如何在 Node.js 中将 JPG 图像转换为 WEBP 格式?


我正在尝试使用react.Js上传图像并使用multer中间件将该图像保存在node.Js中。这是完美的,但现在我想使用 webp-converter 将该图像转换为 WEBP 格式,反之亦然。


 Error: Command failed: E:\Zegal\node_modules\webp-converte
 ib/libwebp_win64/bin/cwebp.exe -q 80 2a3279b820cc23939eea0295228423ee-- 
 inspironal-quote-about-life-inspiring-words.jpg -o output.webp
 SHCreateStreamOnFileA(filename, STGM_READ, stream) failed 80070002
 Error opening input file 2a3279b820cc23939eea0295228423ee--inspirational-quo
 about-life-inspiring-words.jpg (80070002)
 OpenInputStream(filename, &stream) failed 80070002
 cannot open input file '2a3279b820cc23939eea0295228423ee--inspirational-quot
 Error! Could not process file 2a3279b820cc23939eea0295228423ee--inspirationa
 Error! Cannot read input picture file '2a3279b820cc23939eea0295228423ee--ins

如何使用 multer 和 WEBP 在节点中解决这个问题?有没有 其他转换解决方案?

const multer = require('multer');
const webp = require('webp-converter');
const path = require('path');
const storage = multer.diskStorage({
    destination: './public/images',
    filename(req, file, cb) {
        cb(null, `${file.fieldname}-${Date.now()}${path.extname(file.originalname)}`)

const upload = multer({
    fileFilter: function (req, file, cb) {
        checkFileType(file, cb)

checkFileType = (file, cb) => {
    console.log("check file", file);
    const requireMimetype = "image/jpeg";
    const checkMimeType = file.mimetype == requireMimetype ? true : false;
    console.log("checkMimeType", checkMimeType);
    if (checkMimeType) {
        webp.cwebp(file.originalname, "output.webp", "-q 80", function (status) {
        return cb(null, true)
    } else {
        cb("Error:Only jpg images are allowed.")

module.exports = upload;


const sharp = require('sharp');

console.log(req.files.image, "form image is here"); 
console.log(req.files.image.data, "form image buffer data is here");

.then( newBuffer => { 

//changing the old jpg image buffer to new webp buffer
 req.files.image.data = newBuffer;

//moving the new webq image to server public folders
 req.files.image.mv(appRoot+'/uploads/images/'+ Date.now() + '.webp', function(err) {                
  if (err) {                    
     return res.status(500).send(err);                
      message : "image uploaded successfully" 
.catch( err => { console.log(err) });



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