

由于一些技巧,我能够在编译时生成一个表,但表中的值并不是很有用。例如,5x5 的表格如下所示:



#include <iostream>

using ll = long long;

template<typename type,type...data>
struct sequence
    static type seq_data[sizeof...(data)];
    static const ll size;
    type operator[](ll index){
        return seq_data[size-index-1];

template<typename type,type...data>
type sequence<type,data...>::seq_data[sizeof...(data)] = { data... };
template<typename type,type...data>
const ll sequence<type,data...>::size{sizeof...(data)};

template<ll n,ll l,ll...data> struct create_row
    typedef typename create_row<n-1,l+1,l,data...>::value value;
template<ll l,ll...data>
struct create_row<0,l,data...>
    typedef sequence<ll,data...> value;

template<ll cols,ll rows>
struct table
    typename create_row<cols,1>::value row_data[rows];
    static const ll size;

template<ll cols,ll rows>
const ll table<cols,rows>::size{cols*rows};

using namespace std;

int main()
    table<5,5> my_table;
    for(int i{0};i<5;i++)
        for(int j{0};j<5;j++)

正如您所看到的,为了创建单行,我被迫在结构表, 为此原因创建表总是会返回相同的sequence,从 1 到 n 的一系列数字。因此,表中的每一行都具有相同的值。


11 <CUT>



我不确定你的帖子最后你是否感兴趣 在:-

  • 生成一个在编译时填充连续的矩阵 某些函数的值f(i)以行优先顺序环绕矩阵,例如

    Cols = 3; Rows = 3; f(i) = 2i; Vals = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) ->



  • 生成一个矩阵,其中连续行在编译时填充 具有某个函数的连续值f(i)对于一些指定的初始i每行,例如

    Cols = 3; f(i) = 3i; First_Vals = (4,7,10) -> 

无论如何,有多种方法可以做到这两点,这是一种可以与 符合 C++14 的编译器。 (正如 @AndyG 所评论的,适当的 编译时矩阵的实现 - 利用标准库 - 是一个std::array of std::array.)

#include <array>
#include <utility>

namespace detail {

template<typename IntType, IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType Start, IntType ...Is> 
constexpr auto make_integer_array(std::integer_sequence<IntType,Is...>)
    return std::array<IntType,sizeof...(Is)>{{Step(Start + Is)...}};

template<typename IntType, IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType Start, std::size_t Length> 
constexpr auto make_integer_array()
    return make_integer_array<IntType,Step,Start>(

    typename IntType, std::size_t Cols, 
    IntType(*Step)(IntType),IntType Start, std::size_t ...Rs
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix(std::index_sequence<Rs...>)
    return std::array<std::array<IntType,Cols>,sizeof...(Rs)> 
        {{make_integer_array<IntType,Step,Start + (Rs * Cols),Cols>()...}};

} // namespace detail

    Return a compiletime initialized matrix (`std::array` of std::array`)
    of `Cols` columns by `Rows` rows. Ascending elements from [0,0] 
    in row-first order are populated with successive values of the
    constexpr function `IntType Step(IntType i)` for `i` in
    `[Start + 0,Start + (Rows * Cols))` 
    typename IntType, std::size_t Cols, std::size_t Rows, 
    IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType Start
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix()
    return detail::make_integer_matrix<IntType,Cols,Step,Start>(

    Return a compiletime initialized matrix (`std::array` of std::array`)
    of `Cols` columns by `sizeof...(Starts)` rows. Successive rows are populated
    with successive values of the constexpr function `IntType Step(IntType i)` 
    for `i` in `[start + 0,start + Cols)`, for `start` successively in `...Starts`.  
template<typename IntType, std::size_t Cols, IntType(*Step)(IntType), IntType ...Starts> 
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix()
    return std::array<std::array<IntType,Cols>,sizeof...(Starts)> 


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<typename IntType>
constexpr auto times_3(IntType i)
    return i * 3;

static constexpr auto m4x6 = make_integer_matrix<int,4,6,&times_3<int>,4>();
static constexpr auto m5x1 = make_integer_matrix<int,5,&times_3<int>,7>();
static constexpr auto m6x5 = make_integer_matrix<int,6,&times_3<int>,11,13,17,19,23>();
static_assert(m4x6[0][0] == 12,"");

int main()
    cout << "A 4 x 6 matrix that wraps around in steps of `3i` from `i` = 4" << endl; 
    for (auto const & ar  : m4x6) {
        for (auto const & i : ar) {
            cout << i << ' ';
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "A 6 x 5 matrix with rows of `3i` for initial `i` in <11,13,17,19,23>" 
        << endl;
    for (auto const & ar  : m6x5) {
        for (auto const & i : ar) {
            cout << i << ' ';
        cout << endl;
    cout << endl;
    cout << "A 5 x 1 matrix with rows of of ` 3i` for initial `i` in <7>" 
        << endl;
    for (auto const & ar  : m5x1) {
        for (auto const & i : ar) {
            cout << i << ' ';
        cout << endl;

    return 0;


A 4 x 6 matrix that wraps around in steps of `3i` from `i` = 4
12 15 18 21 
24 27 30 33 
36 39 42 45 
48 51 54 57 
60 63 66 69 
72 75 78 81 

A 6 x 5 matrix with rows of `3i` for initial `i` in <11,13,17,19,23>
33 36 39 42 45 48 
39 42 45 48 51 54 
51 54 57 60 63 66 
57 60 63 66 69 72 
69 72 75 78 81 84 

A 5 x 1 matrix with rows of of ` 3i` for initial `i` in <7>
21 24 27 30 33

See it 在ideone https://ideone.com/cZTplL

你也可能对此有兴趣std::实验::make_array http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/experimental/make_array


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