

我已经使用以下方法完成了iron-list and iron-scroll-threshold为了在聚合物中实现无限滚动。但问题是 loadMoreDatairon-scroll-threshold在聚合物中第一个列表滚动结束后永远不会执行。请帮助我的代码中缺少或错误的一项。谢谢。


    <iron-ajax id="ajax" 
      params='{"results": 20}'

      <div main-title>Load data using iron-scroll-threshold</div>

    <iron-scroll-threshold on-lower-threshold="loadMoreData" id="threshold">
      <iron-list id="list" items="[[categoriesJobs]]" as="person" scroll-target="threshold">
            <div class="personItem" tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]">
              <iron-image class="avatar" sizing="contain" src="[[person.picture.medium]]"></iron-image>
              <div class="pad">
                <div class="primary">[[person.name.first]] [[person.name.last]]</div>
                  [[person.location.street]] [[person.city]] <br />
                  [[person.location.city]], [[person.location.state]] [[person.location.postcode]]


      is: 'job-category',
      attached: function () {
        this.companyDetail = [];
        this.categoriesJobs = [];
      loadMoreData: function () {
      categoriesLoaded: function (e) {
        var people = e.detail.response.results;
        this.categoriesJobs = people;


问题在于iron-list, 来自docs https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/iron-list:

iron-list 必须明确调整大小,或者将滚动委托给明确调整大小的父级......


JSBin 示例 http://jsbin.com/turecox/edit?html,console,output


<dom-module id="test-app">


      :host {


      app-toolbar {
        height: 64px;
        background-color: grey;

      iron-list {
        flex: 1 1 auto;

      .container {
        height: calc(100vh - 64px);
        display: flex;
        flex-direction: column;


    <iron-ajax id="ajax" 
      params='{"results": 20}'

      <div main-title>Load data using iron-scroll-threshold</div>

    <div class="container">
      <iron-scroll-threshold on-lower-threshold="loadMoreData" id="threshold">
        <iron-list id="list" items="[[categoriesJobs]]" as="person" scroll-target="threshold">
              <div class="personItem" tabindex$="[[tabIndex]]">
                <iron-image class="avatar" sizing="contain" src="[[person.picture.medium]]"></iron-image>
                <div class="pad">
                  <div class="primary">[[person.name.first]] [[person.name.last]]</div>
                    [[person.location.street]] [[person.city]] <br />
                    [[person.location.city]], [[person.location.state]] [[person.location.postcode]]


      is: 'test-app',

      attached: function() {
        this.companyDetail = [];
        this.categoriesJobs = [];

      loadMoreData: function () {
        console.log('load more data');

      categoriesLoaded: function (e) {
        var self = this;
        var people = e.detail.response.results;
        people.forEach(function(element) {
          self.push('categoriesJobs', element);


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