantiate the table row 
            D.TableRow tableRow = new D.TableRow() { Height = 370840L };
            for (int column = 0; column < tableSources.GetLength(1); column++)
                tableRow.Append(CreateTextCell(tableSources.GetValue(row, column).ToString()));

        return table;

    /// <summary> 
    /// Create table cell with the below order: 
    /// a:tc(TableCell)->a:txbody(TextBody)->a:p(Paragraph)->a:r(Run)->a:t(Text) 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="text">Inserted Text in Cell</param> 
    /// <returns>Return TableCell object</returns> 
    private static D.TableCell CreateTextCell(string text)
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
            text = string.Empty;

        // Declare and instantiate the table cell  
        // Create table cell with the below order: 
        // a:tc(TableCell)->a:txbody(TextBody)->a:p(Paragraph)->a:r(Run)->a:t(Text) 
        D.TableCell tableCell = new D.TableCell();

        //  Declare and instantiate the text body 
        D.TextBody textBody = new D.TextBody();
        D.BodyProperties bodyProperties = new D.BodyProperties();
        D.ListStyle listStyle = new D.ListStyle();

        D.Paragraph paragraph = new D.Paragraph();
        D.Run run = new D.Run();
        D.RunProperties runProperties = new D.RunProperties() { Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };
        D.Text text2 = new D.Text();
        text2.Text = text;
        D.EndParagraphRunProperties endParagraphRunProperties = new D.EndParagraphRunProperties() { Language = "en-US", Dirty = false };


        D.TableCellProperties tableCellProperties = new D.TableCellProperties();

        return tableCell;


好的,我可以通过更改 X 和 Y 的值来将表放置在我想要的任何位置。不确定 Cx 和 Cy 值的作用。这样就可以了

graphicFrame.Transform = new Transform(new D.Offset() { X = 1650609L, Y = 4343400L }, new D.Extents() { Cx = 6096000L, Cy = 741680L });

但现在的新问题是我无法减小字体和表格行高。 我尝试更改此值,但没有任何效果。当我发现时会在这里发布。

 D.TableRow tableRow = new D.TableRow() { Height = 370840L };

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