在 C++ 中,为什么要在“const char array”和包装“const char*”的私有结构上重载函数?


我最近在 ENTT 图书馆遇到了一个有趣的课程。此类用于计算字符串的哈希值,如下所示:

std::uint32_t hashVal = hashed_string::to_value("ABC");

hashed_string hs{"ABC"};
std::uint32_t hashVal2 = hs.value();

在查看此类的实现时,我注意到没有任何构造函数或hashed_string::to_value成员函数采用const char*直接地。相反,他们采用一个简单的结构,称为const_wrapper。下面是该类实现的简化视图来说明这一点:

   A hashed string is a compile-time tool that allows users to use
   human-readable identifers in the codebase while using their numeric
   counterparts at runtime
class hashed_string

    struct const_wrapper
        // non-explicit constructor on purpose
        constexpr const_wrapper(const char *curr) noexcept: str{curr} {}
        const char *str;

    inline static constexpr std::uint32_t calculateHash(const char* curr) noexcept
        // ...


       Returns directly the numeric representation of a string.
       Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An
       human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of
       Example of use:
       const auto value = hashed_string::to_value("my.png");
    template<std::size_t N>
    inline static constexpr std::uint32_t to_value(const char (&str)[N]) noexcept
        return calculateHash(str);

       Returns directly the numeric representation of a string.
       wrapper parameter helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading.
    inline static std::uint32_t to_value(const_wrapper wrapper) noexcept
        return calculateHash(wrapper.str);

       Constructs a hashed string from an array of const chars.
       Forcing template resolution avoids implicit conversions. An
       human-readable identifier can be anything but a plain, old bunch of
       Example of use:
       hashed_string hs{"my.png"};
    template<std::size_t N>
    constexpr hashed_string(const char (&curr)[N]) noexcept
        : str{curr}, hash{calculateHash(curr)}

       Explicit constructor on purpose to avoid constructing a hashed
       string directly from a `const char *`.
       wrapper parameter helps achieving the purpose by relying on overloading.
    explicit constexpr hashed_string(const_wrapper wrapper) noexcept
        : str{wrapper.str}, hash{calculateHash(wrapper.str)}


    const char *str;
    std::uint32_t hash;



最后,值得注意的是另一个类如何使用这个类来维护std::unordered_map属于以下类型:std::unordered_map<hashed_string, Resource>


bool addResource(hashed_string id, Resource res)
    // ...
    resourceMap[id] = res;
    // ...

我的问题是:使用 hashed_strings 作为映射的键而不是 std::strings 有什么优势?使用像 hashed_strings 这样的数字类型是否更有效?



所以图书馆提供implicit字符串文字的构造,可以在编译时通过以下方式计算constexpr but explicit建设为const char*一般来说,因为这些通常不能在编译时完成,并且您希望避免重复或意外地这样做。


void consume( hashed_string );

int main()
    const char* const s = "abc";
    const auto hs1 = hashed_string{"my.png"}; // Ok - explicit, compile-time hashing
    const auto hs2 = hashed_string{s};        // Ok - explicit, runtime hashing

    consume( hs1 ); // Ok - cached value - no hashing required
    consume( hs2 ); // Ok - cached value - no hashing required

    consume( "my.png" ); // Ok - implicit, compile-time hashing
    consume( s );        // Error! Implicit, runtime hashing disallowed!
                         // Potential hidden inefficiency, so library disallows it.

If I remove the last line, you can see how the compiler applies the implicit conversions for you at :




const char s[100] = "abc";
consume( s );  // Compiles BUT it's doing implicit, runtime hashing. Doh.

// Decay 's' back to a pointer, and the library's guardrails return
const auto consume_decayed = []( const char* str ) { consume( str ); }
consume_decayed( s ); // Error! Implicit, runtime hashing disallowed!

This case is less common, and such arrays typically get decayed into pointers as they are passed to other functions, which would then behave as above. The library could conceivably enforce compile-time hashing for string literals with if constexpr and the like and forbid it for non-literal arrays like s above. (There's your pull request to give back to the library!) [See comments.]



在 C++ 中,为什么要在“const char array”和包装“const char*”的私有结构上重载函数? 的相关文章

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