C# 中的双向适配器和可插拔适配器模式有什么区别?




public interface IAircraft
    bool Airborne { get; }
    void TakeOff();
    int Height { get; }

// Target
public sealed class Aircraft : IAircraft
    int height;
    bool airborne;
    public Aircraft()
        height = 0;
        airborne = false;
    public void TakeOff()
        Console.WriteLine("Aircraft engine takeoff");
        airborne = true;
        height = 200; // Meters
    public bool Airborne
        get { return airborne; }
    public int Height
        get { return height; }
// Adaptee interface
public interface ISeacraft
    int Speed { get; }
    void IncreaseRevs();
// Adaptee implementation
public class Seacraft : ISeacraft
    int speed = 0;
    public virtual void IncreaseRevs()
        speed += 10;
        Console.WriteLine("Seacraft engine increases revs to " + speed + " knots");
    public int Speed
        get { return speed; }
// Adapter
public class Seabird : Seacraft, IAircraft
    int height = 0;
    // A two-way adapter hides and routes the Target's methods
    // Use Seacraft instructions to implement this one
    public void TakeOff()
        while (!Airborne)
    // Routes this straight back to the Aircraft
    public int Height
        get { return height; }

    // This method is common to both Target and Adaptee
    public override void IncreaseRevs()
        if (Speed > 40)
            height += 100;
    public bool Airborne
        get { return height > 50; }
class Experiment_MakeSeaBirdFly
    static void Main()
        // No adapter
        Console.WriteLine("Experiment 1: test the aircraft engine");
        IAircraft aircraft = new Aircraft();
        if (aircraft.Airborne) Console.WriteLine(
        "The aircraft engine is fine, flying at "
        + aircraft.Height + "meters");
        // Classic usage of an adapter
        Console.WriteLine("\nExperiment 2: Use the engine in the Seabird");
        IAircraft seabird = new Seabird();
        seabird.TakeOff(); // And automatically increases speed
        Console.WriteLine("The Seabird took off");
        // Two-way adapter: using seacraft instructions on an IAircraft object
        // (where they are not in the IAircraft interface)
        Console.WriteLine("\nExperiment 3: Increase the speed of the Seabird:");
        (seabird as ISeacraft).IncreaseRevs();
        (seabird as ISeacraft).IncreaseRevs();
        if (seabird.Airborne)
            Console.WriteLine("Seabird flying at height " + seabird.Height +
            " meters and speed " + (seabird as ISeacraft).Speed + " knots");
        Console.WriteLine("Experiments successful; the Seabird flies!");



class Adaptee
    public double Precise(double a, double b)
        return a / b;

// New standard for requests
class Target
    public string Estimate(int i)
        return "Estimate is " + (int)Math.Round(i / 3.0);

// Implementing new requests via old
class Adapter : Adaptee
    public Func<int, string> Request;    
    // Different constructors for the expected targets/adaptees    
    // Adapter-Adaptee
    public Adapter(Adaptee adaptee)
        // Set the delegate to the new standard
        Request = x =>
            return "Estimate based on precision is " +
           (int)Math.Round(Precise(x, 3));

    // Adapter-Target
    public Adapter(Target target)
        // Set the delegate to the existing standard
        Request = target.Estimate;

class Client
    static void Main()
        Adapter adapter1 = new Adapter(new Adaptee());

        Adapter adapter2 = new Adapter(new Target());


在上面的两个代码示例中,我没有发现模式功能方面有任何不同。那么这些模式之间有什么区别呢?谁能帮我理解它吗?我一直在参考这个设计模式 C# 3.0 http://www.kitabxana.net/files/books/file/1330505636.pdf



 interface Ibike {
        void Ride(int energy,int time);
    class Bike : Ibike {
        public void Ride(int energy,int time) {
            Console.WriteLine("riding bike with calories of energy "+energy+" spend time "+time);
    interface Imotorcycle {
        void Ride(int fuel);
    class Motorcycle : Imotorcycle {
        public void Ride(int fuel) {
            Console.WriteLine("riding motorbike with fuel "+fuel);
    class Client {
        static void Main() {
            Ibike bike = new Bike();
            Imotorcycle motorBike = new Motorcycle();
            bike.Ride(50, 2);


