

当我尝试打印PictureBox, an ArgumentException被抛出(参数无效)。


void pdGroupBox_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e)
    foreach(Control control in _GbFrm.Controls)
        DrawControls(control, e.Graphics);

private void DrawControls(Control control,Graphics g)
    var font = new Font("Arial", 10);
    var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black);
    var drawFormat = new StringFormat
        FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.DirectionRightToLeft

    if (control is Label)
        if ((string)control.Tag == "1") //Treated with 1 columns of fields.
                control.Text, font, brush,
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X - 160, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width + 10, control.Size.Height),
        if ((string)control.Tag == "2") //Treated with 2 columns of fields.
                control.Text, font, brush,
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X - 70, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width + 10, control.Size.Height),
        if ((string)control.Tag == "3") //Treated with 3 columns of fields.
                control.Text, font, brush,
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width + 10, control.Size.Height));
    else if (control is TextBox || control is ComboBox)
        if ((string)control.Tag == "1") //Treated with 1 columns of fields.
                new Pen(Color.Black, 1),
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X - 120, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width - 40, control.Size.Height));
                control.Text, font, brush,
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X - 120, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width - 40, control.Size.Height), drawFormat);
        if ((string)control.Tag == "2") //Treated with 2 columns of fields.
                new Pen(Color.Black, 1),
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X - 30, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width - 40, control.Size.Height));
                control.Text, font, brush,
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X - 30, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width - 40, control.Size.Height),
        if ((string)control.Tag == "3") //Treated with 3 columns of fields.
                new Pen(Color.Black, 1),
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width, control.Size.Height));
                control.Text, font, brush,
                new Rectangle(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width, control.Size.Height), drawFormat);
    else if (control is PictureBox && control.Visible)
        var img = ((PictureBox)control).Image;
        var bitmap = new Bitmap(img,new Size(img.Width,img.Height));
            new Rectangle(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width, control.Size.Height));
    else if (control is DateTimePicker)
            control.Text, font, brush,
            new Rectangle(control.Location.X, control.Location.Y, control.Size.Width + 10, control.Size.Height));




PrintDocument printDocument1 = new PrintDocument();
printDocument1.PrintPage +=new PrintPageEventHandler(printDocument1_PrintPage);

然后是 printDocument1_PrintPage 事件:

private void printDocument1_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
    e.Graphics.DrawImage(pic.Image, 0, 0);

其中 pic 是图片框..



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