如何在 Ruby 中使用 selenium-webdriver/capybara 截取完整浏览器页面及其元素的屏幕截图?



  1. 提示用户提供网站不同页面的链接 X
  2. 提示用户输入类名 Y
  3. 我应该能够访问网站 X 登录页面,提供登录详细信息(假设它们已知),单击“提交”按钮,这应该将我重定向到“主页”页面
  4. 然后,我查看用户提供的链接列表,访问每个页面并截取具有 Y 类(或整个页面)的所有元素的屏幕截图
  5. 将它们保存在当前目录中

请点击链接查看视觉表现 https://i.stack.imgur.com/qLE40.png

我想在 Ruby 中实现以下解决方案(但我也愿意接受任何其他建议):

1) 截取网站 X 上整个可滚动页面的屏幕截图 2) 找到 Y 类的元素,特别是它在页面上的位置、宽度和高度。 3)裁剪完整屏幕截图,以便只显示所需的元素




解决方案 1(Ruby - 常规):

require 'selenium-webdriver'

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox #:chrome

driver.navigate.to "https://some_very-very_long_page_on_website_X"
driver.manage.window.maximize # <- works for firefox only

# Problem: it captures only the viewable area, 
# not an entire page

解决方案 2(Ruby - 调整窗口大小):

require 'selenium-webdriver'

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox #:chrome
driver.navigate.to 'https://some_very-very_long_page_on_website_X'

width  = driver.execute_script("return Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth,document.body.offsetWidth,document.documentElement.clientWidth,document.documentElement.scrollWidth,document.documentElement.offsetWidth);")
height = driver.execute_script("return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight,document.body.offsetHeight,document.documentElement.clientHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.offsetHeight);")

driver.manage.window.resize_to(width, height) # <- resizes the window
driver.manage.window.full_screen  # <- works, but in chrome throws:
                                  # full_screen': undefined method `full_screen_window'

picture = driver.screenshot_as(:png)

File.open('picture2.png', 'w+') do |fh|
  fh.write picture


# Resizes the window only to the viewable area, as a result,
# it captures the viewable area only

解决方案 3(红宝石 - watir gem):

require 'watir'

b = Watir::Browser.new
b.goto 'https://some_very-very_long_page_on_website_X'

# Issues: does not capture the entire page

解决方案 4(Ruby - 单元素捕获)

require "selenium-webdriver"

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome


driver.save_screenshot "picture3.png"

# Problem: captures the element, which I need, but only if its size is less than
# the viewable area

解决方案 5(Ruby - 缩放)

require "selenium-webdriver"

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox

driver.get 'https://some_very-very_long_page_on_website_X'

driver.execute_script("document.body.style.transform = 'scale(0.5)'")
#driver.execute_script("document.body.style.zoom = '50%'") <-- transform works better than zoom

driver.save_screenshot "picture3.png"

#Issues: works, but not for very long pages, in addition it may change the layout
# (some elements may start to overlap each other)
# Also I am not sure how to calculate the value of the parameter for scale
# for very long pages

解决方案 6 -(Ruby - 无头 Chrome 调整大小)

require "selenium-webdriver"

options = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome, options: options

driver.get "https://some_very-very_long_page_on_website_X"

width  = driver.execute_script("return Math.max(document.body.scrollWidth,document.body.offsetWidth,document.documentElement.clientWidth,document.documentElement.scrollWidth,document.documentElement.offsetWidth);")
height = driver.execute_script("return Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight,document.body.offsetHeight,document.documentElement.clientHeight,document.documentElement.scrollHeight,document.documentElement.offsetHeight);")

driver.manage.window.resize_to(width+2000, height+2000) # <-- if I do not have +2000, page looks squished
                                                        # the greater the number, the greater the quality
                                                        # but also the more white space is around the page
                                                        # and the picture is heavier

sleep 5             # <--- required waiting for page loading 
driver.save_screenshot "full.png"

# One of the best approaches, but it is not clear to me how to calculate 
# the parameters for resize_to


  • 硒-webdriver (3.12.0)
  • Chrome 驱动程序 2.40

您可以使用 Firefox 和"webdrivers" https://github.com/titusfortner/webdriversgem,它安装"selenium-webdriver"作为依赖项:

require "webdrivers/geckodriver"

driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
File.binwrite("screenshot.png", driver.screenshot_as(:png, full_page: true))

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