现在在这种情况下我怎样才能将其作为双向适配器。 双向适配器解决了两个系统的问题 一个系统的特性必须在另一个系统中使用,反之亦然 反之亦然。建立一个Adapter类来吸收重要的共同点 两者的方法并为两者提供适应。所结果的 适配器对象将被双方接受

所有引言均摘自C# 3.0 设计模式 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/orm-9780596527730-01-04.aspx,这恰好是您问题的同一来源。


适配器提供对适应者中某些行为的访问(行为 ITarget 接口中需要),但 Adapter 对象不是 可与 Adaptee 对象互换。它们不能用于以下地方 Adaptee 对象可以,因为它们致力于实现 适应者,而不是它的接口。有时我们需要有一些对象可以 是透明的 ITarget 或 Adaptee 对象。这很容易 如果 Adapter 继承了这两个类,则可以实现;然而, 这种多重继承在 C# 中是不可能的,所以我们必须看看 其他解决方案。

双向适配器解决了两个问题 系统,其中必须利用一个系统的特性 其他,反之亦然。设置一个Adapter类来吸收 两者的重要共同方法,并为两者提供适应。 生成的适配器对象将被双方接受。理论上,这个想法可以扩展到两个以上的系统,所以 我们可以有多路适配器,但有一些实现 限制:如果没有多重继承,我们必须插入一个 每个原始类和适配器之间的接口。


//The adapter
IAircraft seabird = new Seabird(  );

// This is a IAircraft method
seabird.TakeOff(  ); 

//This is NOT a IAircraft method, but is made available through the adapter.
(seabird as ISeacraft).IncreaseRevs(  ); 


可插拔适配器的一个显着特征是 客户端调用的方法以及ITarget接口中存在的方法 可以不同。适配器必须能够处理名称更改。 在以前的适配器变体中,这对于所有适配器都是如此 方法,但客户端必须使用 ITarget 接口中的名称。 (...)

可插式适配器会分出哪个对象正在插入 时间。一旦服务被插入并且它的方法已经被 分配给委托对象,关联持续到另一个 分配了一组方法。可插拔适配器的特点是 它将为它所适应的每种类型都有构造函数。 在每一个中,它都会执行委托分配(一个或多个 如果还有其他重新路由的方法,则为一个)。

因此,这里我们有一个通用名称,可以通过该名称调用任何系统的任何插入方法,但在给定时间只能使用一个。 我认为这两种方法都会执行通过不同方式或具有不同细节级别提供相似结果的操作,但这似乎不是该模式的规则。


Adapter adapter1 = new Adapter (new Adaptee(  ));
//Here, it will call the Adaptee's abstracted method. 

//The only way to call the Target's method is to instantiate a new adapter with the target    
Adapter adapter2 = new Adapter (new Target(  ));


尽管所有适配器都具有通过 ITarget 使适配器可供客户端使用的相同目标,但每个适配器都针对不同的问题集提供了解决方案,无论是双向适配器使目标对适应者可用,反之亦然 or the 可插拔以原子方式抽象目标和适应者的行为.


更新 1. 有关双向的更多信息:



interface IBike {
    void Pedal();
class Bike : IBike {
    public void Pedal() {
        Console.WriteLine("Moving my vehicle with my body");

interface IMotorcycle {
    void Accelerate();
class Motorcycle : IMotorcycle {
    public virtual void Accelerate() {
        Console.WriteLine("Moving my vehicle with a hydrocarbon fuel engine");

class ElectricBike : Motorcycle, IBike {
    bool _isAccelerating = false;

    public override void Accelerate() {
        _isAccelerating = true;
        Console.WriteLine("Moving my vehicle with a electric engine");

    public void Pedal() {
        if (!_isAccelerating)
            Console.WriteLine("Moving my vehicle with my body");
            Console.WriteLine("Occupying my body with senseless effort, for my vehicle is already moving"); 

class MovingMyVehicle {
    static void Main() {
        IMotorcycle motorBike = new Motorcycle();
        //That is expected, as IMotorcycle can Accelerate.

        IBike newBike = new ElectricBike();
        //That too is expected, as IBike can Pedal.

        //Now that´s something new, as IBike cannot Accelerate, 
        //but the the ElectricBike adapter can, as it implements both interfaces.
        (newBike as IMotorcycle).Accelerate();


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