使用 Powershell 将字符串转换为特定时区的 DateTime 对象


由于我对 Powershell 的了解有限,我试图将当前的字符串转换为:

2020-01-23 10:06:07

时区中的日期时间对象Eastern Standard Time。最终我希望能够使用与 UTC 的正确偏移量格式化为 ISO8601 标准。


这可以在 powershell 中实现吗?我看过ConvertTimeFromUtc然而,我很难最初指定时区是东部标准时间而不是格林尼治标准时间。

处理给定的nominal日期(即未指定关于什么时区它涉及)作为 EST(美国东部标准时间)时区之一:

也就是说,转换日期字符串,例如'2020-01-24 03:00:57'进入 A[datetimeoffset]实例,将这个未指定的时区字符串表示为 EST(东部标准时间)时区本地的日期/时间(可能应用了 DST(夏令时)偏移量),然后可以将其表示为采用 ISO 8601 格式进行格式化,其中包括结果日期的特定 UTC 偏移量。

# Construct a nominal [datetime] instance whose .Kind property value is
# Unspecified (which means unspecified with respect to any particular
# time zone), which a cast from a string achieves:
$nominalDate = [datetime] '2020-01-24 03:00:57'

# Determine the target time zone.
# Note: On macOS and Linux, use 'America/New_York' (ICU library IDs).
$tz = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById('Eastern Standard Time')

# Get the UTC offset for the nominal date (.Kind == Unspecified), 
# which is interpreted as local to that time zone.
# The offset is returned as a [timespan] instance that properly reflects
# DST, if the date falls into the DST window of the target time zone.
# If the input date is ambiguous or invalid, standard time is assumed.
$utcOffset = $tz.GetUtcOffset($nominalDate)

# Construct a [datetimeoffset] instance with the UTC offset determined above.
# This in effect creates a date that represents the nominal date in the 
# target time zone, using that time zone's DST-appropriate UTC offset.
$dto = [DateTimeOffset]::new($nominalDate.Ticks, $utcOffset)

# Format according to ISO 8601 with UTC offset, but remove the
# fractional-seconds part:
# Note: With the standar "o" format specifier, only [datetimeoffset]
#       instances include their UTC offset in the resulting string,
#       not [datetime] instances.
$dto.ToString('o') -replace '\.\d+(?=-)'

以上产量'2020-01-24T03:00:57-05:00', 如预期的。

使用 DST 窗口输入日期,例如'2020-07-24 03:00:57',它会产生
'2020-07-24T03:00:57-04:00'- 请注意 UTC 偏移量现在减少了一小时。

另请参阅:System.DateTime https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/dotnet/api/System.DateTime ([datetime],作为 PowerShell 类型文字),System.DateTimeOffset https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/dotnet/api/System.DateTimeOffset ([datetimeoffset]), and System.TimeZoneInfo https://learn.microsoft.com/en-US/dotnet/api/System.TimeZoneInfo ([TimeZoneInfo]) 类型,以及标准日期和时间格式字符串 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-date-and-time-format-strings


翻译给定的local日期转换为 EST 等效项:

也就是说,翻译本地时间点,例如通过Get-Date,转换为 EST 时区的等效时间。

# Start with a local date, in any time zone.
# (A [datetime] instance whose .Kind property value is Local, though
#  Unspecified would work the same).
# Alternatively, start with a UTC date (where .Kind is UTC)
$localDate = Get-Date

# Translate it to Eastern Standard time, as a [datetimeoffset] instance.
# Note: Casting $localDate to [datetimeoffset] is crucial to ensure
#       that a [datetimeoffset] with the proper UTC offset is returned.
#       Without it, you'd get a [datetime] instance that is nominally
#       the correct time, but has an Unspecified .Kind value.
#       Also, only a [datetimeoffset] instance includes a UTC offset
#       when stringified with format string 'o'
$dtoEST = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(
  [datetimeoffset] $localDate, 
  'Eastern Standard Time'

# Format according to ISO 8601 with UTC offset, but remove the
# fractional-seconds part:
$dtoEST.ToString('o') -replace '\.\d+(?=-)'



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