ExtJs - 使用列标题中的搜索字段过滤网格


在 ExtJs 中,有很多过滤网格的选项。文档中有两个很好的示例,如中引用的这个问题 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11518853/extjs-4-grid-filtering.

  1. 远程过滤 http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/example/grid/infinite-scroll-with-filter.html
  2. 本地过滤 http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/example/grid-filtering/grid-filter-local.html

但是,将过滤器隐藏在默认下拉菜单中Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/api/Ext.ux.grid.FiltersFeature对我来说看起来真的很尴尬。一个很好的符合人体工程学的选择是在列标题中创建搜索字段,就像 @Ctacus 所示他的问题 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21877638/extjs-4-2-how-to-set-grid-filter-height-when-header-text-is-wrapped.


经过对稀疏文档的大量研究,并感谢 SO 中的大量问题和答案,我想出了一个简单的类,它添加了此功能并允许配置。



Ext.define('Sandbox.view.OwnersGrid', {
    extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
    requires: ['Sandbox.view.SearchTrigger'],
    alias: 'widget.ownersGrid',
    store: 'Owners',
    columns: [{
        dataIndex: 'id',
        width: 50,
        text: 'ID'
    }, {
        dataIndex: 'name',
        text: 'Name',
        xtype: 'searchtrigger',
        autoSearch: true

下列configs是可能的,并且像文档中描述的那样工作Ext.util.Filter http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.2/#!/api/Ext.util.Filter:

  • anyMatch
  • caseSensitive
  • exactMatch
  • operator
  • 另外你可以使用autoSearch。如果为 true,则过滤器会在您键入时进行搜索;如果为 false 或未设置,则必须单击搜索图标才能应用过滤器。

ExtJs 5 / 6 来源:

Ext.define('Sandbox.view.SearchTrigger', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.field.Text',
    alias: 'widget.searchtrigger',
        search: {
            cls: 'x-form-search-trigger',
            handler: function() {
                this.setFilter(this.up().dataIndex, this.getValue())
        clear: {
            cls: 'x-form-clear-trigger',
            handler: function() {
                if(!this.autoSearch) this.setFilter(this.up().dataIndex, '')
    setFilter: function(filterId, value){
        var store = this.up('grid').getStore();
            store.removeFilter(filterId, false)
            var filter = {id: filterId, property: filterId, value: value};
            if(this.anyMatch) filter.anyMatch = this.anyMatch
            if(this.caseSensitive) filter.caseSensitive = this.caseSensitive
            if(this.exactMatch) filter.exactMatch = this.exactMatch
            if(this.operator) filter.operator = this.operator
            console.log(this.anyMatch, filter)
        } else {
    listeners: {
        render: function(){
            var me = this;
            me.ownerCt.on('resize', function(){
        change: function() {
            if(this.autoSearch) this.setFilter(this.up().dataIndex, this.getValue())

对于 ExtJs 6.2.0,以下错误及其解决方法 https://stackoverflow.com/q/42064892/1951708与此相关,否则该列不能flexed.

ExtJs 4 来源:

Ext.define('Sandbox.view.SearchTrigger', {
    extend: 'Ext.form.field.Trigger',
    alias: 'widget.searchtrigger',
    triggerCls: 'x-form-clear-trigger',
    trigger2Cls: 'x-form-search-trigger',
    onTriggerClick: function() {
        this.setFilter(this.up().dataIndex, '')
    onTrigger2Click: function() {
        this.setFilter(this.up().dataIndex, this.getValue())
    setFilter: function(filterId, value){
        var store = this.up('grid').getStore();
            store.removeFilter(filterId, false)
            var filter = {id: filterId, property: filterId, value: value};
            if(this.anyMatch) filter.anyMatch = this.anyMatch
            if(this.caseSensitive) filter.caseSensitive = this.caseSensitive
            if(this.exactMatch) filter.exactMatch = this.exactMatch
            if(this.operator) filter.operator = this.operator
            console.log(this.anyMatch, filter)
        } else {
    listeners: {
        render: function(){
            var me = this;
            me.ownerCt.on('resize', function(){
        change: function() {
            if(this.autoSearch) this.setFilter(this.up().dataIndex, this.getValue())

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