在 tkinter 上清除并绘制 matplotlib 图形


我当前的代码需要一些帮助。我想通过 tkinter 创建一个窗口,并在我之前通过 matplotlib 创建的画布中显示一个绘图。这一点我还没有达到。我的问题是我想通过点击按钮来清除画布。为了清除画布,我想先初始化它,然后才能用绘图填充它。

So 我的问题 is: 如何在创建的画布中填充绘图?


from matplotlib.figure import Figure 
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import (FigureCanvasTkAgg, 

def plot(): 
    fig = Figure(figsize = (5, 5), dpi = 100)
    y = [i**2 for i in range(101)]

    # adding the subplot 
    plot1 = fig.add_subplot(111) 

    # plotting the graph 

    # creating the Tkinter canvas 
    # containing the Matplotlib figure 
    output = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master = window)

    # placing the canvas on the Tkinter window 

def clear_plot():

# the main Tkinter window 
window = Tk() 

# setting the title 
window.title('Plotting in Tkinter') 

# dimensions of the main window 

canvas = Canvas(window, width=500, height=500) 

# button that displays the plot 
plot_button = Button(master = window, command = plot, height = 2, width = 10, text = "Plot") 

clear_button = Button(master = window, command = clear_plot, height = 2, width = 10, text = "clear", background = "yellow")

# place the button 

# run the gui 
window.mainloop() ```

没有直接的方法可以从数学绘图画布中清除图形。因此,您可以通过使用销毁小部件本身来清除画布destroytkinter 画布的方法(请注意,您不能销毁 mathplot 画布本身,因为它没有任何方法,例如 destroy)。

要将数学绘图画布放在 tkinter 画布上,只需将 master 设置为canvas目的 (output = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master = canvas))


from tkinter import *
from matplotlib.figure import Figure 
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import (FigureCanvasTkAgg, 

def plot():
    global output, fig
    fig = Figure(figsize = (5, 5), dpi = 100)
    y = [i**2 for i in range(101)]
    # adding the subplot 
    plot1 = fig.add_subplot(111) 

    # plotting the graph 

    # creating the Tkinter canvas 
    # containing the Matplotlib figure 
    output = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master = canvas)

    # placing the canvas on the Tkinter window 

def clear_plot():
    global output
    if output:
        for child in canvas.winfo_children():
        # or just use canvas.winfo_children()[0].destroy()  
    output = None

# the main Tkinter window 
window = Tk() 

output = None
fig = None

# setting the title 
window.title('Plotting in Tkinter') 

# dimensions of the main window 

canvas = Canvas(window, width=500, height=500, bg='white') 

# button that displays the plot 
plot_button = Button(master = window, command = plot, height = 2, width = 10, text = "Plot") 

clear_button = Button(master = window, command = clear_plot, height = 2, width = 10, text = "clear", background = "yellow")

# place the button 

# run the gui 


def clear_plot():
    global output
    if output:
    output = None


update output.get_tk_widget()返回用于实现FigureCanvasTkAgg的Tk小部件,这意味着您还可以使用 帆布。所以,output.get_tk_widget().delete('all')也有效


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