如何使用 esc 键关闭灯箱页面叠加


我有关于灯箱的问题请参阅我的jsFiddle http://jsfiddle.net/sambodhiprem/R9RGJ/4/。 单击其中一张图像将打开该画作的更大版本作为页面叠加层。

How to use the ESC key to close this page overlay?


我需要什么样的 jQuery 插件/javascript 才能实现这一点?

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                        <a href="#Fly-My-Pretties-Walled-Garden">
                            <img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/works-for-sale/thumbs/Fly-my-Pretties-Walled-Garden-sm.jpg" alt="Fly My Pretties: Walled Garden">
                            <span>Fly My Pretties</span>                        </a>
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                            <img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/2010-2011/1000px-wide/Fly-my-Pretties-Walled-Garden.jpg" alt="Fly My Pretties: Walled Garden">
                                <h3>Fly My Pretties: Walled Garden<span>mixed media on canvas</span></h3>
                                <p>72 x 137 cm</p>
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                            <img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/works-for-sale/thumbs/Central-Highlands-Circle-of-Gold-sm.jpg" alt="Central Highlands: Circle of Gold">
                            <span>Circle of Gold</span>                     </a>
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                            <img src="http://sandipa.com.au/images/works-for-sale/Central-Highlands-Circle-of-Gold.jpg" alt="Central Highlands: Circle of Gold">
                                <h3>Central Highlands: Circle of Gold<span>mixed media on canvas</span></h3>
                                <p>51 x 108 cm</p>
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纯 Javascript Lightbox 或 Image Popup Modal 的完整实现可以在我的答案中找到https://stackoverflow.com/a/67169851/8210884 https://stackoverflow.com/a/67169851/8210884.

上面链接中提到的这个答案允许处理隐藏灯箱的问题ESC键以及使用 Lightbox 中的图像进行导航Left and Right箭头键。


隐藏灯箱ESC key :

  if(event.keyCode==27){ // If ESC key is pressed
    if(document.getElementById("lightbox-container").classList.contains("showcontainer")){ // LIGHTBOX ON

在 Lightbox 中浏览网页上的所有图像左、右箭头键 :

else if(event.keyCode==37) { // Left arrow key
    if(document.getElementById("lightbox-container").classList.contains("showcontainer")){ // LIGHTBOX ON
      // first get the URL of image displayed in the LIGHT BOX
      var currimgsrc = document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").getAttribute("src");

      // now match the sequence number in the array 
      var serialofarray = 0;
        if(currimgsrc == allimgurlarray[k][2]){
          serialofarray = allimgurlarray[k][0];

      // with LEFT arrow, we are supposed to reduce the sequence and then use its ATTR SRC to LIGHT BOX
        serialofarray = allimgurlarray.length - 1;
      else {
        serialofarray = serialofarray - 1;
      console.log("Left Arrow : "+serialofarray);
      document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").setAttribute("src", allimgurlarray[serialofarray][2]);

  else if(event.keyCode==39) { // Right Arrow Key
      // first get the URL of image displayed in the LIGHT BOX
      var currimgsrc = document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").getAttribute("src");

      // now match the sequence number in the array 
      var serialofarray = 0;
        if(currimgsrc == allimgurlarray[l][2]){
          serialofarray = allimgurlarray[l][0];

      // with RIGHT arrow, we are supposed to increase the sequence and then use its ATTR SRC to LIGHT BOX
        serialofarray = 0;
      else {
        serialofarray = serialofarray + 1;
      console.log("Right Arrow : "+serialofarray);
      document.getElementById("lightbox-cont-img").setAttribute("src", allimgurlarray[serialofarray][2]);

这些有条件的情况涉及按键事件被解决在document.onkeydown = function(event).

下面的这段代码对于禁用默认行为IMG 标签上的按键事件以及将网页上的所有图像堆叠起来在数组中,以允许使用向左和向右箭头键在 Lightbox 中导航。

// Select all A tags with IMG child nodes
var atagswithimgtag = document.querySelectorAll("a[href]");

// then prevent the default behaviour of A tags by preventing of opening new page by HREF
// as well as collect all the HREF of A tags with images to enable RIGHT and LEFT arrow key
var allimgurlarray = [];
  var childAIMGtag = atagswithimgtag[i].childNodes;
  if (childAIMGtag[0].nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) // or if (el[i].nodeType != 3)
    // this seems too be a A tag with IMG tag as Childnode

    // first we need to prevent the default behaviour of opening the IMG in New Tab
    atagswithimgtag[i].addEventListener("click", function(event){

    // second is when we need to fill image URL aray with A HREF
    var listofnodes = atagswithimgtag[i];
    allimgurlarray[i] = [];
    allimgurlarray[i][0] = i;
    allimgurlarray[i][1] = " Image URL is ";//listofnodes.getAttributeNode("title").value;
    allimgurlarray[i][2] = listofnodes.getAttributeNode("href").value;

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