C# 将类的复杂对象序列化为json


我想将以下类的新对象转换为 json 字符串。为此,我使用 JavaScriptSerializer 和 Newtonsoft 库。但它们的输出都是空括号( {[],[]} )!

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;

namespace My_Entity
    using My_Entity.Interfaces;
    using My_Entity.Abstracts;

    public class tbl_CategoryEntity : Entity<tbl_CategoryEntity>, Itbl_Category
        private Int32? _CategoryID;
        private String _CategoryName;
        private Int32? _TypeID;
        private Boolean? _IsDel;
        private static readonly string _IdentityField = "CategoryID";
        private static readonly SqlDbType _IdentitySqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
        private readonly Dictionary<string, SqlDbType> _FieldsSqlDbType;

        public Int32? CategoryID
            get { return _CategoryID; }
            set { _CategoryID = value; }

        public String CategoryName
            get { return _CategoryName; }
            set { _CategoryName = value; }

        public Int32? TypeID
            get { return _TypeID; }
            set { _TypeID = value; }

        public Boolean? IsDel
            get { return _IsDel; }
            set { _IsDel = value; }

        public tbl_CategoryEntity()
            _FieldsSqlDbType = new Dictionary<string, SqlDbType>()
                { "CategoryID", SqlDbType.Int },
                { "CategoryName", SqlDbType.NVarChar },
                { "TypeID", SqlDbType.Int },
                { "IsDel", SqlDbType.Bit }
            }.Union(base._FilterFieldsSqlDbType).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);

        public static string GetIdentityField()
            return _IdentityField;

        public static SqlDbType GetIdentitySqlDbType()
            return _IdentitySqlDbType;

        public override SqlDbType GetSqlDbType(string PropertyName)
            return _FieldsSqlDbType[PropertyName];

        public override bool IsIdentity(string PropertyName)
            return PropertyName.Equals(_IdentityField);

tbl_CategoryEntity a = new tbl_CategoryEntity()
    CategoryID = 12,
    CategoryName = "hi"
string json = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(a);



using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.Sql;

namespace My_Entity.Abstracts
    using My_Entity.Interfaces;

    public abstract class Entity<T> : List<T>, IEntity where T : new()
        private String _OrderColumn;
        private String _Order = "asc";
        private Int32? _PageIndex = 1;
        private Int32? _RowsPage = 10;
        protected readonly Dictionary<string, SqlDbType> _FilterFieldsSqlDbType;

        public String OrderColumn
            get { return _OrderColumn; }
            set { _OrderColumn = value; }
        public String Order
            get { return _Order; }
            set { _Order = value; }
        public Int32? PageIndex
            get { return _PageIndex; }
            set { _PageIndex = value; }
        public Int32? RowsPage
            get { return _RowsPage; }
            set { _RowsPage = value; }

        public Entity()
            _FilterFieldsSqlDbType = new Dictionary<string, SqlDbType>()
                { "OrderColumn", SqlDbType.VarChar },
                { "Order", SqlDbType.VarChar },
                { "PageIndex", SqlDbType.Int },
                { "RowsPage", SqlDbType.Int },

        public abstract SqlDbType GetSqlDbType(string PropertyName);

        public abstract bool IsIdentity(string PropertyName);

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