Xamarin Forms Maps 将图像动态添加到 InfoWindow


我已经从官方网站的示例中实现了自定义渲染器,但我确实需要每个引脚发送不同的图像。图像将通过 API 作为 base64 字符串传递。我真的需要 Android 和 iOS 的实现。

案例场景: 我正在将 CustomPins 加载到地图上。自定义 Pin 图具有不同的字段,例如:高度、宽度、参与者数量、图片1、图片2


[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomMap), typeof(CustomMapRenderer))]
namespace MyApp.Droid.Renderers
    public class CustomMapRenderer : MapRenderer, GoogleMap.IInfoWindowAdapter
        List<CustomPin> customPins;

        public CustomMapRenderer(Context context) : base(context)

        protected override void OnElementChanged(Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.ElementChangedEventArgs<Map> e)

            if (e.OldElement != null)
                NativeMap.InfoWindowClick -= OnInfoWindowClick;

            if (e.NewElement != null)
                var formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;
                customPins = formsMap.CustomPins;

        protected override void OnMapReady(GoogleMap map)

            NativeMap.InfoWindowClick += OnInfoWindowClick;

        protected override MarkerOptions CreateMarker(Pin pin)
            var marker = new MarkerOptions();
            marker.SetPosition(new LatLng(pin.Position.Latitude, pin.Position.Longitude));
            return marker;

        void OnInfoWindowClick(object sender, GoogleMap.InfoWindowClickEventArgs e)
            var customPin = GetCustomPin(e.Marker);
            if (customPin == null)
                throw new Exception("Custom pin not found");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(customPin.Url))
                var url = Android.Net.Uri.Parse(customPin.Url);
                var intent = new Intent(Intent.ActionView, url);

        public Android.Views.View GetInfoContents(Marker marker)
            var inflater = Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService) as Android.Views.LayoutInflater;
            if (inflater != null)
                Android.Views.View view;

                var customPin = GetCustomPin(marker);
                if (customPin == null)
                    throw new Exception("Custom pin not found");

                if (customPin.Name.Equals("Xamarin"))
                    view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.XamarinMapInfoWindow, null);
                    view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.MapInfoWindow, null);

                var infoTitle = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.InfoWindowTitle);
                var infoSubtitle = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.InfoWindowSubtitle);

                if (infoTitle != null)
                    infoTitle.Text = marker.Title;
                if (infoSubtitle != null)
                    infoSubtitle.Text = marker.Snippet;

                return view;
            return null;

        public Android.Views.View GetInfoWindow(Marker marker)
            return null;

        CustomPin GetCustomPin(Marker annotation)
            var position = new Position(annotation.Position.Latitude, annotation.Position.Longitude);
            foreach (var pin in customPins)
                if (pin.Position == position)
                    return pin;
            return null;

现在,我从布局文件夹(xml 结构)中展示我的信息窗口:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LinearLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        android:src="@drawable/xamarin" />
            android:src="@drawable/monkey" />
                android:textStyle="bold" />
                android:textColor="@android:color/black" />
            android:src="@drawable/info" />


这是 Android 的示例,我也需要 iOS 的渲染器示例

更新: 有没有办法动态生成布局?因为我有不同类型的引脚 - 每种类型都有不同的信息窗口


var formsMap;
formsMap = (CustomMap)e.NewElement;

public Android.Views.View GetInfoContents(Marker marker)
    var inflater = Android.App.Application.Context.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService) as Android.Views.LayoutInflater;
    if (inflater != null)
        Android.Views.View view;

        var customPin = GetCustomPin(marker);
        if (customPin == null)
            throw new Exception("Custom pin not found");

        if (customPin.Name.Equals("Xamarin"))
            view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.XamarinMapInfoWindow, null);
            view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.MapInfoWindow, null);

        var infoTitle = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.InfoWindowTitle);
        var infoSubtitle = view.FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.InfoWindowSubtitle);
        // init imageButton here
        var imageButton =  view.FindViewById<ImageButton>(Resource.Id.InfoWindowButton);

        if (infoTitle != null)
            infoTitle.Text = marker.Title;
        if (infoSubtitle != null)
            infoSubtitle.Text = marker.Snippet;
        if (imageButton != null)
            var resourcePath = formsMap.ImageSourcePath;
            if (resourcePath == "1"){
            }else if (resourcePath == "1"){
            // or use url image source 
            var imageBitmap = GetImageBitmapFromUrl(resourcePath);

        return view;
    return null;

那需要自定义地图声明一个ImageSourcePath属性,无论要加载资源图片 or 网址图片,他们都可以做到这一点。

public class CustomMap : Map
    public static readonly BindableProperty ImageSourcePathProperty = BindableProperty.Create("ImageSourcePath", typeof(string), typeof(CustomMap), null);

    public string ImageSourcePath
        get { return (string)GetValue(ImageSourcePathProperty); }
        set { SetValue(ImageSourcePathProperty, value); }


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