

我想了解更多有关如何实际使用或子类化(如果需要)CheckBoxTableCell 的信息。在一种特定情况下,我想使用此类,其中复选框不绑定到基础数据模型属性。



因此,我正在寻找对此的更详细解释,其中复选框是动态生成的,并充当用户界面的辅助辅助,例如上面解释的示例。此外,我想知道编辑如何发挥作用并根据标准和约定正确编码,特别是当 Java 8 引入属性更新、新的 javafx 类等时。

如果有帮助的话,一个常见的参考示例可以是“Person”的数据模型,它只有一个属性“Name”。 ObservableList 可以绑定到显示名称的 TableView。设置在(表格视图)最左侧的另一列是针对每个名称的复选框。最后,至少有一个按钮允许对人员列表进行某种形式的操作。为了简单起见,该按钮只是根据按钮被操作时是否在人员姓名上标记了勾号来删除列表中的人员。此外,可以制作一个按钮来添加新人,但它可以是可选的。


使用数据模型Person如上所述的示例,布尔属性,例如添加了已注册状态,因此名为“已注册”的第三个表列被添加到 TableView。


//The Data Model
public class Person
     * Fields
    private StringProperty firstName;

    private StringProperty lastName;

    private BooleanProperty registered;

     * Constructors
    public Person(String firstName, String lastName, boolean registered)
        this.firstName = new SimpleStringProperty(firstName);
        this.lastName = new SimpleStringProperty(lastName);
        this.registered = new SimpleBooleanProperty(registered);

    public Person()
        this(null, null, false);

     * Properties

    public StringProperty firstNameProperty() { return firstName; }

    public String getFirstName() { return this.firstName.get(); }

    public void setFirstName(String value) { this.firstName.set(value); }

    public StringProperty lastNameProperty() { return lastName; }

    public String getLastName() { return this.lastName.get(); }

    public void setLastName(String value) { this.lastName.set(value); }

    public BooleanProperty registeredProperty() { return registered; }

    public boolean isRegistered() { return this.registered.get(); }

    public void setRegistered(boolean value) { this.registered.set(value); }
//Dummy values for the data model
List<Person> personList = new ArrayList<Person>();
personList.add( new Person("John", "Smith", true) ;
personList.add( new Person("Jack", "Smith", false) );
TableView<Person> tblView = new TableView<Person>();

tblView.setItems( FXCollections.observableList(personList) );

TableColumn firstName_col = new TableColumn("First Name");
TableColumn lastName_col = new TableColumn("Last Name");
TableColumn registered_col = new TableColumn("Registered");

firstName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Person,String>("firstName"));
lastName.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<Person,String>("lastName"));

new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Person,Boolean>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>()
    //This callback tell the cell how to bind the data model 'Registered' property to
    //the cell, itself.
    public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(CellDataFeatures<Person, Boolean> param)
        return param.getValue().registeredProperty();

//This tell how to insert and render a checkbox in the cell.
//The CheckBoxTableCell has the updateItem() method which by default links up the
//cell value (i.e. the 'Registered' property to the checkbox.  And this method is
//automatically call at the appropriate time, such as when creating and rendering
//the cell (I believe).
//In this case, as the registed_col.setCellValueFactory() method has specified
//'Registered' in the actual data model (i.e. personList), therefore the checkbox will
//be bound to this property.
registered_col.setCellFactory( CheckBoxTableCell.forTableColumn(registered_col) );

tblView.getColumns.addAll(firstName_col, lastName_col, registered_col);

//table display preference - should not affect this exercise/problem

这段代码工作正常。当迭代数据模型或tblView用于访问的 UI 组件Registered属性,它将显示正确的值,即使它发生变化(即取消/勾选复选框)。



如何将任意 BooleanProperty(或 personList 中每个人的列表)链接或绑定到相应的复选框?

TableColumn select_col = new TableColumn("Select");

//Set a boolean property to represent cell value.
new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Person,Boolean>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>()
    public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(CellDataFeatures<Person,Boolean> param)
        //PROBLEM -- What Code goes here?

//This call should be okay - it would display the checkbox according to the provided
//boolean (property).  This was proven with 


更好的解决方案可能是 - 为每个人创建一个布尔属性的内部列表personList并将它们连接在一起。那么如何检索与每个人相对应的适当布尔属性personList in the setCellValueFactory()方法?一种可能的解决方案是使用索引位置personList、选择列的布尔属性列表以及行索引。所以归结为获取行索引setCellValueFactory(CellDataFeatures),以及如何正确完成此操作?


TableColumn<Person,Boolean> select_col = new TableColumn<Person,Boolea>("Select");

List<BooleanProperty> selectedRowList = new ArrayList<BooleanProperty>();

//This callback allows the checkbox in the column to access selectedRowList (or more
//exactly, the boolean property it contains
Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>> selectedStateSelectColumn =
    new Callback<Integer,ObservableValue<Boolean>>()

    //index in this context reference the table cell index (I believe)
    public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(Integer index)
        return selectedRowList.get(index);

//Initialise the selectedRowList
for(Person p : personList)
    //initially, it starts off as false, i.e. unticked state
    selectedRowList.add( new SimpleBooleanProperty() ); 

    new Callback<CellDataFeatures<Person,Boolean>,ObservableValue<Boolean>>
    //retrieve the cell index and use it get boolean property in the selectedRowList
    public ObservableValue<Boolean> call(CellDataFeatures<Person,Boolean> cdf)
        TableView<Person> tblView = cdf.getTableView();

        Person rowData = cdf.getValue();

        int rowIndex = tblView.getItems().index( rowData );

        return selectedRowList.get( rowIndex );





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